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Its Time for Another

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Everything posted by Its Time for Another

  1. I'm guessing Club's request to recover the $800k we lost when the Alice game was cancelled.
  2. These are great ideas. You should email the Club. Seems very fair to say MCC members who have had paid up memberships of their AFL club for 10 years have priority in the ballot. But unfortunately the ballot is run at the beginning of the finals not GF week. But that's what they should do.
  3. Met Ray Biffin a few times. His father Leo worked for my father. I used to go hang with him at work when I was a little tacker. If you asked Leo I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have thought he was hanging with me. Anyhow.... He used to slip me an old redundant MFC training ball every now and then. Met the great Ronald Dale at his pub once through a mutual friend. Had a long chat. Told him he was the reason I supported the club watching him on the Happy Hammond show when he did the Western Star footy clinic every Saturday when I was the only person awake in our household. He had a laugh and was delightful. Couldn't believe what his fingers were like. The knuckles were so swollen from being bent back and broken by balls that the knuckles met a long way out from the fingers. Met Robbie at the old MSD sports store where he worked at the end of 1980 . I went in to buy something and there he was on his own no one else around. We had a long chat. He was quite candid in saying he loved Carl Ditterich as his coach and didn't know why they had replaced him with Barrass. It was before Barrass started. LIke Binman and others he was my idle. No. 2 is still my favourite number. I got tennis lessons from Todd Viney for a while at the Junction Oval. Without a doubt the best tennis coach I ever had. He was still playing and it was a bonus to sneak in a few footy questions during lessons. I met a bunch of the players at the 2011 B & F. My son was about 12 and playing footy. He was a nightmare at getting to eat vegetables so I went around the room and got a bunch of the players to say into my phone Charlie eat your broccoli if you want to be a great player. Jack Watts was particularly great saying Charlie I hear you're like me a skinny, tall, CHF. Take it from me you gotta munch on that broccoli if you want to become a great player. Liam Jurrah was hysterical. He didn't know what the hell I was talking about but did it anyway with a great grin on his face. Got a few others as well. Had a great chat to Aaron Davey with a group of other supporters and he was saying he thought Bailey was trying to get them to execute a game plan they couldn't execute. I believe it was the two way running it's only taken them 10 years to finally master.
  4. As I understand it Selwyn Griffiths was the fitness and conditioning guru at Lions who was credited for a lot of their build up the ladder fitness wise. We poached him end of last season and he's being mentored by Burgess this year. He sounds like he's in the mix amongst the best with Burgess, and Russell at Blues. Here's hoping.
  5. Where did you get this totl from. Its not on the website
  6. Hard to believe he's only 19. Looks like he has a fully developed mature body already and has great game and aerial judgement. Only knock I can see at this stage is possibly a lack of pace but it's obviously a very small sample at this point. Looked right at home immediately. Other than pace he looks a more complete footballing package than Smith.
  7. The official MCG measurements are 160 x 141. Is the distance between the boundary and the fence 7metre. That seems like too much.
  8. The interesting thing about upgrading Gosch's to MCG size is why would this be announced in a few weeks with State Govt funding which has already been announced if there's an immediate chance that MFC will have to move elsewhere if they fail to reach agreement to build the facilities there. It seems to me to be a very solid indication that the facilities will ultimately happen around the Goschs precinct.
  9. And so it begins. "There have been rumours swirling recently that Melbourne’s Luke Jackson is homesick and misses family and friends in Perth. These have been flatly denied and the Demons are not concerned about losing him any time soon given he’s contracted until the end of 2022," Has anyone on DL heard these rumours. First I've heard of it. Always the worry drafting young Western Australians but he's coming into a very different environment than the one Jesse Hogan came into when he was only a 17yr old. So hopefully a very different scenario with hopefully a very different individual, who also has his best mate, Rivers, here playing with him. Always a bit of a worry when a young player doesn't sign a longer term extension than just one year. We'll now be on the merry go round with him until we get a more meaningful extension than the repeat 2 year ones that Hogan would only make.
  10. I was having a lend. GWS makes sense. What a huge benefit to the Club it would be if that happened.
  11. I really hope they do this. Ideally it would be the Cats game. That GMBH Stadium is a seething sess pool of Covid. Can't have the game there under any circumstances. Just please don't transfer any of them to Cairns.
  12. Got Mrs IT coming again with me and the boy. And bringing a couple of friends. Went out and bought everyone fresh MND beanies from my local Bunnings up here. Very surprised I could do that up here. Impressive. No one up here would have a clue what they are. This has been the worst 10 days financially in the Clubs history. $1.8mill lost just like that. Seem so absurd not to have allowed QB to go ahead. Thrilled to get to see it up here but appreciate the terrible cost to the Club. Have tickets booked to come down and see the Dons game. Hope it's on. That would unexpectedly make 3 in a row. One of the bigger seasons I've had adding on to the Saints game earlier in the year. How things have changed. I went to that 2nd rounder with a couple of mates and all of us expecting it to be a loss because they were top 4 bound and we would be scrapping to make 8th. Perspective is just a bit different now especially after Friday.
  13. OK. I didn't realise there were separate soccer and rugby fields there. My theory would have worked if the soccer team was leaving and you just had the two rugby teams who could both play on the one field which could be put at the existing Goschs paddock. I guess they're not going to put different sports lines on the one training field like we all grew up dealing with. Red lines for soccer, white for rugby or whatever. That would solve it.
  14. I did a bit of basic measuring on a map and if the Rebels move out to Melton and only one rectangular field is required they could switch that to where the Gosch's oval is now and at a certain angle could put in an MCG sized oval where the rectangular fields are now. This fits in with someone I know saying they saw a group of MFC people with some MOPA and possibly Govt people walking somewhere around those rectangular fields with something that looked like plans. This is directly adjacent to where I think the most likely place is for a facilities building over the existing car park at AAMI Park facing Goschs. So those facilities would look directly over the MCG sized oval. Too good to refuse. To be fair that sighting might mean nothing. But then again it might mean something.
  15. If you grab a coffee anywhere at the Entertainment Quarter they will stamp your parking ticket and it makes it a flat rate of something like $15. They'll even do it at the pub as you're walking by going to the game.
  16. Thanks @Rodney (Balls) Grinter Have been dealing with a family issue and had to head out of town so only just saw this. Here’s an update on my night. I had previously mentioned that Mrs IT finally joined me for an MFC game. First time 28 years. Plus our kids came too. Half way through the first quarter she’s not looking anymore and says I didn’t come out here to see them play badly. Half wat through the second she said she was going to leave. I politely told her that won’t be happening. I said they’ll come back and have a famous win. By the end she was screaming louder than anyone else, embarrassing our daughter no end. On Saturday morning I listened to her singing the song to herself in the shower. She remembered about 3 words and tra lala’ed the rest. Had a big laugh to myself. She’s coming to QB now. Go Dees. One of the great wins. I still can’t believe we got to see it live.
  17. For sure it wouldn't be happening without that but they have been flat chat creating all sorts of different ways of getting people to take out memberships that weren't around before. Credit where credits due.
  18. Awesome news. You've got to admire what Pert and the membership team have been able to do in these crap times. No small feat.
  19. ticketmaster. Just go to Sport and it pops up. https://www.ticketmaster.com.au/melbourne-v-brisbane-lions-olympic-park-04-06-2021/event/13005AC1A2905847
  20. Probably need to reverse those volume instructions. What do you want me to yell in the unlikely event they kick a goal.
  21. I'll put in some extra loud ones for you mate. I really feel for you. Us interstaters don't get many of these opportunities and I really love watching the Alice game. I flew up to Darwin a few years ago for the game up there and it was an amazing experience. Am planning to get to Alice at some stage. Haven't been there for a while. It's a real shame.
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