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Posts posted by Wolfmother

  1. Took on the job??? It was the only job he was offered as he failed to get the job at the others he applied for

    Change of culture, rebuild lack of fitness (isn't it funny how its now reported that's neeld fitness regime is being questioned as incorrect by other clubs) is all excuses made by mark neeld.

    He was a poor coach lacked man management skills (hence the reason he missed the job in Adelaide) and he couldn't coach a list ie get the best out of them rather he had a theory and he stayed to it stubbornly... He might be a nice guy but he is a [censored] coach

  2. Damn Brent had a bad year last year but he was a good player... He would be automatic top 18 at our club especially how bad out midfield is

    Neeld was the worst afl coach ever who total stuff the club and has a playing list not playing for him

    Brent had every right to give him a backhander after how he was treated by neeld... You are a crap footballer who is no good and everything you have done for the last ten years means nothing (a few other players would want to say te same thing)

  3. I clearly remember that he used the line 'something needs to be done', as opposed to 'Mark Neeld should be sacked now'. Dunstall kept pressing him and he kept parroting that line. It was one of the worst analyses of a coaching situation I had seen. The numbers weren't flattering. But King's solution was just a monumental dodge.

    Don't know how many times it was discussed but they showed the footage from may 2012 a fortnight ago on one of the fox shows and he said "sack" and "admit it made a mistake"

  4. In may 2012 he stated that neeld should be sacked and Melbourne just admit it made a mistake in appointing him... King was on the money it was obvious then that no one played for him and man management is vital as a coach neeld doesn't have it and its obvious from the end of 2011 to where we are now he has no idea..,

    Neeld is very good at the media game (look how he got appointed) but he has blamed nothing but the previous football department... The fact everyone believes we were 70% fitness compared o other clubs shows he was used excuses to by himself time

  5. I remember clearly when he was on that 'hiring Neeld was a mistake' trip.His great line was 'something has to be done'. It was code for 'sack Neeld now' but he wanted to hedge his bets. Dunstall asked him 3 or 4 times what needed to be done but King refused to elaborate. The gutsy thing to say would have been to advocate that Neeld get sacked. It wouldn't have been considered or intelligent but it would have been brave. The considered and intelligent thing to have said would have been 'The process was rushed, I think better candidates were out there but we are 3 months into a 3 year contract. Melbourne should try to do the best with what they have.'


  6. Maybe a $ donation plee to the members, backers, supporters, sponsors etc would see this $500K wiped out in 24 hours! That would jam it up the A wful F ri66ing L ogheads nicely.

    I would happily of forked out for the legal battle but the MFC has rolled over once again. After all this hard talking from Mclardy we again look weak.

    The payment will be made slowly with the AFL increasing our handout to cover it. Besides both AFL and MFC looking stupid no one loses face as we cope a whack but are found not guilty.

  7. What a load of C,,P...

    We didn't tank but because two employees made comments we get fined 500K more likely that if we are found guilty we lose our pokie licence so they made it not guilty but still cope the punishment...

    Obviously alot goes on in the AFL we don't know about and the MFC board has been negioating this but I am disappointed. I thought we would fight the
    whole thing not just accept the punishment if you say we didn't so it....

    Really really disappointed in McClardy if this is the case.

    • Like 2
  8. Herald sun page 7 article 'outlaw drugs up for grabs' (sorry guys can't find it online)

    Near the end of the article

    He added mr charter would often mention he would have coffee with gangland figure most days.

    And a former Melbourne player claim mr carter used to advise several demons players on what to take to aid performance and recover "like European cyclists"

    He put me on a range of injections and supplements. I didn't know what the f... I was taking but my recovery was outstanding' I felt unstoppable somedays

    'It cost me $10,000 so it wasn't cheap'

    I'm on the iPhone so no long analysis from me but looks like it's more widespread than we think and some players (I'm thinking early 2000 after wooey brownlow) from our club have done it in the past especially has we know how clean cycling in Europe has been for the last decade

  9. And you know this how?

    Do you think sponsoring a player entitles you to intimate or other knowledge of their contract negotiations? Scully has told everyone the same thing he hasn't signed therefore I know as much as anyone else. Agree?

    It's never been claimed I know more than anyone else I've only confirmed most of the stuff in the public domain but sometimes I have to say something when posters on this site character assassinate a fine young man who has done nothing wrong besides being a good footballer and a target of monster that the AFL created

  10. You can believe what you want to believe that's your prerogative.

    I'm not sure if he will be there or not, I was merely commenting on the fact that there is an offer; there seems to be one of $5m over 5 years and that's all. There was no denial or confirmation, one way or the other, so in light of that I doubt he'd be sharing it with someone that posts on Demonland, particularly when the person in question is quick to jump on here and announce it.

    RobbieF, you had a crack at the start of the year on another site and looked like a [censored] and now trying it again....

    I'm a normal guy who happens to speak to the person in question on occassion and like to share those things with people on here that are probably as mad about melbourne as me. It allows stuff from the horse mouth rather than your wild theories.

    Just to make you happu/look like a fool, I had dinner with Tom with a group of people last Wednesday including some posters on this site (there was an invite postered on this site as well). During the night I asked him when will we get a decision and he said "I'm sitting with my manager tomorrow morning to go through the finer details and look at the contracts as a whole" later he said "I've read that many untrue story about myself its wild they aren;t even close with the figures they keep mentioning"

    No much in it but at least it gets guys off their high horse when they say he should go he;s not worth 600K when thats not what he has been offered. I do not know what the offers from GWS or MFC that is Tom's private business and I wouldn't every expect to know.

  11. So WM what is your gut feel then. He obviously hasn't told you one way or the other what he is doing but as you must have got to know him over the year, you must have a feeling as to which way he is going to go. No one reads this rubbish so feel confident to let loose!!!

    I've got no idea what he'll do and it will be in the media before I know...

    My read is he wants to stay at Melbourne but I look at Ward who grew up next to Whitten Oval and was a bulldogs supporter his whole life and left because the offer was too good to refuse, I can't see how he could knock back the reported offer but I do know for fact the quoted figures of GWS and MFC are not even close to the real offers (they are smaller)

  12. Really Nutbean ... you'd still hold that view? Fair enough but I think it just stretches believability beyond its limits to think that he sat down on Monday, opened the envelope with the offer in it and made a decision by the end of the week. I mean ... come on.

    If he goes, it vindicates the Ox, the journos and anyone who's known/suspected a bit of bluff and bluster has been going on.

    That'll be embarrassing for the journo bashers on here and I look forward to their responses on the matter. Some apologies to David Schwarz will be in order because I think his reputation has taken a fair hammering over the course of the year.

    I've been trying not to enter this thread but RR you are unavailable in your view that this is a conspircy...

    Tom meet his manager on Thursday last week to discuss the contract it was the first time he has looked at the contract in detail and the meeting was for his manager to brief him on what each club has offered- counter offered etc etc. how much marketing he is expected to do etc etc. He has known vague details after both offers were presented but hadn't actual discussed anything until last week...

    You can say a young kid is conning me but I seriously doubt it...

  13. Not this year, Mort. 2012 & 2013. I plan ahead.

    Isn't that what GC are planning, if they win under 5 this year and next they get the priority pick before the first round plus finish last or second last (depending on GWS but but if you win under five you would assume the bottom two) I think they may have a pick after their first round as well so in real terms they could have 1,2,3 or 1,3,4

  14. Would've done better without him tonight, apart from the courage, he was rubbish.

    Trengove is a class above.

    I agree that he struggled today given what we expect from him...

    But if hadn't played who would of got the heavy tag..... maybe Trengove???

  15. Unless you're totally incapacitated, you get in there and sing the club song with the boys!

    How did I know it would be you bring this up... definitely gone to GSW now...

  16. I thought it was us that made the request, think the Tigers also made noises ... not the committee! Do you have a link?

    So I thought it was the opposite ... the AFL did not ignore the request of the List Management Committee ... they accepted the changes the committee requested.


    Read this to the end and a few of the committee have said they were told not consulted

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