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Everything posted by Chook

  1. As long as it's not ineffective taxation, they shouldn't have anything to get upset about.
  2. From a footy perspective, he looks pretty unfit. Considering he was cramping up on the field for us on occasion, I don't know how much he'll have to offer Port. But come on guys, the game is bigger than "oh I wish we would've got compo." Wish him luck!
  3. It's barely a footy thread. If it weren't so popular, I'd say it should be put in the Off-Topic section of the forum. But if it did go there, it would die a slow and horrible death because nobody ever visits Off-Topic.
  4. What people say in the years before their contract is up is perhaps only slightly more reliable than what they say in the year their contract is up.
  5. I'm just waiting for a handball chain of Kent, Clark, Kent...then to Frawley for good measure.
  6. @FNQ: Not long enough. Need second by second breakdown. Try harder next time or I'll sick Viney on you.
  7. As far as I'm concerned, what number you wear should be your decision and not your club's. Sure they can say "no you're not changing," but they shouldn't be able to say "no you have to change." What if you're the umpteenth so-and-so Smith in your family to wear number 37. Why should you have to ruin that tradition just for the sake of your club? I know which tradition I'd value more.
  8. Thanks for the answer. That's good enough for me.
  9. Can I ask why Ron Barassi is so loved, even though he went to Carlton for money?
  10. I think Stalin had whole departments of guys correcting photos just like that one. Just a bit of Photoshop and we'll have a 100% record in no time!
  11. Didn't they tell you? Mathematics has changed. It's a game of two quarters now.Halves? What are those?
  12. I think Jnr Mac said it was. He even "just wowed" me over it. My apologies for assuming you were fool enough to think similarly.
  13. As do I, but he's nowhere near it yet. And that's despite his blistering pace. Ergo, pace isn't that hot if you don't have a few other skills to go with it.
  14. You can "wow" me all you like, but I guarantee you he wouldn't be anywhere near a star if he didn't get delivered the ball out in space so often by players much slower than he is. As I said, I'd back Sam Blease to hang with Lewis Jetta in any kind of sprint you want; but Blease is clearly nowhere near as good as Jetta, which means that speed is not the determining factor in that comparison.
  15. Yeah, and Sam Blease did(!)Neither of those guys kicked 45 goals because: 1} they're not our main forwards, and 2} we didn't get the ball into space often enough. FWIW, Mitch Clark could've easily kicked 45 this year even in a [censored] team. Why? Because he's actually the guy we're trying to get the thing to. EDIT: Realised you're were probably referring to Lewis Jetta, but my point still remains. Blease is just as fast as Jetta, but he lacks some other important skills and is in a shocking team. The result: not many goals. Which just proves my point that speed is not that big a factor.
  16. To me, speed is very overrated. Nobody can run as fast as a ball can be kicked or handpassed; so as long as we get the ball in a bit of space, we'll be able to move it forward very quickly.
  17. To suggest that something is relevant because it gets high ratings on the teevee is to suggest that unpopular things are only unpopular because they're not relevant, which is clearly not true. Popularity is not a metric by which importance should be measured.
  18. Marngrook is irreverant. TFS is irrelevant.
  19. "Smoke and shadows behind the mirrors" is a good one.
  20. Jeez...as a man, you've got to be pretty fit to make those work for you.
  21. If a tree falls in the woods, does it crush Shrodinger's cat? If Pavlov's dogs were deaf, would their tongues water if they saw you ringing the bell?
  22. What are you? A supervillain or something? Who talks like that? Chris Dawes training on Wednesday. Excellent. Soon my plan to take over the world will be complete. Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
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