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Everything posted by Chook

  1. If our mantra is going to be "make the players the best they can be," then perhaps we'd be best served by selecting a captain whose development would be hindered the least by the role. Is Nathan Jones that player?
  2. I don't know who you're talking about.
  3. I agree 100% with everything you just wrote, BD. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  4. I didn't like the collar because I imagine it wouldn't be all that comfortable to play in--and thus might have had an (albeit minor) effect on the way we play, so I'm glad that's gone.
  5. How many goals has Paul Roos kicked for the Dees?
  6. You need to divorce the decision to trade from the result. Game theory states that the value of a choice should be determined by the likelihood of success, not from the actual outcome.
  7. . . I was one who did, but my mistake taught me a very valuable lesson. Some around here still haven't caught on though.
  8. Liam Jurrah and Austin Wonaeamirri went all right...until they moved on with their lives.
  9. Might as well say: "Come home Neeldy. All is forgiven."
  10. . Are you calling him an ape? You better be white, or else...
  11. My initial reaction when I read those odds is "Damn, I thought we'd be at least double that." My reaction now? "Triple it."
  12. He's a zillion miles better than either Barry or Blease. Provided he can get over his injuries, I'd be very surprised if he couldn't become a solid member of our 22...but then of course I thought the same about Nev Jetta.
  13. I don't remember that. I remember people saying this is exactly what they should have been doing.
  14. For one thing, it helps people get the players' names right--which is something you're having a bit of trouble with from the looks of it.
  15. When I read your username, I think of an effeminate Brazilian man with a fetish for scat porno. Read in a thick Brazilian accent: "Hello I am Raul, and I would like to show you my poos, mano."
  16. Playing like a demon ain't what it used to be.
  17. Ironically, I believe that sentence might apply to many more people on this site than just Nasher.
  18. Called the donut king, but he gets his hand on the ball more than any other player at Melbourne. Unfortunately, tapping the ball to your feet is not a sport.
  19. Should probably get out before his brain melts. He has some good qualities, but he's not good enough to make the potential risk to his health worth the trouble. If I were him, this would be my last year in the game.
  20. I have the opposite opinion. Assuming we'll be able to pick up a free agent of equal talent later, we come out of the situation with a Colin Sylvia-level player + our compensation draft pick (instead of only Colin Sylvia). We have a coloured view of free agency because we're on the bottom right now. As soon as we make it to anywhere near the top, we'll get back what we lost in terms of free agency players - plus we'll have a set of draft picks we never would have had otherwise.
  21. I think Mitch Robinson could be a good fit for us. He's very tough, but the thing I like most about him is he's a very tall midfielder. All our guys are short, stocky types. The inclusion of Robinson would give us a little more diversity.
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