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Everything posted by Chook

  1. We should draft Evan Panozza. He seems like a handy footballer.
  2. "Those who know the quote about how those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it are doomed to repeat it." ― Chook
  3. Wow. You know it's time to retire when that's the best thing someone can think to say about you. Kicked a pretty ripper goal against the Doggies earlier in the year.
  4. Non-Jack Watts threads always digress to discussion of Jack Watts. Jack Watts threads always digress to other topics.
  5. Taste in sport is like taste in music. I happen to love watching tennis but hate watching golf and basketball. I love playing tennis and basketball, but I've never had any interest in even trying golf.
  6. If you ask me, the AFL would have a lot to gain from bringing the career of someone like Liam Jurrah back from the dead. An indigenous player with his talent and background would be the greatest possible role model to people of all walks of life who would like to become involved in the industry, but whose personal circumstances seem prohibitive. Get on it AFL!
  7. What a pathetic thread title. No offense to anyone, but come on...
  8. I was one of this guy's only defenders early in the year, but after about the first Brisbane game I found less and less to support.
  9. I'm surprised either party would have wanted a three-year deal, but I guess this is good news.
  10. How is that relevant? In case you didn't know it already, Miller won't actually be playing for us.
  11. They're getting pretty incestuous up there in Brisbane town. I don't get the attraction, but whatever.
  12. I'm okay with not getting a priority pick this year because of the Hogan situation. But if we're in the bottom four again next year (which I believe would make it the eighth year in a row), then surely we'd qualify for the utmost support.
  13. So another barrel of money winds up on our doorstep and that's supposed to fix everything? Since when has that ever worked for anyone?
  14. "Underperform" is all relative. I suspect if you cracked the top ten of the BnF in your dreams you'd be over the moon. To actually do it in real life takes a level of commitment 99.9% of people don't have. Perhaps "leadership" is the ability for ordinary people to make extraordinary people out of themselves.
  15. I've always thought of Brad Miller and Chris Dawes as very similar people and players. I rate Chris Dawes as a future senior coach; so given that, I'd expect Brad Miller to be a pretty good coach as well. I like it!
  16. What more can you say that hasn't already been said? "Have my babies Nathan?"
  17. Garlo is miles better than Rivers was even at his best.
  18. Hawthorn would have gone from celebrating prematurely to crapping their dacks in the space of about fifteen minutes tonight. And I've come to the conclusion that Ross Lyon is wasted in the football industry. He should be dispatched to the Middle-East immediately, because he'd have the place sorted out before Christmas.
  19. All right. Let's be perfectly honest with ourselves here. Melbourne will never display pressure anything like what's going down right now over in Perth. We might as well give it up right now.
  20. If it were up to me, I'd just go 1 plays 8, 2 plays 7, etc. Knockout until the Grand Final.
  21. If other clubs are pizzed off at what we're doing, then we know we're doing the right things. Everybody hates it when someone gets in the way of their best interests, and in the AFL everyone's best interest is in winning a premiership. Therefore anyone who's mad at you is mad because you're getting ahead of them in the race to the top of the mountain. Keep it up Dees!
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