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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Oh yeah. Forgot about Gillies. Wow was he bad. IN: Jetta, OUT: Gillies would be good.
  2. Would've liked to have seen Jetta, and I'm glad Nicholson wasn't dropped. I wish we had the playing resources to drop guys like James Frawley but we simply don't. All in all it's about what I expected. Rodan will be feeling pretty down on himself that he got dropped straight after playing his old team against whom he wanted to prove he still had "it."
  3. That's where you're wrong. One sets a good example, and one doesn't.
  4. I'd rather a plodder who can't chase than a slacker who won't chase.
  5. Damn. And I had a feeling that Jack Watts thread was just getting ready to go bananas. What a shame.
  6. Looks like a great project player in the Morton / Gysberts vein.
  7. Glad to hear you're so dedicated to preserving precious bandwidth.
  8. How dare we talk about one of our most important and underperforming players? What is this, a footy forum or something?
  9. Didn't he also say that the way we trained was not the way we played. Having five game plans is all well and good, but if the players can't even execute plan A successfully then Plans B through E would surely be equally unworkable too right?
  10. Come on guys. It's just a hamstring. No need for conspiracy theories; we have enough solid things to complain about without inventing more.
  11. Finally. At last we have a one-stop shop for all our miscellaneous grievances and nitpicks.
  12. He presented the new players' jumpers before the game. It's not much, but it's more than most have done.
  13. Imagine if every supporter at the game followed these rules. The players would get the message pretty damn quick!
  14. I think a lot of people have been so spooked by the development of guys like Morton and Gysberts that they're just expecting every slightly-built youngster to fail utterly. Toumpas will be a huge litmus test for the club. If we can get him to become the AFL footballer he so clearly has the potential to be, then a lot of our problems will have been solved.
  15. Sure makes the crap dished up to James Magner seem like nothing.
  16. Thanks for that insight. Cam Schwab sounds to me like one of those guys who is so busy looking up the ladder that he doesn't realise how many fingers he's treading on during his climb. Not good.
  17. Maybe they need a good flick on the ear. But seriously, an important part of training is switching things up and making them a little more fun every now and then. But if that kind of thing is the norm, then we have a serious problem.
  18. Sorry pal. I didn't know Colin was your brother. I don't like the nonchalant way he seems to go about his footy, but I've always stayed away from any kind of personal abuse (which I think is never the way to go). I'll be interested to hear what you have to say, as I have been for over 800 of your posts now. Hopefully you keep visiting the forums, regardless of whether you are still allowed to post or not. Keep up the good work, and go Dees. Let's hope they can turn it around before it's too late.
  19. But it hit the wrong nerve. It didn't hit the "I'm embarrassed about my team's performance and attitude" nerve. It hit the "I'm trying so lay off me because it's just a job" nerve. Not good.
  20. I was thinking this about Frawley today. I'd love to see our entire leadership group (with the exception of Jack Grimes and Mitch Clark) dropped to the VFL. Just let them know that the entire team depends on them to show the way, and that they bear the responsibility when standards of effort become so despicably lax as they were on Sunday.
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