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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. If I can clear up this Lachy Hunter scenario... He trained extensively and at pretty much full pace, running Kicking and drills which would really have tested his Calf. He was in total care of a trainer who put him through his paces and unless sore today , would expect him to be with the main squad tommorrow! Otherwise rule him out for 10 years!😁
  2. Yeah granted, I have learnt (the hard way) that he is just always there always constant and will go down as one of the best Dees ever! ALWAYS trains to highest standards!🤩
  3. Thanks Dazz it appears that it is a combo of both BUT stay at home he is covering a lot of territory running up the ground even as far as almost CHB before sprinting back to forward line. If this is the plan, it might, just might Click!
  4. Yeah well, coz I greatly respect and love Clarry Choo Choo and the sauce, of info in hindsight better to keep my mouth shut, for a change! But nothing sinister I can say!🤐
  5. Solid and relaible as always, also Bill Laurie showed a bit today as did Jake Bowey. Sheesh competition for places will be at an all time high with the quality we are assembling!
  7. THE TIME MACHINE HG WELLS Prelude: Picket Fence arrives at Casey Fields and finds THE VENUE OPEN!! Storyline: Fence hears a faint swooshing sound in car park and a materializing object which is the Time Machine from the 1960s Classic movie of the same name. Prospective Writers dialogue as follows P.F What the??? Cheezus it’s the Time Machine from The movie, complete with a semi transposed Rod Taylor in the role of inventor George Wells. George Wells. Where am I? and who are you? P.F “I am known as Picket Fence for reasons that aren’t relevant to this narrative. Well.. you are back in the 21st Century and to be precise Monday 22nd of January 2024. How did you get back? last thing I remember was that you went forward in time to look after Eloi from those nasty Morlocks. George Wells “Yes that is true but the Metro Goldwyn Mayer have this plan to remake the movie using off cuts and creating another end scenario” P.F “ I see, I spose it doesn’t matter that you are meant to be deceased”? George Wells “ Look in this day and age if they can De age Harrison Ford in Indi 5 then I can be recreated, anything is possible in movieland! P.F “ So why are you here”? George Wells “ Well Metro are looking for extras to play the parts of Morlocks and they are of the belief that such people live in a locality known as Magpie Land , wherever that is, can you help”? P.F “ Yep sure but I gotta do my training report for the late arvo edition of Demonland. Just to refresh my memory what do these Morlocks look like”? George Wells. “Yep just look at this picture” P.F (Gagging)” Geepers they are horrid allright. Yep I know exactly where to find heaps of them, so I’ll file this report and then we will go. I hope you have 4 wheel drive in that Gizmo? George Wells “ Roads where we are going.. we don’t need roads” Script Editor Sorry wrong movie!! CASEY TRAINING REPORT 22/1/2024 NO SHOWS Clarry, ( More later) T.Mac, Joel Smith, also didn’t notice Koltyn Tholstrup, also not sure I noticed Trent Rivers, Tom Sparrow was doing laps as well. REHAB, Salem, ( Running laps) Jeffo ( On Bike and weights)Melky Bike, weights and some sideways manoeuvers. Jake Lever ( Did what looked to be a minor leg injury and spent rest of session on the bike! Lachy Hunter did a mammoth running session and ball work at full speed and looked unhampered by his calf injury.Andy Moniz Wakefield laps SKILLS , DRILLS and MANOEUVERS, I’ll leave the small drills out and you get the idea of multitasking, just concentrating on small group drills, ball, skills and interweaving patters focusing on correct options and correct disposal. These open and Clozed drills are more of less similar to others that I have reported for all of my traing reports. Discrete nuances of slight differences seem to keep things charged up and would also alleviate the potentiality of same old same old. Main Match Sims There were several components of each of the following 4 training drills 1 Running in waves selecting correct handball , kick and creating excellent options using ground space and alternative entries into the forward half from transitioning out of defence 2 Precision kicking to multiple targets on the lead. 3 Stoppage work near goals and either resulting in players kicking goals or creating avenues to rebound out of defence. 4 Whole ground transitioning using a lopsided manpower whereby the white shirts were outnumbered 10 to 18 With Red shirts running in waves. What this meant was the defence were outnumbered many times so had to choose to run to the player most likely to receive from the ball carrier. This was interesting in itself and players rotated through Red shirts and White so everyone had an even go of defender or attack. PLAYER WATCH Jack Billings Put on a clinic today, was in everything and his astute positioning , skills and polish were phenomenally good. Kyah Farris White A quick learner, looks to be developing some skills, Pace and decision making. I thought some of his grunt and efforts were good today! Kynan Brown Will of the wisp, but quick hands, elusive and explosive pace, Might surprise a few early here. Taj Woey Looking like he belongs, has taken some incremental confidence into this year and links up well on the move! Disco Turner I know I haven’t been a fan but he looked composed in defence and took a couple of good grabs and ran well out of the rebound. Blake Howes, Likewise to Disco Turner looks like settling and created some good ball use movements Josh Schache Took some great CONTESTED Grabs and also played well as ruck around when required could be a surprise packet this year Adam Tomlinson, well I thought he trained outstandingly well today looked a complete and competent defender. Marty Hore, Played bigger than what he looks and I thought was excellent on the Half back Flank. Shane Mc Adams IS A FREAK,!! Just knows where to run, is stealthy, crafty and will make a HUGE impact this year. Caleb Windsor Well I can see why we drafted him, full of class, and excellent by hand and foot. Will play games this year! The usual Cast of Spargy,Kossy, Nibbler, May,Tracc, Gus and BBB also were significant. Final word goes to Noah Yze. ON WHAT I SAW TODAY, he is a monty to be drafted by us, has skills, speed and is a very very good player already! TRAINING HIGHLIGHT??? This one is for u WCW FRITTA near centre of the ground, gathers the ball, CRASHES NOT 1 BUT 2 TACKLES and layed the ball off VERY CLARRY LIKE. Now just to get the great man back!!! FINAL THOUGHTS It remains to be seen if we have fixed our forward entries and conversion rates, some relatively easy shots just miss, but it is the just miss that bothers me, In close game like last years finals and just goal or just miss can make all the difference. Great to see 100 or so people enjoying training INSIDE the ground for a change, nice one MFC cheers to all P.F P.S Slithers had the day OFF!
  8. What I meant to say was it wonnt be Laurid but more likely Mc Adams and or Billimgs could surprise many!
  9. It wont be Laurie, Mc Adams or Billings is my view
  10. A fit BBB will definately be our main forward go to, more so than a lumbering king kong bundy! However as a ruck option? NO
  11. Nibbler is ALWAYS one of the first players picked! Dont expect anything different.
  12. Yeah good one,as iterated mine is an 85 inch! Prices are very low at the moment,J.B are hard to beat, the TCL range offer outstanding value🤩
  13. Now as many of you might be aware, Im not Spargy's biggest admirer, but Laurie is a long way behind Spargy IMV!
  14. This "dedicated" home theatre room has been, the kids toy room, junk room, VCE study hub, and now rightfully reclaimed as "The Picket Fence", home cinema "Man Cave." Measuring 6.5 x 4 it is perfect for watching, movies,rock concerts and the mighty Dees winning the footy!😁😜😎
  15. Pity I'm not out there with you WCW we would be a killer partnership like Maxwell Smart and Agent 99!🤩
  16. I'm with Foxtel, Ive got my 85 inch t.v hooked up via ethernet straight into the wall which if your modem is in another room, such as study produces a much better resolution and seamless viewing than Wi Fi. Ive paired the lot up with a Yamaha 5.2.2 system Blockbuster 7750 which literally brings the house down, plus the adjacent neighbours places as well🤣😇🤯😎
  17. I had ALMOST forgotten about him, why did you have to bring him up?😵
  18. I will be able to file a report next Monday assuming they are at Casey,would like to be able to do it this Friday, but depends on other commitments😇
  19. So... can we say that player x is as wide as they are high?😁
  20. Hello, AFL WOKE DEPT, non binary,niether he, she, gender neutral, unearthed,unhinged,non person nor animal,generic,wholistic entity here,... how can I assist with your enquiry tofay?
  21. Not to mention Brad Flower! We actually have not had anywhere near the success that other clubs have in this regard!
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