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Everything posted by Chook

  1. So you value the rules of a recreational sporting club over the rules of one of the oldest cultures in the world? I suggest you broaden your perspective a little bit. Of course, ideally Liam would have been able to fulfil his commitment to Australian, tribal and football law. But the first two take precedence in my opinion.
  2. It seems obvious to me that he was simply trying to prevent a dispute from escalating and because he was at the scene and intimately involved, he was taken in for questioning.
  3. I loved hearing the commentators cream themselves everytime Jones got the ball. It was like they all simultaneously looked at one another and went "Wait, you like him too? No way!"
  4. Great to hear some positive news about Aaron Davey. To think that our best player from a few years ago could have fallen so far that just the promise of something good from him is a bonus; it's surprising.
  5. Looks to be a likely type; lots of options with him. But I'm afraid some people might judge him by the colour of his skin and get worried about him nicking off home too soon, or even blowing up early in a game, especially if the AFL decides to go down the 2 interchange, 2 subs path.
  6. I have a spelling checker, It came with my pea sea. It plane lee marks four my revue Miss steaks aye can knot sea. Eye ran this poem threw it, Your sure reel glad two no. Its vary polished in it's weigh. My checker tolled me sew. - Sauce unknown, Submitted for the Pull it Surprise (Pulitzer Prize) Check out the full version of this poem at http://www.jokes2go....poems/9892.html
  7. Just linked to your video on facebook, which probably won't do much. But hey, at least I'm getting the word out there as best I can!
  8. Hopefully the fact that you can't spell his name right doesn't interfere with your ability to come up with the right Jurrah sauce. Hope your mate's right.
  9. While I agree with you about the little things that Watts did, Jeremy Howe's been around less time than Jack. The difference is, he presents like mad. Whether that's because his role is to present or because Jack doesn't have the desire to do that is unknown.
  10. I don't know either of them personally, but I'll bet that as an elder and community leader, Liam Jurrah's sense of responsibility and desire to be a positive role-model would stand him in better stead that Austin Wonaeamirri, who, it appears to me, is just a guy with no real experience as a leader and thus no sense that he HAD to represent his people in the wider community. Aussie was more comfortable at home than down here, and because he had no motivating drive to stay here, he didn't. I think Liam has that drive and incentive to prove himself in the AFL.
  11. Talk about cannibalizing your list!
  12. Do they seem like they'd be interested in footy? For some, it's just not their bag.
  13. How on Earth you slap sense into someone in the Tiwi Islands when you're in central Australia is beyond me. Of course I'm worried too, but only to the extent that I'd be worried about a loved one who goes skydiving; the odds are in our favour that he'll come back soon. Nothing bad will happen.
  14. ELITE Pronunciation: /eɪˈliːt, ɪ-/ noun 1a group of people considered to be superior in a particular society or organization: the country’s educated elite [as modifier]: an elite combat force Source: www.oxforddictionaries.com By that definition, compared to the worst player in the competition, every other player is elite.
  15. Frawley hasn't done too much right tonight. Having said that, he's got pretty big heights to live up to. Should have touched that on the line.
  16. Bit of a circus act from Col Garland.
  17. Nice burst of three goals there from the Dees!
  18. The only thing I can think of is that they've seen all they need to from him. Maybe we'll see him next week, maybe we won't, but I can guarantee he'll be one of the first picked for our Round 1 game.
  19. For some reason, I really like the way Joel Macdonald plays, but for God's sake he made me look bad in that first half. But I reckon if Jack Watts decides one day to get off his period, Mitch Clark learns how to work with our forward line and our coach gives Jeremy Howe more than two seconds on the field, we'll have a pretty devastating forward-line . . . that's if they can be bothered leading and our mids don't just bomb it on top of their heads anyway.
  20. Good thing we weren't scheduled to play way out in the sticks like most years. I'm actually amazed by that, to be honest.
  21. I would, but there's not enough nines in the code.
  22. Whoever it is, it's paying a little too much attention to Bambi's butt for my liking.
  23. I can't think of a more perfect example of the lure of potential than draft picks. Totally untried, raw materials to mould whatever kind of player you want.
  24. I agree. I see more in Jetta than I do in Bennell, and I really hope he can get over his shoulder injury.
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