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Posts posted by Whispering_Jack

  1. Although we don't usually allow unsolicited advertising around here as a general rule, we've decided to allow your plug free of charge and we wish you good luck for season 2008.

    Please also feel free to mention Demonland on your broadcasts. :rolleyes:



    3XX 1611 AM

    Any chance of more 60s and 70s stuff as well?

  2. I welcome the return of Big Carl from the engravers and look forward to seeing the pictorial proof. It's a pity that there were only about 8 supporters on hand to witness the event as I doubt whether we are going to see another 100 point winning margin in favour of any team wearing the famous red and blue gurnsey in this our 150th year.

  3. Haha.

    It's not hard to imagine that offers of work, land etc. may have been excluded from the TPP.

    The AFL has, in the past, been extremely inconsistent in its dealings over salary cap cheating and I can fully imagine Fonzie burying his head in the sand over this issue as he has done on the issue of tanking and the current priority pick rules which are an utter blight on our game.

    If this proves to be a case of salary cap infraction, then Richmond should face the music in much the same way as Carlton, Essendon and Melbourne had to do in the past.

    Given how disruptive such an issue can become for a club (remember what happened to Melbourne and Carlton after the salary cap breach news broke?), I wonder how Caroline Wilson and others deal with this. Will they be all over it for months and give the Tigers a constant dose of bad publicity or will they just allow it to blow over?

  4. Disappointing about Grimes who was supposed to only be 3 or 4 weeks away but is now at least 8 away I suppose. The main thing however, is that he gets himself fit and ready to play later in the year and hopefully, can get touch of senior experience on the way.

    Aussie would have to be a chance to gain selection for the Geelong game now as he has made the squad of 25.

  5. And he stills hang on to the past, Turf cracked the sad's when his brother left the board ( voted out I think )

    I don't want to revive the bad old days but Dr. Turf was one of the people who publicly slagged Joe Gutnick at every opportunity when the Szondy group challenged him in 2001. He's entitled to criticise the current administration but I'd like to think that he would have learned by now that if you want the club to change in a positive fashion then the way to do it is to put your arguments forward constructively.

    I didn't hear him tell Paul Gardner that he thought the board was "doing a crap job and was incapable of running a football club" but if he did, I hope he was able to back up these statements a fair bit better than he did when he used to rip into Joe Gutnick on David Hookes' radio show.

  6. 20 posts and still nobody can give us the run down on what happened :rolleyes:

    I didn't hear the interview but was listening to SEN when Turfie was speaking with KB. The doctor sounded quite upset about the situation at Melbourne and KB kept on about him being the only passionate MFC supporter in town. I heard one caller who was a North Melbourne supporter who called to have a go at KB because what he was saying today about Melbourne is exactly what he said 6 months ago about the Kangaroos. The KB line is rubbish, as was the Trevor Grant column in the Herald Sun this morning which I have to say was an embarrasment to the newspaper in the way he conflated facts with opinion, some of it nonsensical.

    The fact is that it's so easy to kick a man when he's down. The great majority of so-called football commentators have no idea about what really lies behind Melbourne's poor form at the moment so they are taking the easy option without any attempt at analysis or seeking an understanding of the changes necessary to implement the club's transition from what we were in 2007 to be able to compete with the Geelongs, Hawthorns and St. Kildas. It's not going to change overnight so we're going to have to put up with ignoramuses in the media who like taking pot shots at easy targets.

  7. by Barry from Beach Road

    Sandringham opened the season in style with good win against the Casey Scorpions after a strong 14 goal final half negated a second quarter scare that had the Zebras struggling and 20 points in arrears at half time.

    Sandy was led out for the first time by new skipper Peter Summers and kicked with the aid of a stiff breeze favouring the Alf Beus can hill end. It was a strong contingent with 14 AFL listed players and the team started well with an early goal from young Demon recruit Addam Maric. Two more followed from Ben Holland and the Zebras were now looking chock full of confidence. Mark Jamar was dominating the early ruck duels and Jared Rivers was in imposing form down back, often linking up strongly with Ezra Poyas who surprised the crowd with a new hairstyle - one that actually incorporates hair and not a bald pate.

    Sandringham was playing a team-oriented game and threatened to break further ahead but Casey regrouped and held its own in the latter part of the quarter kicking their first goal before Nick Sautner chimed in with his first for the season.

    There was a marked turn around in the second stanza and it was now Casey's turn to dominate and Sandy's turn to struggle. By mid term the scores were locked together at 28 points apiece but the Scorpion midfield started to dominate and kicked the ball long into their forward line to establish a dominant position at the main break. The only excitement for the quarter came when Mark Johnston was hit hard and his opponent Armitage reported for charging. Johnston got up and continued to play after receiving his heavy knock and to his great credit finished up in his team's best players.

    Johnston's bravery set the example and Sandringham regained its composure during the half time break to produce one of those special quarters of football that the players have become renowned for when their tails are up and the wind at their backs. With Mark Jamar and John Meesen dominating the rucks, the Zebra on ball brigade headed by Summers and new Demon rookie Shane Valenti kept pushing the ball forward and the likes of Sautner and Maric did the rest. Valenti was also damaging when moved forward and by the final break, Sandy was well on top after a stunning nine goal quarter.

    The Zebras were at their best in the final term with the defence led by Jared Rivers and Matthew Whelan held the Scorpions and, in the end, outscored their opponents by five goals to three to canter away to a fine victory - 18.11.119 to 11.16.82.

    Sandringham has a tough challenge ahead of it next week when it takes on old rival Port Melbourne at TEAC Oval, North Port. The Zebras will lose some Melbourne players to the AFL as the Demons continue to struggle forcing inevitable changes. The 12-10 rule applies to games against the Borough so a couple more Sandy listed players will come into the team for what should be a close tussle.


    Brent Moloney and Ricky Petterd did not take their places in the team; both were reported as carrying minor injuries. Michael Newton came in to the selected side after being replaced by Jace Bode in the Melbourne team that played the Western Bulldogs.

    James Frawley - was very serviceable in defence without being outstanding but given that he is quite athletic and at a similar stage of his development as Magpie key defender Nathan Brown, he is worth a look in defence for the Demons.

    Ben Holland - looked set for a big day when he marked strongly and kicked two early goals but went down with a back strain and wasn't seen at all in the second half.

    Mark Jamar - dominated the ruck hit outs and stood out around the ground where he took big marks and competed strongly. His capacity to come into the Melbourne team is limited by Paul Johnson's excellent start to the season.

    Chris Johnson - played well and, as usual, looked good at this level. A question mark remains however, as to whether he can produce the goods in the big time.

    Addam Maric - if there is something that Melbourne lacks at the moment it is a player who carries with him the x factor. In Maric's case, that factor comes with a capital X. He's small but can take a good grab and he's lively, particularly around goals in places where we have rarely seen any player of his size go on the Demon forward line. Oh, and he's a deadly kick for goal. On that basis, an AFL debut for this youngster is beckoning.

    Stefan Martin - the former basketballer has the height and athleticism and can take a strong mark. He still has some work to do on his disposal skills but is certain to get a call up at some stage during the year.

    John Meesen - moves well and rucks reasonably well but needs some more time at VFL level.

    Michael Newton - roamed far and wide and really didn't get into the game as he was often caught in "no man's land". Likely to remain in the VFL for a couple of weeks until he can get his confidence up again.

    Jared Rivers - a shoe in to return to the Demon line up for the game at Skilled Stadium if his form in this game is any guide. Should also be considered for elevation to the club's leadership group given that a vacancy exists there.

    Shane Valenti - was more and more influential as the game wore on and got a lot of the ball. His detractors say he is small and slow but he moves the ball quickly and he is a ball magnet.

    Matthew Warnock - played a dour defender's role but there are a few others ahead of him for a place in the Melbourne line up.

    Matthew Whelan - played his standard strong game with lots of run and will add a harder edge to the Melbourne side on his return. There is a view that this won't happen for a couple of weeks but he looks ready to me.

    Austin Wonaemirri - a slippery customer who is on a steep learning curve at the club. Showed some flashes that suggest he will be a player in time.

    Adem Yze - took a while to settle down but he was certainly influential in the second half and was one of the reasons why the Zebras ended up overrunning an opposition that took it right up to them in the first half. Line ball as to whether he will be recalled to play against Geelong this week.

    Sandringham 4.3.27 4.4.28 13.8.86 18.11.119

    Casey Scorpions 1.2.8 7.6.48 8.10.58 11.16.82


    Sandringham Sautner 4 Maric Valenti 3 Holland 2 C Johnson Poyas Summers Whelan Wonaemirri Yze

    Casey Scorpions Gardiner 3 McQualter 2 Allen Armitage Birss Dunne Goddard Steven


    Sandringham Summers Valenti Poyas Yze Johnston Rivers

    Casey Scorpions McQualter Gardiner Rix Gwilt Wall Silvagni


    Sandringham Nil

    Casey Scorpions D. Armitage (Casey Scorpions) for charging M. Johnston (Sandringham)in the 2nd quarter.

    The reserves competition starts next week but a practice match was played against the Scorpions and Sandy won easily. A few Demons were on show but there were no stand outs during the time I was present.

  8. Paul Johnson is the surprise leader by a little over half a vote at this early stage of the season. I can't wait for us to put in a competitive performance so that there will be more votes on offer but this is what happens when you play the sort of footy we're playing at the moment.

    7.915 Paul Johnson

    7.38 Nathan Carroll

    6.955 Cale Morton

    4.55 Nathan Jones

    4.1 Jeff White

    3.9 Brock McLean

    2.925 Brent Moloney

    2.77 Brad Miller

    2.05 Paul Wheatley

    2.05 James McDonald

    0.65 Colin Garland

    0.41 Cameron Bruce

    0.325 Simon Buckley

    0.325 Brad Green

  9. So demonland poy now rewards player who play well in victories, not players who work hard even when we are getting smashed? its an interested concept and i look forward to seeing how it pans out at the end of the year...

    Not exactly but the rationale is that points earned are worth more when the whole team plays well. Who was to know that in our first game we'd be so shyzen?

  10. Last year's winner Nathan Jones has continued from where he left off last year. He topped our Round 1 votes but the bad news is that because our percentage from the game was 32.5%, his votes were weighted down by that poor percentage. Our leaders are:-

    4.55 Nathan Jones

    4.225 Paul Johnson

    3.9 Brock McLean

    2.925 Brent Moloney

    1.95 Brad Miller

    1.625 Cale Morton

    0.65 Colin Garland

    0.325 Simon Buckley

    0.325 Brad Green

    Had the game been a draw, our percentage would have been 100% and he would have received 14 votes. The moral of the astory is to do well when the team wins well (hallelujah).

  11. The Demonland Player of the Year 2008 is now open for voting.

    It's the same deal as last year (except that this year we are weighting player's scores by the team's percentage in a particular game).

    The first three serious selections on a 6,5,4,3,2,1 basis with best player getting six will be accepted as official votes for Round 1.

  12. Dropped in for the first half and Jace Bode, Colin Sylvia and Brent Moloney did not play for Sandy. Don't know why Moloney was on the list in the first place. Also missing was CJ.

    By half time Sandringham had a 13 goal lead and every Melbourne player was making a contribution. Benny had 4 goals against no opposition. Lynden Dunn (on the ball and pushing forward) was scintillating and had three goals by quarter time. Jared Rivers and Clint Bartram were excellent and Wheels is working his way back into the game.

    The reserves also had an easy win but I didn't see much of it.

    Off to the big game now ...

  13. i'm not sure how much good this would do...

    as much as i understand it, north have really been pushing the AFL to play on good friday for the last couple of years, however the AFL haven't allowed it... Pmac would have to bring something extra to the table for the AFL too allow it...

    perhaps link it in with the good friday appeal or something? perhaps the two clubs involved could agree to donate the gate receipts (or a percentage of) to the good friday appeal? would cost us cash, but be good for the profile...

    I know that there is going to be opposition on religious grounds both from Christians and Jews (whose Passover festival coincides with Easter most years) but times have changed and, for better or worse, we are becoming more and more secular as each year goes by (there used to be a time when you couldn't get a newspaper, buy a bottle of milk or petrol on Good Friday). In other words, it's inevitable.

    We should grab this as an initiative and possibly make a play for an annual blockbuster v Carlton or Essendon on Good Friday together with our other annual blockbuster v Collingwood on Queens Birthday. We can leave mother's day for the other clubs.

  14. On field success does not guarantee financial success.

    Look at North, won 2 flags in 4 years (96 and 99) and are still getting AFL help.

    True but a win against Hawthorn today would, at the very least, get the jackals off our backs for seven days.

    The fact is that we've just appointed a new CEO, plans for a new home are well in hand and our cash deficit is nothing like that which Geelong faced just a few years ago. We have a new coach, a new football manager and some exciting young talent. That's a hell of a lot better than what I saw in the Fremantle team yesterday (with its slow midfield, a bevy of washed up old hacks and no new blood on show) or Carteland on Thursday (with the best that money can buy running around on one cylinder mixed with ineptitude by the bucketload).

    So START SPREADING THE NEWS - our kids are keen and enthusiastic and they have a bit of spunk among among them. What we really need happening from the start is for those of our experienced players who have been recognised by Dean Bailey and given leadership roles to stand up and provide an example. If that happens, we win and Paul McNamee can turn up to work next week or the week after with some positive vibes emerging around the place.

    And if it doesn't happen, then next week we'll have an even younger team and McNamee will still turn up to work and the world will not be at an end.

    I am bemused by all those who expect the dramatic changes instituted in the past few months and which are necessary to turn us into a strong club both on and off the field to happen overnight.

  15. Jack Grimes, welcome to the club, we got you so cheap we're laughing, now get out there and be the next Percy Beames!

    Funny that you should mention Percy Beames. I'm writing a story about him for Demonland. Percy was 170cm tall, Grimes is 185cm. Percy was one of Melbourne's greats but I doubt whether Grimes is going to be a pint-sized rover.

  16. Looking at the picture of Morton in the paper I'm wondering if he's taller than the 191cm he's listed at. I saw him last Sunday at Sandringham and, while he wasn't outstanding, he showed glimpses of what made him such a highly rated early draft pick. He's a beautiful kick, not afraid to go in even though he's regarded as an outside player and worked hard in the heat. He made a couple of clangers but what the heck - he's only 18 years old and has a lot to learn. And he's beaten Kreuzer, Cotchin and Masten to an AFL debut - they were the only three players picked ahead of him.

  17. The comparison's simply not fair, nor is it right to put so much pressure on the kid. Judd's now into his 7th season of AFL, has 134 games at WCE (and 1 at Carlton) behind him, a Brownlow Medal with plenty of skill and pace and is good on both sides of the body. Buckley's a long way from that - he has 6 games under his belt and starts his second season tomorrow. Although it would be nice if he could emulate Judd's record, he doesn't have to be a Chris Judd - I'm happy if he shows continuous improvement in his early years at the club and plays in lots of winning teams which is something Judd hasn't been able to do recently.

  18. I think DB will play Miller down back until Rivers comes back into the side next week or the week after.

    I have to agree with you Kev (even though I'm not a big fan of Miller down back). We seem to lack some mobility as the forward line is structed ATM and an extra quick crumber at ground level might be what's needed.

  19. I'm not suggesting that we don't expand our membership base Jack. I just think that if that's our only objective, or even our primary objective, then we're pushing shit uphill and we're screwed. (I recently heard this being described as a "salmon day" -- swimming upstream all day only to get screwed and die in the end).

    Btw I may be "removed" from Melbourne but I've spent enough time on other forums to know how much the public looks down on our club. You don't have to be in Melbourne to recognise that.

    Fair enough but I wasn't suggesting that either. Here's what I said in my post (my emphasis now added) -

    "McNamee's designs on the CBD and the commercial opportunites that it presents are only one aspect to the notion of upsizing."

    What I was saying was that we need to expand at all levels (including on the field).

  20. Yeah you're right. All we need is a membership base the size of the bigger clubs. Piece of cake! Let's get cracking.

    Alternatively, lets find ways of making our much smaller membership base a more profitable one, which is what I believe McNamee is getting at. As rosy as the notion of building our membership base sounds, I reckon 95% percent of kids these days are just brainwashed in to supporting the same team as their parents. The time for "recruiting" supporters was in the 70s. We missed the boat there. Time to try something else.

    Rather than trying to expand our membership base, which I believe is going to be a completely fruitless task, we should be trying to increase revenue streams despite our small membership base. If McNamee is capable of doing that then I believe that long term our club will be much, much better off.

    The sort of attitude that ignores the need to expand your membership base will only see our small base dwindle and eventually die. That's not to say we shouldn't be seeking to increase revenue streams (far from it) but the fact is that you are more likely to attract more revenue with a stronger supporter base so in difficult economic times, the smaller, weaker clubs won't be able to compete.

    Our own membership base has been gradually eroded after years of average performance both on and off the field and we have to ensure we can expand our supporter base and membership numbers through the way the club is presented.

    You mightn't notice this in Tasmania but the way we're are regarded in the community suggests that we are on the nose with the public. That has to be turned around immediatley if we're going to survive, expand our support base, membership numbers and revenue streams.

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