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Everything posted by Chook

  1. This isn't a zero sum game. Ollie was great tonight, but Toumpas has attributes that Wines will never develop. Just enjoy them both, because each of them will turn out to be excellent players.
  2. What the hell? What kind of attitude is that?
  3. If that were to happen, Beamer would be like those villains from Krypton stuck in the Dead Zone.
  4. What has happened in the past 24 hours is a good insight into human psychology ( not to mention the psychology of the nuts who frequent this site). As soon as the pressure let up and a bit of optimism crept in, everyone on this forum went gangbusters and decided to get on the front foot about everything from clash strips to the priority pick. That is not how you turn a club around.
  5. So then what's the problem? If the same 0.5 percent are complaining about Melbourne getting a priority pick, then who cares what they think? The average footy punter won't give a toss and the AFL can do what it wants. If what you're calling "the public" (aka the silent minority) don't really care about anything other than the on-field product, then anything outside that domain is not worth involving them in anyway. Either way, Melbourne's best interests are served by conducting a discourse with the AFL alone, and not pandering to anyone other than Demetriou and co.
  6. Ling saying "I'll start coaching in 12 months" is basically him saying "I'd be willing to start coaching now if the offer is good enough."
  7. We stay under the radar by doing as little as possible to sully the waters on any of these other issues until the priority pick situation is dealt with. You mentioned that the AFL is prone to listening to public pressure. While that's true in many regards, I don't think it's perfectly so. They went ahead with the interchange cap against public opinion. They continue to provide an unfair fixture against public opinion. They refuse to institute more reliable goal review technology against public opinion. Time and time again they act in what they perceive to be the best interests of the game, regardless of what others think. If we want the priority pick, we need to go straight to the AFL and ask for it as we have done. Anything else is a waste of time.
  8. For the love of Science, can't we just stay under the radar, ask the AFL for the pick and focus on what needs to be done on the field? Leave all the rest of this to people who don't understand that the only thing that matters is fixing on-field performance.
  9. While Voss might be more experienced, I can't imagine he'd be particularly willing to learn - even off a guy like Paul Roos. Cameron Ling on the other hand would be much more amenable to instruction. In this instance, getting someone with less experience might be better, since he'll be learning from the absolute best.
  10. I love the current clash jumper; and unless we are given the opportunity to exclude the colour white entirely (not gonna happen), I vote to keep it just the way it is. Perhaps we could get rid of the collar though, which I can't imagine would be particularly comfortable to play in.
  11. A phallic symbol if ever I've seen one.
  12. "We need to get some midfielders." No [censored]. I could have told you that.
  13. Staying On the Couch until the end of the year. Who else is going to watch that a little more closely than before?
  14. "Defensive transition running (ala Sydney)."
  15. ROOS: "We're going to have a significant change in game style."
  16. MARK NEELD: "...hardest team to play against." PAUL ROOS: "...make the players the best players they can be." You be the judge.
  17. PJ: "This is the most significant thing that's happened at this club since 1965." I can't disagree with that, TBH.
  18. For those not watching the press conference, here's how it's going: PAUL ROOS: "Us, us, us, we, we, we, talent, talent, talent, positive, positive, positive."
  19. From what Roosey is saying, the chances of him becoming our long-term coach is very low. We'd have to become real good, real quick for him to want to stay any longer than three or four years at the most.
  20. How big of a rebuild could it have been if they won a flag a couple of years later? But I too agree with you. I think Roos is way overrated, in that nobody could possibly be as good as what he's been built up to be. Even Jesus had doubts. Buddha took years to figure out the way to enlightenment. And Muhammed...well let's just stay clear of that area all together. I don't want to get blown up. But all the same, it's #RoosYourDaddy time!
  21. I'd trust a ketchup bottle before I'd trust Andy Maher.
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