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    Perth, WA

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  1. Beers open, tunes on, game day is here. Haven’t given it a second thought during the week, been really busy at work, but has sunk in this morning. A chance to make history. Here we [censored] go. Carn the dees!
  2. Very little to do in Perth after 9pm of a weeknight anyway, especially up Joondalup way where their hotel is/I live. Media trying to create a story out of nothing. Best ignored
  3. 😭😭😭 The word legend gets thrown around far too often, but is entirely justified here. Stuck with us for 15 odd years through some real lows when he could have gone to a cup contender. Just a shame he's not part of next weekend. Hope he gets a farewell lap at the G infront of 100k (with the cup 🤞) once covid fks off Thanks for everything jonesy
  4. Got mine [censored] yeah!!!!! Mrs misses out but thats just unlucky. Massive thanks to @jules7 for helping me with the prelim and this one. Going for a stiff drink to calm down now Edit to add, if any WA dees from up Joondalup way fancy a pint before getting the train to the game, give me a yell
  5. Nope, working for me - try refreshing the page - queue just opened for P1 members
  6. If anyone has any spare P3 codes they would like to pass on i would be very grateful
  7. If you have community cases at the moment, no chance. McGowans rules are minimum 28 days with no community cases before he will even consider reducing restrictions
  8. I’m going with 5 eagles fans. All going for us. General feeling is that vast majority of neutrals over here will be supporting us tonight. Nerves starting to kick in now. Lunch beers might be in order. Go Dees!!!
  9. Only moved to Oz (Perth) in 2007 so haven’t been to a huge number of games. First game was a win v Richmond at the MCG in June 2011 Best game was a win v Geelong in Geelong June 2015 - was the dees first win in Geelong in 20 odd years or something. Was the coldest I have ever been at a footy game too, absolutely freezing. Worst game was 2018 prelim against the eagles. Went in confident after beating them a few weeks before and game was over by quarter time. Spent the second half in the bar
  10. An understandable and sensible post - admittedly not a great look for brand new posters to be asking but personally i legit only found this forum this morning and didn't know it existed. Just a fan looking to go cheer on the team (accompanied by some eagles fans unfortunately but cant be helped).
  11. If anyone can assist with a bar code I would be very grateful - have sent a few PM's to those above who had spares if anyone is on here at the moment. Go dees!
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