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Everything posted by Chook

  1. The problem is that getting rid of all these guys doesn't guarantee anything, and it might just make things even worse. And don't tell me they couldn't get worse, because I'm sure we've all thought that about a dozen times over the past six years.
  2. On the half-back line? You mean like Jack Watts?
  3. Chook


    I reckon I built the anti-Garland bandwagon with my own two hands a couple of years ago, but at least he made some run tonight. But you can tell he is just sick to death of losing every week. He just doesn't care anymore, and to be honest I find it hard to muster up the passion to blame him.
  4. Numbers don't lie, and those numbers tell you nothing's changing any time soon.
  5. What's he up to? Sniping from the sidelines, that's what.
  6. He made me pine wistfully for those halcyon days of 2004...until I remembered how we collapsed into an abominable heap that year and lost to none other than Essendon in that gut-wrenching Elimination Final.
  7. If you can call doing nothing more than watching the games from the comfort of my living room, then yes I'm in. But going to games? Buying merchandise? Having any hope whatsoever in being able to have that Grand Final beer that I promised my grandpa? No. Not any more.
  8. Same as last week. Nothing will happen, but everyone will talk about how shitty we are.
  9. Chook


    He's not even the worst defender at the Melbourne Football Club.
  10. Will someone please assassinate Brian Royal and/or our entire midfield division? Absolute spuds the lot of them.
  11. Been saying it for years. He's had one good year in ten, and honestly I would rather Colin Sylvia in the ruck than him.
  12. I think it means that the players aren't confident in one another, not that they're fragmented.
  13. I think there are a few fans who believe that should be the sole determinant of who wins the game.
  14. I notice that disposal efficiency wasn't one of those stats. From what I've seen today (which admittedly hasn't been much because I've been mowing the lawn) the Dockers' pressure has mucked up a lot of the Bulldogs' kicks and stopped them from scoring.
  15. The only thing I would say is that some very unfit people have run marathons by walk/running from the very start. 5 mins on and 30 secs off (twice) is more restful than 10 mins on and 1 min off.
  16. My grandpa died a few months ago too. He was the one who got me into footy when I came down to Melbourne from Brisbane, so it's his fault I'm stuck supporting the Dees. He didn't get to see another flag since our 1964 one, and it's a shame we'll never be able to go to a Grand Final together and both appreciate it equally (since I was only young when the 2000 Grand Final happened). That's not to say that our last Grand Final had much going for it other than the build-up. There must be thousands of Australians in the same boat, and it's about damn time for Melbourne to start rewarding some of their dedicated supporters with some success again.
  17. Ah. The legendary centre-half back for the Calcutta Tigers. What other footy tips has he got for us?
  18. Is it really an advantage in the beginning of the year when all the players are so short on match fitness? It probably is, but who knows?
  19. Yeah. Glad to see this thread really ticking along. It's like a runaway train; not even a forum wipe could stop it.
  20. Davey and Watts both in the backline? You serious? We'll be looser than Jenna Jameson's cooch back there.
  21. And so it begins. Jack Watts vs Scott Cummings, Mach II.
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