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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Yes precisely! This is what I also picked up thanks for the "Gravitas" and observations Vagg
  2. I have been thinking quite a bit of late about a piece of information I conveyed in my last training report. I posted that IMV The best 3 trainers on the ground were Clarry, Sparrow and Jack Viney. Over the holiday period I have been watching all the finals and quite a few home and away matches ( of which I have the full set) and have come to a number of conclusions about Jack Viney and although I have been critical of his game in some instances in the past, I now believe he is a much better player than he ever was! A few pionts 1 The style of play the trademark see ball get ball remains 2 As the season progressed I saw new levels of team 1 % increasing like blocking, shepherding, and a more emphatic buy in of team first ethos. Now I'm not suggesting for one minute that these were lacking but I saw a more refined Viney part of the machine mantra and this has made him a much better player 3 In critical games he was instrumental in allowing Clarry and Trac space and time to do their thing and because he was so brutal in his approach that no-one or anything was going to stand in his way and this is a Viney trademark. 4 His finals series was selfless as it was" Briiliant" with his take no prisoners approach and his ball use and more importantly his decision making was stellar. He now gives of much more efficiently to almost first option than ever. 5 I also noticed his team mates get around him at regular intervals and vice-versa, hence a genuine rapport and empathy is evident. 6 He remains an excellent V.C to Max and leader in his own right. I think he is more suited to V.C than Capt because maybe just maybe he doesnt feel the onus to have to do it all himself. So after analysing and watching and looking for the obvious and not so obvious I concur that Jack Viney is a vital cog in our quest for Back to back Premierships and that his improvement as a player is well evident! 😁
  3. He probably wants a holiday house near a beach to entertain his Demon team mates. Nothing wrong with that!
  4. Not a criticism, but Stan Alves is top 10 material, Colin Sylvia way too high and for Steven Stretches great play and highlights real that jump out of the way was for me concerning. Did Paul Callery get a gig somewhere?
  5. Im still down the coast on vacation End of next week probably Friday looking good for resumption🤩 hope all Demonlanders are well.PF
  6. That sounds like a Doctor Smith barb "SILENCE YOU NEFARIOUS OPPO OBSERVER"
  7. Yes he trained but cant say that I noticed anything out of the norm!
  8. Gee Tarax, u have slightly understated it but you do have an accurate appraisal of the scenarios at play. Lucky I am a Berwick resident coz with current road works seemingly on every stretch of road,a trip for those folk across town would be akin to a trip across Siberia.
  9. Yes that would seem to fit and if so, what a little dynamo this kid is, as iterated he displyed some Kossy like movements and similarities of play style
  10. Not so, he participated in most drills but tappered of and was doing Bike work with Harmes who didnt join in any main training and Rosman both did running the whole session
  11. No wasnt Laurie definately not and yes Langton trained
  12. http://images2.naharnet.com/images/187054/w460.jpg?1466172426 Great report by George but before I get onto it, Adjacent Casey fields is a large lake which I'm reliably informed contains plenty of fish and I just wonder if the sign above presents as an even more challenging scenario. Agree with George re music, just and endless cacopheny of mind numbing techno crap. Dont know what it gives the players but who am I to argue given that,last year it resulted in a Premiership. One other thing George didn't add was the plague of Flies hundreds of them! Anyway on with the report! Weather was shizzen about 10 seasons in one day and like George under cover accomodation outside the ground is harder to find than Rocking Horse Sheeit! REHAB ROSMAN, SPARGO ( in Parts) HARMES and during training it appeared CHANDLER may have done a groin? SKILLS DRILLS AND MANOEVERS. Well covered by GEORGE but agree the match simulations were a thing of beauty, players are intinctively now confident to KNOW 1 Where to go 2 Who to go to as in selecting correct option 3 Skillful enough to execute precisely DRILL A WARM UPS DRILL B MATCH SIMS DRILL C KAMIKAZE PLAYER BLITZSKILL ( Players zone of have a couple of harrasers and deliverers need to pick correct target from multiple options and kick to player on lead DRILL D MORE MATCH SIMS DRILL E CLOSE CONTACT TACKLES DRILL F ONE ON ONE MARKING SIMS PLAYER WATCH Competition for places will be and is WHITE HOT!! Not only do the current 23 continue to train to high standards but the second tier are also training the house down, players such as MAJAK, MELKY, DEAKIN S, J SMITH, ADAM T, MITCH B, J JORDAN, TOBY B, are displaying the type of improvement that drives up standards. Perhaps the guy I'm most looking forward to seeing is LUKE DUNSTAN, Wow what a pile driver he is just relentless in his ball hunting ability, think Stephen Powell and youl get the picture. Jayden hunt looks lean and hungry as does Adam Tomlinson. THE NEWBIES In some drills I can just see why we chosse these guys all are profficient with skills and already seem to know and appreciate the work required to make it in an elite Football Club which is not only the oldest club in Australia but one where standards are being continually stretched , redefined and enhanced. One bloke who I didn't know had no number on his back but by Gee was he nippy and elusive with some KOSSY like tendencies. HIGHLIGHTS. 1 Tom Sparrow outmarking MAX in a one on one 2 Clarry recreating his victory salute with a uncannily similar goal which literally had a couple of players doing cartwheels TRAING VOTES 3,2,1 3 Clarry , honestly he just does what he likes at traing and is a class above 2 Jack Viney, gees has he improved as a footballer in my eyes 1 Tom Sparrow wow what a huge talent this kid is honerable mentions, Salem, Max, Bowey, Dogga, Kossy, May and others et al, just no passengers just all wheel drive turbo's that just do not let up everyone just shows something , what a Lovely sight to behold! cheers PF
  13. If they are training there, they start around 9.30 AM
  14. As iterated elsewhere, I purchased the whole season package from Sanity which comprises EVERY ONE of our games throughout the 2021 season. The finals are in BLU RAY Format and at $ 144.95 to me it is the "Investment of a lifetime" Also with it is a retrospective "Highlights" package as well! I'm Happy!😁
  15. Excellent thanks, I might possibly be able to get down to Casey Friday if all goes well. Cheers P.F
  16. Unfortunately, this is happening more and more. We cannot understate this aspect and gone are the old days of sucking it up which I grew up with in my formative years of the sixties and seventies. Men's health is now a priority and the more that we lend an empathic ear and support to other men, the better we become in unilateral and unconditional solidarity. RIP Harley P.F
  17. Hi George, sorry for tardy response Internet down the coast is as dodgy as a Visa Application for a visiting sportsperson! Before Christmas training was Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Casey and ALWAYS from around 9.30. Unless changes to scheduling, Covid and structure of pre- season comp alters anything I would suggest "Status Quo" Best to check with club but they might not reveal info! Gates at Casey are ALWAYS closed! Cheers P.F
  18. Yeah he disconnected coz his team mates are SUB STANDARD I agree with Dazzle This guy will deliver in Spades Won Brownlow votes vs good teams in crucial stoppages and clearances Welcome to MFC LUKE You will just fit in fine
  19. Hello Demonlanders, unfortunately I wont be able to review training for a few weeks (And no its got nothing to do with Covid) taking some holiday time down the coast, so if anyone can help out, please do. Cheers P.F
  20. I would like to see this, but I remain somewhat skeptical! Weeds best game was vs Jeerlog in the 2018 Final, since then though, not much has gone right!
  21. I think Caleb Daniel is a very good smart player............... However, watch Jake Bowey overtake him and become much, much better!
  22. Assuming he tears the House down at Casey first!
  23. Lovestruck Lothario! Not mentioned was used at least once
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