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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. It’s an option but has he trained enough as a swing man? I am really keen to see a Brown, Fritsch, and Pickett/Petracca focussed forward line being supported by quick ball movement from Spargo, ANB, et al. Brown and Fritsch are at home in lead up roles and this is what this style can give them. With Gawn not there, TMac and JVR could get up the ground more and leave BBB and BFF have the leading lanes in front of goal. Sounds sexy to me.
  2. Have you made room for the cheese slices?
  3. Our attack has Bayley Fritsch, Kozzie Pickett, more CP5, a rejuvenated Ben Brown, an good role playing smalls. JVR can play a role but it is more important how we move the ball, rather than who we move the ball to.
  4. Well said. No one can ever take that moment from him. And yet here we are - Dees fans - minimising it to stroke our chins about a kid who made a bad decision.
  5. All the mids will have to move their centre of gravity back as the kicks out of the backline are shorter and more precise. I am not entirely sold on us replicating Coll as I don’t think our list is built around precise skills. Really interested to see what our wrinkles will be.
  6. This is the type of game where the playing group announces their desire to win a flag again. Up against a team that has your measure. Up against a top 4 team without your best player. Up against it. We will see a win or more excuses on here.
  7. A top 5 pick is gold and the number 1 pick is a prize worthy of ruining your culture if your egotistical pillock like Mitchell.
  8. They tanked before the season began by gutting their list for very little return. What is the best pick that they got for Gunston, Mitchell, O’Meara, and Shiel? Maybe pick 27 this year from the Dogs. Otherwise it’s picks on the 40s. Some of you are so naive about what ‘tanking’ is. The Hawks did it 20 years ago and they are doing it again.
  9. They are tanking. All we can hope for is that they ruin their culture and it gets rewarded with mediocrity for decades.
  10. Yeah, put all your excuses here. Easier for me to tally them.
  11. Yeah, nah. It’s not the case. Most supporters would be disappointed that the club didn’t organise for his milestone game to be on Kings Bday - when they would attend.
  12. We should be good at this - but when our best players just fall back into kicking down lines it’s going to fall apart like it did on Friday.
  13. Especially considering that was the first loss he was involved in for 16 games and that Ben Brown was ‘to retire himself early in the season to give us an extra list spot.’ Oh, that brings back memories… I am going to find that poster and mock them mercilessly.
  14. Umm, welcome to Demonland. We have no idea about how to follow a good club nor the expectations around how a good club would respond after a bad loss. (rpfc talking to the glassy eyes of the most of Demonland) Yes it’s pronounced ‘good’ club. GOOD. What’s that? Yes, layzie, like the cheese. Like the cheese… FMD’ End Scene./
  15. Thank you, I will hold you to this comparison until the robots take over. So another 6 years…
  16. Can you please compare him to a current player please? Someone in the top 30 players in the comp. Ta.
  17. Reticent to give too many insights this early but from what I can tell and what Goodwin and Yze are saying - we want to move in the direction of Collingwood with bold and quick ball movement from defensive transition. Now, some of you will be thinking that’s what we always have done! No, we were a front half stoppage and turnover team in 2021 and went even more into that last year where we tried to move the ball down the ground through creating massive contests we can outnumber and win. Think May kicking out, HBFs kicking down wing, and mids kicking into FP. So now the backs and wings have to be defensive side conscious but through the middle of the ground bite off quite a bit and get the mids going and it all flows through the smalls in the forward line that push up to get quick hands and give quicker kicks through to Fritsch and Brown. But some of our players are not built for that. Viney is at home in the ‘move by contest’ game style, and Oliver and Petracca show that old habits die hard for even the best in the league. Clayton especially was blasting away on Friday as players looked for forward handballs and releases to the fat of the wing. If you want to know what half a group doing one thing and the other half doing another looks like - it looks like Friday night. It’s to be expected but how long it takes to get this going will determine how far we go this year. Our stars won’t overcome this - especially with half of them under clouds or injured - all players need to be on one page and committed to how to play. Thats how NM and StK are getting wins right now.
  18. The Ponsford was 70/30 the other way. The was 15k+ staying around to cheer after the game. It was 50/50 if it was anything. What are we going to do Dees fans? Are we turning up? Give me them excuses I love them, I gobble them up. Yum yum.
  19. 1. ‘Grand Prix was on, bloody AFL trying to screw us’
  20. Not when you are a turkey that occasionally did eagle cosplay.
  21. They had a choice. Keep Mitchell, Gunston, Shiel, and O’Meara instead of ND48, ND41, ND53, Stephens, Meek, and ND29 (est) and be more competitive and win games and keep what was left of the culture they banged on about. What kind of a return is that? How much does the soul of your club mean in draft picks? 3 first rounders? They did all that to take to the [censored] of their list and to collapse and get ND1 which apparently is a Dusty type gun.
  22. Of course it is. Otherwise tanking doesn’t exist. Players want to win. Coaches putting players in different roles is the benign tactic of tanking. No one deliberately plays to lose,m; losses are manufactured through savage list management, ‘injuries’, and playing kids ahead of their time.
  23. What the hell do you think tanking is? They have deliberately made their team awful to get draft picks. They are tanking harder than they did in 03/04.
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