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Everything posted by Wolfmother

  1. Thought I would start this topic after reading some stuff on one of the other threads about stars at the MFC. The way I rate a star is one that every club wants and is the who's who of the AFL world. I'm talking Voss, Hird and Buckley and currently speaking Judd, Ablett, Swan maybe Pavlich(although because they are interstate they get less air time) I don't think the MFC has had a star since R.Flower. We had some potential and some great players but no real stars. Players like Neitz, Stynes, Viney were great players especially for our club but weren't in that top five in the competition every year like the players mentioned above. Someone like Neitz reminds me of Matthew Richardson who was a great player never really the star maybe the 10 - 20 type player. The players I'm thinking of are in Mike Sheehan top 5/10 every year. I know between 96-98 G.Lyon was rated no 3 in the comp by him and if he hadn't had the back issues could definitely been a star same goes for the Ox. The reason I say this is we need one of those stars from this next crop especially as I believe it helps the marketability of the club. Although he has been in threads for all the wrong reasons this week I think Tom Scully could be the best player to play for the MFC since R.Flower. I have watched him closely and his attributes and professional has me believing he will be one of those special players, big call, and this is not about putting pressure on a player in his second season just think he has that potential just like the Ox before the knee injuries. What are peoples thoughts I know a few rate Trangove higher than Scully so hopefully one is star of the comp preferable two...
  2. Ox I have read the breaking news thread and agree with its contents... I just don't agree with a poster bringing an argue from another site to here and then doing the 'do you have the balls to call me a [deleted] here'... Then the poster goes back on bigfooty and calls me a liar???? What because the mods on bigfooty don't ban people he wants to bring an argument here to make the mods here have to do something. Sorry I have postered here long enough for people to know if I make sh^t up or not and don't need some %^$^%$%^$% to say differently. I only post this stuff to let others know what maybe occurring and reason for such things, not to big note or make up crap. Some of us have the opportunity to meet people in the FD who give us general information, i would rather share that information with the site as I have not always had such a luxury and was always thankful to those on this site who pass anything on. maybe I am in the minority???
  3. if you want to come on here asking why I posted it and not take the explanation for what it is then I will continue to defend it.... We will go around and around in circles with me calling you a [censored]... Have a read of the other post why I said what I said, I'm lucky to have discussed these matters with the person one on one and think some of the people on here would like to know what Tom thinks about it. If you think I broke Tom's confidence then good on you... If you didn't know Tom was being played on the outside and wants to play in the guts then I may have to upgrade the [deleted] to something else
  4. LOL... It was the guy who rang up AW but I wonder where they saw it.... If you want I'll write it, you ring AW and we boom we can screw the filth.
  5. No it wouldn't but everyone needs to know the club is doing everything it can and Tom isn't holding off talks just because of GWS this was the plan since he was drafted.
  6. Here is a post from Bigfooty I just made: Funny because I was that poster. I hope I haven't started this sh^t fight because here is the timeline which looks interesting... 1/ I found out the rumour Xmas eve. 2/ Spoke to Scully about the rumour Boxing Day... had a laugh as he hasn't discussed his contract with anyone. (the rumour was he had signed) 3/ After the rumour hasn't come out for a month thought it was sh^t and a mate pulling our leg... hence posted on the 26th of Jan in reply to someone concerned on the Melbourne Board about GWS and mention this rumour as an example of crap we will here over the course of this season especially as Scully won't discuss his contract until the end of the year which was planned since May Last year. 4/ Rumoured as fact on AW on the 1st of Feb 5/ reported in the Herald Sun 3rd of Feb httphttp://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/af...-1225999109227 6/ Jon Ralph joins the debate http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/af...-1225999851531 7/ effects the AGM and Mark Steven http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/af...-1226000621248 Overall it looks a simple post stating the sh^t rumours you will hear can effect mainstream media... that and Mark Stevens definitely uses Bigfooty as a source Sorry if I started this sh^tfight because timeline looks like I may have...
  7. Just lucky enough to have had dinner and coffee with him a couple of times and spoken to him directly about his contract, future contracts, money, being poached, earning capacity amongst other things including what he likes and doesn't like at the MFC etc etc (including putting the rumour to him on boxing day last year before the media beat up we've had in the last week), although I doubt he would tell me if he was going to GWS he would also be a little cagey if the six million dollar question was asked. I enjoy all the information on this site that posters provide especially training reports, people at AGM etc etc (all the stuff I can't attend including 2009 when I was overseas in the Solomon Islands and only was able to see a Melbourne game on telly every six weeks (I lived on this site)) I thought if I can provide some info on certain topics then why not, as we are all supporters of the same club and nothing I'm posting is privileged. Tom wants to be a one club player but in his words would be crazy not to look at GWS offer because he is only in this game for a short period and his earning potential is reduce after the game (smart kid), the offer would have to be pretty special for him to move but with what the GWS has up its sleeve it well could be... no other clubs would have the room to offer a big enough incentive for him to leave. He is happy playing football and doesn't want to talk turkey as he feels he just started in the game and is more determined to be the best because he that driven than because it would effect his next contract. *** If anyone feels that journo would read this and write up Tom considering GWS offer or similar I am happy to delete the post. This information is more for demonlanders (MFC faithfully) and needs to be taken in context****
  8. No one at the club has spoke to Tom about his contract including Schwabby, CC or Bailey and no one will thus we won't have any issues with him being pushed like ablett all talks occur between his manager and the club. The club has put multiple contracts to tom management with all sorts of different things, they pushed and put heaps of pressure on his management to resign last year mid season with Trengove and Tapscott. i'm not sure if the offers even get to Tom, but he just wants to play footy finish his first contract and then talk about it. The plan has been the same since the start of last year and although this will drag out because of the media I'm confident he'll stay.
  9. Don't worry he doesn't read demonland although he knows about it... He couldn't believe the training report (size and depth) completed in November and was wondering who the person was that completed them as they didn't notice a regular at training. He'll stay at MFC unless the offer is too good to refuse not just a little better. He won't re-sign to the end of season, this means nothing and has been the plan since April/May last year.
  10. Funny just looked at the link and the photos and besides the stef martin one they all look red... didn't appear that way in person
  11. I was at the game and the jumpers look pink, both my wife and I commented the same and I actually thought they were using last years jumpers for the cancer when I first got there until the players ran towards where I was standing... Not happy with the colour but looks like we are stuck with it
  12. Of course he'll take that into consideration but if the figures are true it is double or 2.5 times his MFC salary for next year.... he's not staying for MCG, mates, flags etc etc and why would he
  13. Would be interesting to know the source???? I spoke to Mr Scully who stated he hadn't spoken to anyone about his contract next year including MFC and GWS (maybe he's lying to me He did say that if GWS were to offer him a sh^t load he would look at it or words to the effect 'I would be stupid not to consider it.' Source: T Scully
  14. Petterd was circulated by Melbourne supporters not in general... All the names above were mentioned but not constantly
  15. All in all I'm glad there are some people on here that see the players owe the club nothing and don't believe because they were drafted or spent two years at a club they are at the clubs beckon call. As for this rumour I spoke to Tom about it directly on Boxing Day and said he hasn't spoken to anyone about his contract for next year.... so the rumour that he has signed seem false, that doesn't mean GWS hasn't approached Scully management but he hasn't looked at deals wants to play this year before discussing contracts
  16. I don't believe the club is almighty has the right to do as it please but wants ultimate loyal from players (fan are a different thing. Loyalty and respect is a two way street if the club doesn't provide that loyalty to the players, I find it difficult to see why we hold the players to a higher standard???
  17. MR Scully can't attend Sunday at the direction of the FD... Although he did mention something about not having to put up with demonlanders for much longer which was a little strange
  18. His manager is Alister Lynch at velocitysports who does all the contract negotiations, Mark Kleiman handles the day to day stuff
  19. Yeah the club pick him only for his personal honour, they did what was the best thing for the club which was to pick the best talented player, he was going to be a superstar whoever took him so I wouldn't read too much into this development thing as any club hes at would provide this... The club probably owed Cam Bruce a two year contract considering he played for a decade... the club didn't think so.... people who thought james Macca forced retirement and cam bruces treatment would instill to young players that this is a professional business may want to re consider
  20. Why he owes the club nothing... if we didn't draft him someone else would of it's not a Mckenzie who was rookie listed. The issue I have with this rumour is the ones that persisted last year with GC... brown, harbrow, ablett all ended up true... This one doesn't want to die
  21. If Mr Scully is offered that sort of Money he will take it (no doubts about it in my opinion)... MFC can't compete and this bulls%t about after football being off is crap because he could have millions working for him from his third year in investments... He doesn't live near Casey because he moved closer to the city to be near AMMI... He also knows that he is only in the game for a short time and if the money is there he should take it. He wants to be a one club player but not at his own expense... Also the info on Big Footy was from me so it is the same source as funky41
  22. This might be perfect, do the BBQ, coach and start in the midfield (and yes Rollo I prefer God from you).... watch out guys I'm coming out of retirement if we can't get the numbers
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