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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. I just read this shaking my head the whole time; Roos changed the culture of the club in a couple years. I am not going to get into this in Jack Watts thread but I don't get the Roos animosity for the money and inability to recruit names.
  2. Are you now judging him on that nonsensical standard? You are obviously not, but can we stop reacting to the most ridiculous aspects of the arguments on here? This conversation is being dominated by the extremes because of that reaction. The vast majority on here wish it ended differently, wish him all the best, wish we get some value for him and wishes it will be over soon.
  3. Weren't you the one arguing that the merits of a decision are about the process of making that decision and not the outcomes? Because you are talking about outcomes, which I agree with - namely that there is no way to cleanly trade a popular player, but my critique is about the process; not giving the player the opportunity to have an honest exit interview. We could have done all the right things and it still be a painful experience for all, I just don't think we did all the right things.
  4. I am comparing the jarring response to criticism of the current admin. That even is what TGR is comparing. Nothing more. If someone goes further than that it doesn't diminish the relevant points made. Goodwin has motivated the players to play an excellent brand of footy (for most of the year), he made a great impression on his former coach and I know the players have a great relationship with him (at least I knew that first hand as late as the end of last season). Mahoney and the rest of the FD appear to be excellent operators and the deals they have facilitated the last few years that netted us Oliver and Weideman were un-Melbourne like and that is a compliment. But the 'facts' as they stand - if one can call them that - are not great in this particular instance. I think we, and they, can be grown ups about it and perhaps admit that it hasn't been handled as well as they would have liked. As Jack Watts will soon face a consequence of the decisions he has made in his career - so must we all...
  5. Mahoney can trade back into the draft. The bloke knows what he is doing. Yes I am sure it is a team effort but give the guy a break!
  6. Well put. As I quoted above - if it is the case that we sprung this on Watts after we started shopping him and didn't inform him of our intent - is there a good way for a poster to broach that subject? I don't want to mirror the past but I remember when we told a few to pipe down about the Schwab reign, and a loud couple defended Neeld to the ridiculous end... Again, I don't want to equate those times because I don't think they can be equated, but the lesson I learnt was that open and honest with your f-ups is healthy - don't get defensive, get better. I'm going to say it... I don't think we handled this well.
  7. But he had a Watts-ending-the-season start to the year. And he should be admonished for it. Consider yourself admonished, Jake!
  8. Definitely a molehill but it indicates that either the club pivoted in September and decided to trade him, or that the communications from the FD aren't honest with players (or at least in this instance). Either isn't ideal, but they should be evaluating decisions like this over the season and if that Bondi trip is the conduit for this move - they knew months in advance they were intending to move him on, and waited to tell him this late, apparently bypassing the opportunity that an exit interview presents. That's why people are reading a mountain into it.
  9. The honesty is preferred so it doesn't surprise during trade week and ensure the player has the sh!ts. It's a business now; agents can push availability and players can, somewhat, shape the conversation.
  10. They do tell players they may be involved in trade discussions. That is part of the exit interviews. I know that first hand. They will discuss what may occur over trade week, so that the players know where they stand. It's a good thing. Roos' motives are his own, but I would be amazed if they didn't tell Jack in the exit interview that this was going to happen.
  11. Or the Crows can take the deal presented to them.
  12. Too true. Black and white makes arguments easier. But I love the beauty of grey. The truth is in there. PS. Can we stop being complete d!cks to each other over this? We would all lament his lack of commitment and marvel at his skills. We all want what is best for club - deal with it.
  13. Garlett was the main reason for that last paragraph. Watts did the pressure more in the three games after his injury than he did in the first half of the season - but part of that I think is that he didn't have to - the whole fwd line was a frenzy in the first three months. Dont know about the other stats, call up champion data...
  14. The big screen had an update of the top 15/20? The camera saw a bit of it - anyone there could confirm...
  15. The club of the last couple years, especially under Mahoney, seems to be very deliberate in trade week. IMO, they must see an desired asset that requires a 2nd pick and that is why they freed up Watts as a commodity. If that commodity doesn't net them what they were envisioning, will they still go through with the trade? The list manager in me says no, but the coach in me just wants to follow through on what we got a player to wrap his head around.
  16. Fun question, probably the wrong time as it will be lost among the trade talk... If he plays closer to goal - Lever because he can peel off and do damage. If he is out and about - I would put Hunt on him and give up the chest marks, and hurt him the other way, and it might stop a hard tag of Hunt.
  17. Moving past the Land bickering and most of what Dr.D writes... Mahoney would simply be trying to send the message that we won't let him go for nothing. And that hopefully, gets a club to fork over something of value. Only problem - I don't buy it, Josh... And I don't think other clubs will. I think we blink and he goes for a 3rd rounder (ND40+) or I am not giving Mahoney enough credit and we keep him because we won't get value back.
  18. Nah, career defining foot issues... Ironically, that was a trade supposed to net us Lever... #worldworksinmysteriousways
  19. Can we at least get Bartel checked by the Richmond doctor? Kick the tires a bit? Great player.
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