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Everything posted by Bowserpower

  1. You're playing up the self importance part perfectly!
  2. You've just been given the company line why would they tell you what was really going on? It's almost as laughable as when another cheer squad member claimed that the cheers quad work really closely with the football department. One of the most ridiculous things I've seen on here and I've never heard such rubbish. These people would have countless losers coming up to them asking them for goss. You're just not as important as you think you are.
  3. What are you on about?
  4. Read the original post again, the conversation had with OIiver was a drunk one. You mentioned before that it's not up to one person to decide what bullying is, it's also not up to one person to decide what harassment is and you have no idea if Clayton was ok with that conversation or not.
  5. What does how the event was organised or my understanding of how it was organised have anything to do with someone getting blind drunk and harassing players? The B&F isn't an opportunity for fans to buy a ticket and do whatever they want. The guy has had to put up with all sorts of garbage in the media surrounding his future and you're all for this? There should seriously be guidelines for entry to this event and controversial topics of conversation shoud be forbidden like here, no offence.
  6. No disrespect but your mate sounds like a bit of a drop kick. Why go to these events just to harass players? It's like meeting your favourite soap opera stars and asking them for spoilers.
  7. Think she was just being polite
  8. This thread and the other one on the trade board about fighting back through adversity are two of the most pointless threads on here at the moment. What is the endgame with these? Most people here don't want rhetoric, they want responsibility from the club.
  9. What was the point in this thread?
  10. Do something about it
  11. Would be great, his defensive pressure is elite
  12. Harsh on Mills. Happened on Mad Monday and was a complete accident.
  13. I think you're missing the point when people say things like this. It is possible to be forever grateful that we won it but at the same time bittersweet that they didn't see it in person. Poor comment and really unfair on people who committed a lot to this club over the years.
  14. I suggest you read the dictionary because it's not even a real word.
  15. Very little that you've said in the last few days has come across as credible considering you've stated repeatedly how much you hate Morris and the media. You're sounding like the quintessential fan with a vendetta against the media. Give it a rest.
  16. He's also regenerated that list pretty well in 13 years and tweaked his game style for success. They also won 6 games at GMHBA this year so it hasn't helped that much. If you think it gives them such a massive leg up over teams like Collingwood who never have to travel especially down there and interstate teams who play at their home ground just as often then that's your view but it does sound like another salty opposition fan.
  17. Hyperbole. That logic just suggests that Chris Scott could have won at least 3 more flags, Mark Williams could have been a 4 time premiership coach and even Hinkley could have a few flags to his name.
  18. Says who mate? No disrespect intended but this sounds completely made up.
  19. That would be much worse than where we were at the start of the week
  20. One of the poorer suggestions yet. Apart from kicking the odd goal I don't know what this guy offers, surprising to see so man people here keen.
  21. No he doesn't.
  22. And why is that?
  23. We need to move forward and not live in the past.
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