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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Hopefully I can get another training report in on Friday, but it might be my last for a while😳
  2. Outsiders like me are always looking but uncovering not too much🙃
  3. Anyone who believes this smoke and mirrors stuff also believes things happen for a reason.What utter Tosh! If you win tattslotto or get hit by a bus it is all random. Dont get me started on philosophies of life, death and most importantly winning premierships! Albert Camus was on the money. Existentialism is not neccesarily a bad way to look at things. Chinese calendars? Bah!
  4. No seriously, she was great fun. Dont know what happened to her but enjoyed a good party! Me a bad man?? Narrr
  5. I worked with a charming young lady 20 years ago from Cockermouth in UK check it out! 😁........... who loved Porphyry Pearl and was a rabid SWEET fan. Get her onto the turps and she became very conversational!
  6. Training for the Mens team seems to be Mondays Wednesday and Fridays from 9.00 AM CASEY FIELDS
  7. For all affectionadoes of classic Prog rock Check out a King King Crimson video on you tube Live Meltdown Mexico 2017 ( Released in 2018) and a BRILLIANT song featuring 3 Drummers called "INDISCIPLINE"' Be prepared to be BLOWN AWAY!! pf
  8. Ápparently Himelberg is well known for its bad haircuts!!
  9. Devo is not a dirty word, Devo is not a dirty word, dont you beleive what youvé seen or you have heard, DEVO! Oh sorry thats Skyhooks'. Hey uncle, ever had a "Balwyn Calling" experience??
  10. I can honestly attest that Uncle knows his wine, his women and one or two songs😂
  11. I can tell you now he is Blitzing at training and much fitter than last year. Could kick 100 goals given our stellar mid field delivery!🤩
  12. Um Larkey and Zurhaar?? Um would much rather a BBB Anyday I think!
  13. Unbelievable pick up! One grab mark ,has developed his game and become a better player given his ability to roam far and wide, something Norf never developed him into! Deadly accurate goal kicker, 3 in G F you dont reckon the Norf Brains trust would be absolutely peeesed of at their shocking miscalculation. PLUS WE GOT HIM FOR FREE THANKS NORF
  14. Correct, Mays Hammy all Ok trained brilliantly!
  15. Tomlinson yes and played ok similar to Petty who had there hands full with Forwards. Woey did all but full match Sims
  16. Interesting comment Dazzle, To me, some of yesteryears recruits were like alluvial gold, but our last 5 years or so are all like " Welcome Nuggets" just waiting to shine🤩
  17. Chook, I hope Weeds can make it but, although showing snippets of form, still cant quite impose as he probably should given his 4 or so years in the system. Did some nice things though🙂
  18. Moniz -Wakefield, he is indeed a beauty!!
  19. Just copped a hammering here in Berwick, need Gordon Tracey and Thunderbird 4 down here.
  20. Yes was invloved and is a nice cut of a lad and posseses very good skills and moves well
  21. I come from a land down under Where Demonlanders flow and weather looks like thunder Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder You better run, you better take cover. Oh! Do you come from a land down under (oh yeah yeah) Where women and mens teams get set to plunder oh yeah Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder You better run, you better take cover. And so it came to pass that I set out with sunscreen, raincoat, steel capped boots, enough insect repellent to drown an army of flying, stinging insects and a slingshot to ward of any slitheras in sight to come down to the smouldering furnace that was Casey Fields. Was it hot?? It was hotter than when I took 9/26 all those years ago. now with the pleasantries out of the way lets get into the training report. as the above song title suggests the players were indeed hard and strong at work. MODIFIED DUTIES Mitch Brown, and later Jake Lever, and Majak Daw SKILLS, DRILLS AND MANOUVERS Set 1a Players were split into 2 groups in group 1 A Players were inside a marked witches hat configuration of about 40 meters x 40 m and were playing a highly energised game of corridor keepings of. The idea was to take possession and before being tagged select best option and dish of. Set 1b The other group did 3/4 ground match sims but with the added pressure that the coaches after a set play had been executed or a goal scored instead of returning to the centre the ball might be thron back into play from the opposite forward pocked or ball randomly kicked into play from any position on the ground. The idea seemed to be attack when you have the ball but then just as quickly defend resolutely when you haven't got the ball. Set 2 This drill reminded me of an army of Cybermen running in formation in an absolute Blitzkrieg wave rolling relentlessly with ball in hand creating multiple overlaps and passing to next group of 4 and either handballing back or bypassing the footy to the next wave of players all surging forward it was a tsunami of beautiful free flowing ball movement with scarcely any errors. Skills were quick and handball and or kicks were precise and effortless. this was done at 100% intensity. Set 3 Goalkicking practice from every concievable match sim. There were set shots, corner shots, inside out shots, reverse angle shots inside out torpedo punt shots, the only shots missing were Shot glasses full of a delicious beverage or five! Set 4 Full on match simulations two quarters of 20 minutes many highlights which I will now speak about under player watch PLAYER WATCH AND ASTUTE OBSERVATIONS FENCE STYLE TOMMY MAC Just an incredible performance today in drills and also match sims, he kicked at least 3-4 goals and took some very strong marks CLAYTON OLIVER EXILLERATINGLY BREATHTAKING. just cannot be stopped and does what he likes, at one stage he was tackled by 3 players got a kick away to TRACC who was again prominant , who then got it to JV ditto just as prominant who got it to SPARGY who Goaled JACOB VAN ROOYEN Wow is this kid gonna be something!! Took 3 pack marks and moved effortlessly in a forward line chock full of class. FRASER ROSMAN Starting to get some confidence and did a few nice things and runs hard all day was pitted against Ed Langdon DEAKIN SMITH will play this year runs to good spots and skills are developing niceley ANDY MONIZ-WAKEFIELD This kid should also play this year, he zipped into play many times showing a great turn of speed and excellent disposal BEN BROWN. Gee he was impressive, he is much fitter this year and as a forward roams far and wide. takes sticky fingers marks often JAKE MELKSHAM Just when a few thought he was cooked he trained the house down and kicked some very classy goals and set up well as a forward. OTHER RANDOM OBSERVATIONS The players are extremely fit , quick and hungry, skills are at an all time high and every player knows instinctively the style of play required and also set plays in any match situation. There is genuine harmony within the group and the mantra of selfless footy resonates with this scribe. PF https://twitter.com/melbournefc/status/1486871278124662784?s=20&t=Crk0zJj5NjfFAn-NfI_FzQ
  22. Yes precisely! This is what I also picked up thanks for the "Gravitas" and observations Vagg
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