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Everything posted by DeeMee

  1. Easy fix for Brad, just send screenshot of all the head hits in spoils in the last 3 weeks. “Explain this AFL” Of course no criticism is ever allowed of the tribunal or umpires - untouchable. Thought Goody sailed pretty close to the wind in his presser. Good on them both.
  2. So going on Goody: This week no BBB, no Salem, Hibbo in, Spargo likely, Smith a chance, JvR definitely being picked and Petty stays forward. So likely Hibbo for Turner, Smith for JvR if suspended, Spargo in and one of Harmes, JJ, someone else? to the Sub. Still not really clear how Spargo in works - someone must be dropped.
  3. I want to see a list of all the “reasonable” players and “unreasonable” players. I also presume every player this week who makes contact with the head when spoiling resulting in no injury will be suspended for 2 weeks……… yeh right! Certainly looking forward to this applying to Bont and Daicos in the future.
  4. Barrett also turns every statement into a question - annoying
  5. This decision will absolutely make no difference to the way the game is played. There will be some media talk, we will point out in outrage identical incidents that result in no report but then the next shiny thing will come along and this will be forgotten by the media and no one else will face a similar report. MFC shafted again.
  6. Prosecution: “We would like to call our first witness, Jason Dunstall, impartial expert who witnessed the event.” Tribunal: “Case dismissed, no penalty”
  7. The original suspension was media driven. The appeal result will also be media driven. Partisan hacks with agendas, click bait need and relevance desire drive the whole reporting and suspension process.
  8. 1. JvR will likely get some time off unless we can get Hawkin’s rep in to explain about accidental contact. The outcome wasn’t as severe as appeared according to Dew but … MRO. 2. Good luck anyone telling Clarrie he needs a rest. 3. Reckon Hunter has been good this year. 4. Probably BBB in for JvR. Still want to see more of 26 year old, 200cm Schache though. 5. Can not figure out who Spargo replaces.
  9. Like I said previously, one of the better games I have watched this year. Really impressed by the intensity and by the way how good are Anderson and Rowell. Very Clarrie like is Rowell.
  10. I was tempted to do that based on this thread but ended up watching it. Do watch it. A great high pressure game, some moments of individual brilliance and great transitions in play. Both teams had a full on go. One of the best games of the year. Of course if we had lost by5 points I would have a different viewpoint. Commentating very ordinary.
  11. I drove down from the Sunshine Coast last year for the game. There is a car park directly opposite the ground which I had no trouble getting into. From memory I drove past the ground a bit, then U turned and went into the car park. Easy to get into and out of at the end.
  12. I think the most pressing issue that is at the forefront of all our minds is to make sure that Geelong don’t lose their home ground advantage and that no “big” clubs ever have to play there.
  13. Now that we are successful and financially viable the afl can look at relocations and mergers. It may be that I have a self absorbed viewpoint. The Tassie kangaroos and Canberra Hawks sound good. tongue in cheek.
  14. I love the visual near the end of Show me the Money 2 with our team casually strolling out, all deals done while player managers are running past them in a frenzy trying to finalise last minute deals.
  15. What makes it extra delicious is that Bell is at Dodoro levels of being difficult to trade with and must always be perceived to have won whatever trade he is doing.
  16. I will have the schadenfreudic (I hope) pleasure of watching Freo live at the Gabba tomorrow as a precursor to our match in the evening. Freo smashed and Dees winning for a perfect day.
  17. But how cool would it be for Goody to line them all up in those positions at the start just to fry our brains.
  18. Titan, can’t remember where I read or heard it sorry although it was mentioned as well on the DLand podcast. Chandler scans for corky.
  19. Go Gussy! Another of the loyal Dee for lifers hits 150!!!
  20. From what Goody said and implied BBB and Spargo still out and TMac not looking likely. Add to that Chandler having scans with a 5 day break so not likely. Add to that May and Hibbo seeming proppy. So out or not available could be BBB, TMac, Spargo, Chandler, May(they seem to be playing him through the injury), Hibbo, presume Riv just cramp, think Viney was limping / iced knee as well. My take: 1. They seem set on Petty forward for a while but I think back would take some pressure off May and get our much vaunted backline back how it was. 2. Time to give Schache a go forward 3. If Viney not right Dunstan in 4. If May not right Turner in even though Tommo (kind of done now) is a better match for lockdown 5. If Chandler out maybe Harmes or even AMW in. Big unknowns this week selection wise.
  21. I think Gus would be more upset about being smashed (not tackled) into as he kicked and being pinged for incorrect disposal
  22. If Kossie goes, he goes. If he stays, he stays. What I don’t want is an ever, ongoing distraction that affects performance, which I think happened with Luke last year.
  23. I usually watch through the afl website - kinda ok https://www.afl.com.au/fixture?Competition=7&CompSeason=55&MatchTimezone=MY_TIME&Regions=22&ShowBettingOdds=1&GameWeeks=4&Teams=88&Venues=70#byround
  24. Rare opportunity for a small forward to strut their stuff and take Spargo’s spot, for a week at least. I know the theory behind TMac’s running but also think Schache as a 200cm 26 year old has an opportunity to show how he can be a more potent second ruck as well as forward.
  25. We didn’t play the wet conditions well but wow, how many intercept and forward marks did they take - in the rain!
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