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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Hey, buddy! This isn't West Coast...or Hawthorn or Essendon.
  2. Trengove was there for a rest. He was not full forward for any other reason. Sure our forward line broke down today, but having Pederson in there would not have helped all that much at all.
  3. If you reckon not picking Pedo lost us the game, then i don't know what to say to you. I thought he was in our worst few on ground last week, so I can understand Neeld dropping him. It is just a shame both Clark and Dawes are out. At least we'll get one back this week.
  4. How many people will really not come back when we're winning again? I understand people wanting to be a part of winning groups. It's human nature. But when we get back out of the wilderness, it'll be someone else's turn to be shite. So 99% of our fairweather fans will come back, and we'll get the bandwagoners of other clubs too. It's all good bro!
  5. It was also an aberration of a week. Practically every game had a clear favoutite; in fact, I'm willing to bet that more than 50% of tippers got all nine games right this week.
  6. IN: Jetta, Dawes, Magner (Pending elevation) OUT: Grimes, McDonald, Nicholson Jetta is really tough and was one of our best before suspension. Dawes . . . well we've all been waiting almost six months for this. Magner may or may not get a go if Grimes is put on the LTI. Let's hope he can keep up with the Joneses. Grimes . . . poor Jack Grimes. B+F worthy form and he cops a ten week injury. Bad bad luck. McDonald...not since the debut of the infamous Tom Gillies have we seen a defender play this poorly. What? That was just a month ago, you say? Well I'll be... Nicholson...I had Bail originally, but he offers more than Nicholson does. Nicho's only advantage is his endurance, but Bail has that and a little bit more.
  7. Has anyone noticed...that Richmond is ninth again? But Mark Jamar has been way better than Jake Spencer's game today.
  8. Tom McDonald had a disposal efficiency of 82% today, which is even more proof that the disposal efficiency stat is complete bunk.
  9. Clavicle; 6-10 weeks according to one poster.
  10. If he thinks we're going to win and he STILL doesn't watch, then we've got a problem. Until then, he's only nine.
  11. Just gave him a little whack on the chin. A bit of a jumper punch; nothing more.
  12. That sucks. He was leading our B+F until today, and now he'll be out for up to ten weeks? Terrible.
  13. Moloney, McLean/Gysberts, Sylvia, Jones, Morton, Scully and Trengove? None of those guys are up to it, with the exception of Nathan Jones.
  14. I've never seen what others see in him.
  15. Didn't they get thumped?
  16. Stuie, you're fast becoming the hardest poster to read.
  17. You talking about the umpire there pal? Killer bump, but shocking decision. In the words of the immortal Stephen Quartermaine, "That was a shocking decision. That umpire should never officiate another game."
  18. Chook


    Props to this man for turning it all around. If there was ever proof that everything rests on the players' shoulders, this is it. No change of coaching, no big sackings; just a 180 degree turnaround in intensity and effort. Bravo Colin Garland!
  19. That second quarter was really enjoyable to watch. I could handle seeing that for a hundred minutes a week.
  20. 6 Garland 5 Jones, N 4 Jones, M 3 Frawley 2 Evans 1 Tapscott
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