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Posts posted by Wolfmother

  1. I noticed that Gary Lyon has $11 odds to couch next year. I also recall Lyon saying he spoke to Tom regularly. Wonder if Tom will stay next year with Gary as coach.

    Probably connecting dots that shouldn't be connected, but this thread is famed for that so why not :)

    I think they have only caught up once but said here my number if you need to talk to someone away from the club. Gary told Tom he won't be coaching he earns more now and has less stress. He said senior coaches live and breath football every second of the day and he admires their commitment but thats not him.

  2. I think these 3rd party agreements are a joke anyway and shouldn't be allowed. But the facts are they are allowed, at least 114 players in the league have them and the only clubs that don't are us and North. Now that we want to use a 3rd party agreement for one of our players the rules have suddenly been "tightened".

    TS already has a third party agreement possible two and I think a few players and north have them always so I think you might be wrong on that point.

  3. I did ask in the other thread but noone responded, so I'd like to ask again: can someone say what Barrett said on TFS last night? Missed it cos of Le Tour.

    post #2062 in other thread

  4. I don't know, why did you?

    You have no right to tell me to 'drop it' TimD. Who the hell do you think you are?

    I'll listen to the Mods and abide by their rules, even if I don't particularly like them. But I won't be bullied by an upstart like you who thinks I have no right to ask questions.

    I am as passionate and patriotic as the next supporter and I reckon something stinks about what we've seen unfold with the Tom Scully saga this year.

    Our own President Jim Stynes has said that the entry of GWS into the competition has "just caused a lot of deception in our game" and that it's "causing players basically to lie --- lie to their families, friends, their mates".

    That's a very sad state of affairs but if the big fella is saying it, then I sure as hell believe him.

    Whether that is what has occurred here with Tom Scully, I don't know conclusively. But what we've got is a former champion of the club - David Schwarz - coming out and saying that it has. And he's now backed up by a host of journalists who are saying or implying the same thing.

    As supporters who invest in and support our club through thick and thin, surely we have a right to know what the hell is going on!

    Problem is ... I doubt we ever will.

    Now your bringing Jimmy into your arguments... seriously

  5. Right in the centre of crown is the sports bar that has three huge screens which the football will be on..

    The other is the steak house which is the old All stars cafe... it has all the sports going (eight screens with three main projector screens) and the most popular usually has the sounds so that will most likely be the AFL game (the steak house is near the cinema at the south wharf end

  6. If you've got an issue PM me.

    Sorry Fan rather than us all PM you can you explain the reasons in public

    If RR, BB59 and RobbieF want to argue with Kento, Rcfc, nasher etc who cares it isn't hurting anyone

  7. I like everything you have written but the only comment I will make is that when his managements advised Tom of their strategic timeline choice they would have been negligent if they had also not told him what the repercussions of the choice would be . It is little surprise to me that this has erupted as it has. The minute you combine a complete end of contract decision timeline with the knowledge that GWS will be throwing huge dollars for him to move, the outcome we have now was inevitable.

    Compare that Kreuzer who received a GWS offer, received a Carlton offer - immediately rejected one - took the Carlton one and story over - except he is being hailed as a Saint.

    So whilst I support Tom and choose to believe everything that TS/Velocity and MFC have said and am hopeful he will stay, the timeline is TS/velocity's choosing and therefore so is the uproar that has ensued.

    You and me both would advise Tom differently but he is know stubbornly going to wait (confirmed by him that he is stubborn) mainly because he said he hadn't had an offer which he was lying and he said he would wait and he won't lie about that either (don't know if I agree with his decision there but again I have spoken to him since the GWS offer was announced)

    Everything he says points to him staying but waiting until the end of the year also points to taking a GWS offer as you can't announce your leaving mid season, but I don't think that's how Tom is seeing it... Hopefully if he does resign he gives everyone a bake in the press conference about doubting him

  8. Well maybe not ... maybe Barrett & Ox just want to believe their "source". They now have a hell of a lot riding on this Scully Saga.

    Demonland will want to believe their "source". Other may prefer to believe their "source".

    Its not just Ox and Barrett, it includes Stevens, Sheehan and McGuire

  9. No, but it does say that he and his camp are willing to have mud thrown at them without vigorously fighting back.

    I am simply asking why?

    Its because it doesn't matter what he says they will write what they want and people like you won't believe him regardless... He spoke to me about the media conference that the MFC media manager wanted him to do (also the fact that got into the media because he hadn't told anyone about the conversation with our media guy although I clarified how that could of happened)... He refused not because he had something to hide but because he thought it was a bad idea... He said I'll be giving one of these every week because the media keeps writing about it (although when we had a be this topic nearly got off the front page of the forum) so do I have to address every rumour that is published?? (smart kid) I have stated my position at the start of the year. I haven't signed anything blah blah read his press conference.

    Does that answer your question

  10. Just for those that have missed an obvious point. Scully has indeed made a demand of the club, that he WONT commit until the end of the season , if inddeed he does. Now some may see this as a nonsense but as its the crux of the matter I hardly see how it is. Many different options come into play at season's end that arent there now that is if there are indeed any real options at all.

    As RB, Myself, RR and others have already noted here the environment in which all this is taking place has changed from when the initial gambit of "I wont sign til eos 2011" was announced.

    Much about anything in life is the position of one's motive. There must be something terribly terribly important about the timing ( and its associated possibilites) that has Scully/ Velocity adamant about not signing now. Many other players arent taking this repose. They are adjusting as deals and offers are made.

    Some wil lsay, well he's entitled to do so. In a fashion I cant disagree. Bu tin theface of all things it really smacks of an ulterior reasoning. What more does he need to know ? He knows what GWS have on the table..He knows what MFC has on the table. Its irrelevant in reality what transpires at the CBA..So again What ?

    I hear the deafening silence from those that suggest "all is well" . If there is nothing untoward then there is only benefits to the club and himself to sign now. . He could probably get an instant pay rise in doing so. Irregardless of what the AFL say .. The club would sit easier, the fans would sit easier , the focus would return to footy and this is his want after all...supposedly all about the footy. But he doesnt . Why ?

    This kid would make one hell of a poker player !!!

    He didn't demand a think stated he doesn't want to discuss contracts until the end of the year, he never said he won't play unless you pay me XXXX for all you know Tom may have been comfortable playing for 300K next season but the club has decided he is worth more.... get it the CLUB made the offer

    He also has requested not to know the GWS offer (besides the media reports) his management have told him it is substantial and it is worth consideration they have not sent him the offer (I know you are going to say this doesn't happen in the real world but you'll need to back that up as I can). This is so he doesn't have to consider it and let it interfere with football of course rounds 23 and 24 he'll start going over the details.

    The kid may have to knock back 400K a year to play with Melbourne which is a huge possibility so don't you think he wants to take his time to ensure that is the right decision for him as there will never be another situation like this (with hugely inflated salary caps as even in free agency all the clubs will have a salary cap they are 92.5% committed to)

  11. Wolf - does Tom know that you post on this forum?

    Yeah laughs at me all the time... Got on here with him and Jack Fitzpatrick last year and they couldn't believe the amount of reporting on pre-season training, analysis of games they thought it was pretty funny that people paid them so much attention (you forgot they are kids)

    Most of the stuff I post isn't news breaking and I wouldn't put alot of stuff on here that we talk about because everyone would have a heart attack that the kid might have an opinion of something that isn't the standard yes/no one game at a time answer. 'm just backing up the media profile with what I see in person as I think alot on here have smashed him because its not what they would do

  12. ok i'll spell it out.

    If Sylvia holds the club to ransom then I'll come down on him just as hard. Mind you the club hasn't had to face the same distraction over Sylvia that it has over Scully so I can't understand why you would even compare the two scenarios.

    Now you answer my question; what are the similarities between the two? How many times a day do you think the players get asked about the Sylvia signing compared to the Scully signing?

    How much has Sylvia's management asked for, and do you think it would have been easier to satisfy him if Scully's management hadn't tried to rape the club?

    That should be easy for you.

    Can you please point me to the place where Scully has made a demand.... Sylvia has and said the offer you have put to me isn't acceptable maybe give him a kick in the ass.

  13. Question for Wolfmother?

    I love Tom and respect and understand his contract situation, however surely now he knows were he wants to play next year and beyond, he knows the offers by both GWS and MFC but there comes a time when you have to stop beating around the bush/cut to the chase and just at least say ''i'm leaving or'' ''no i will be at Melbourne next year but i will sort out contract details at seasons end as i said i would". Tom will earn huge money at Melbourne next year and beyond and sure too be well setup for life at the MFC. Tom should know the he and the rest of the team have the potential to be a powerhouse in a few years but he is badly needed for some assistance in making that dream hopefully come true. The simple fact of the matter is, this whole situation is tearing both the club and members up because we want our ( Chris Judd/ Nathan Buckley) the of player who may earn superstar status, something Melbourne hasnt had since 1964!!!

    I like many really want him to be the next captain.

    What Gubby Allen said on the footy show a couple of weeks back is an absolute crock s@#%t. GWS will not win the flag in 2015/16, despite the money they are throwing at players like Scully, Walker, Palmer, Ward, Thomas, Pendlebury etc. and draft picks it wont happen!!!

    Powerhouse teams like Collingwood, Hawthorn, Carlton and Geelong all have btw 40 - 70,000 members, Strong sponsors, Strong corprate support, state of the art facilties and rescoures for players and top coaches. GWS will not have any of that, certainly not for a long time anyway!!!!

    Sorry mate missed the question :)

    Why he hasn't signed I have no idea.... why he hasn't found out GWS offer I have no idea.... Will he wait to the end of the end, I pretty certain he will maybe because he will announce that he is going I have no idea.

    In a past life I was a copper, I was regularly interviewing crooks as I was more into the crime side of the police force. I have tried to catch him out in many ways and with many different discussion to see if he is lying or any indication that he might be going and I haven't seen anything to make me think that he has already made a decision to go, all the language/talk (this is not the obvious are you going or staying questions but secondary language) points to staying. Like I have stated before I don't believe it as I think the money will be too much, but my read is on staying... .either that or Tom's a better liar that 25year crooks who nothing else for a living....

  14. So what is holding him back?

    We have put our best offer on the table, all credit given to Velocity & Tom for waiting. We are requesting a decision to help stablise our season so we can all concentrate on probably the 8 most important games in the last 10 years. We are in a holding pattern with many of his team mates that you paint he deeply thinks about and cares for. We have a coach who, those next 8 games could well determine his coaching career, which Tom seems to get on with very well. We have acted now to try to stop many of the rumours, innuendo & speculation regarding Tom character.

    Seems in the negotiation process we have given all we can. Only one person can end it all now.

    So I ask again. So what is holding him back?

    "Tom and his management made it clear that they wouldn't make a decision to the end of the season." Surely it could be the end of the season now for our football club, many key players & our coach if they cant concentrate 100% on these next 8 games.

    Please actions speak louder than words. Unless he is waiting for something else, this whole saga could get a whole lot worse.

    I truly wish I knew but even when I spoke to him a couple of weeks ago (although there were no offers) he said he will stay his course because that is the plan that he agreed to and will follow his word. In the same conversation he did ask are supporters getting angry at him for waiting (similar to Cam.S why don't they believe my words) because he can't understand why he has to let outside influence effect his timeframe.

    I'm never going to part of his inner circle that will look at both offers and do the pros and cons. This type of situation which the AFL has created will only come once in their career which as he said ' 18 months ago I was hoping to play a game of AFL now I will have to make the biggest decision of my life'. Overall he wants to stay a demon but at certain level the money becomes to good to refuse its up to GWS if they want to may him that.

    You asked what is he like which I rudely haven't replied yet.... He is a mature young kid that loves football, never have I thought money was his driver but he is trying to rapidly adjust to a life that is played out in the media, the harsh reality of professional football (Jnr Macs departure was sudden and brutal and made them realise how good you can be playing and still get the axe without seeing it coming(them being the younger footballers)) and the fishbowl that is the AFL. He has rapidly changed in the past 12 months since he started and this year will be another huge learning curve. Its the sort of person you want on your team as you know he will do everything possible to succeed.

  15. In response to the few that think MFC haven't put themselves in the position.

    Tom and his management made it clear that they wouldn't make a decision to the end of the season. Melbourne could still produce this offer in round 23 but they choose to bring it forward to round 15 hence their is now an offer from GWS as well (looks like the AFL have thrown out the rule book again about mid season approaches). I have no issue with the MFC talking turkey with the management as that's their job.

    But now as you can see from this board people are stating that he should bring the decision forward because of special circumstances and that him waiting is dis-stabilizing the club well the MFC created these special circumstances by tabling the offer early hence they have themselves to blame if it is 'actually' causing issues within the club (I doubt it is).

  16. Sorry mate nothing from a couple of weeks ago was to catch up for dinner but lost my phone at the bulldogs game and only got it replaced today.

    All the small things he states seem to me like he is staying at melbourne but I don't really want to believe it as the money seems to much.

  17. Think it'd be different though. Scully would be showing massive faith in the other players at MFC if so.

    Plus, they could always take Cale Morton this year. (Please oh please)

    How hasn't he... he wants to wait until the end of his contract to look at a new contract their is nothing much in it besides the media beat up

  18. I'm sick of it also. Its turned a lacklusture season into a shambles. I'm becoming more and more resentful of the afl, scully, the media and the game itself. There are lies everywhere, highlighted by the fact that they claimed all qlong they wouldnt discuss contracts until seasons end but here we are at round 17 and its confirmed they are accepting offers. The club can say all they want but when news reporters are chasing your players down the street during training there has to be a deststabilizing affect. Im at the point where I want this over with, stay or go. Also, what are the long term ramifications of paying this kid over the odds and letting the tail wag the dog in terms of contract demands?

    people need to remember that TOM HASN'T DEMANDED A THING!!!! the offers are from the MFC and what they think he's worth. I know for a fact he's not very keen on third party deals and opportunity that other players are getting because he wants to be only one player at the club not the only player at the club.

    If everyone respected his decision to wait until the end of the season then this wouldn't of happened. The MFC only have themselves to blame for making an offer at the Hall of Fame dinner.

  19. Begs the question.

    Why did his management not recommend he sign it then in your opinion? Did they not for see the rumour speculation and innuendo?

    If Tom signs with MFC will their not be speculation with Trengove, Gysbert et al next year. They thought he would be a better position to negotiate at the end of his first contract rather than take a small increase over three years which was what the extension was about but still didn't put him outside the moving to GWS (which is a huge bargaining chip, and if he goes means the MFC have the uphand next year when over 50% of the list comes out of contract)

    Trengove most likely extended the contract and instead of being on 110K and 130K a season he is on 200K a season. So in his third season he is actually on 360K a season which is the standard size contract. If the 600K offer is true Scully made a better decision to wait.

  20. Now.. back to your ability to state he hasnt...How do you support that. Dont say,just because he says so as thats unsubstatiated. It only goes to what he says.

    If something hasn't occurred how besides denial of said subject could you possible produce evidence. As someone who has produce many brief of evidences for court your statement has no logic

  21. rpfc and co...you can not say with certainty that anyone , in this instance Scully has not signed anything. You have no evidence to support such a statement. What you can say is that you "believe' he has not signed anything...and that is your perogative. But dont overtate actualities please.

    About the only thing that holds up to scrutiny by all reports is that recently the MFc has mnade an offer of 3 million ovver 5 years to Velocity. . Seems somewhat unbeleivable that even through common courtesy the club wouldnt not have mentioned this figure to the individual concerned as well... We also can take it that GWS have a 5 mil over 5 year offer on the table. But we , well ceertainly I dotn take it as read that this has only just manifested itself as I trust neither Velocity nor GWS. But there is no reason for the MFC to be misrepresenting itself here.

    This reminds me somewhat of playig a hand of Misere in 500. Only some things are known...all else is summised.

    I think I can say with certainty that he hasn't signed the only people that says he has are people with impeccable sources??? So until they name them I think you should show a little respect. The club doesn't speak to the players about contracts or extensions. Just because you don't believe it (like that fact he hasn't sign or looked at offers) that doesn't mean that its the case.

    Although the club put pressure on Tom to extend last year it was all on his management no one from the club approached him directly. The football department don;t want contracts ruining the year as players are always coming out of contract hence they don't involve themselves in any of that.

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