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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. 32 scoring shots to 13 should have won by 20 goals.... Not good enough
  2. 23 scoring shots to 10 who the furg is our goal kicking coach. Just utterley shizzen
  3. 23 scoring shots to 10 who the furg is our goal kicking coach. Just utterley shizzen
  4. He should get 6 weeks! this is a horrible horrible game and will be our worst win forever! Wet toast tactics ... deplorable
  5. Foxtel channel 503 From 5.20 pmchannel 504 from 6.00 pm that clears it up
  6. I was just about to ask the same question does anyone know whats going on??
  7. All I want today is a win and ZERO INJURIES!
  8. In my training reports Dazz I was super impressed by him for this very reason.🤩
  9. Cant agree Sue sorry but a bloke who is on megabucks is deemed to be not going hard enough cops it, I reckon thats fair enough
  10. Wet coke to kick first 2 before we pile on next 40 goals to win by highest margin ever!😇
  11. Dylan Sheil copping plenty on Bomber Blitz, what happened?
  12. To this day always liked David Parkin, but hated that bloke next to him!
  13. Now let me see hnmm....... Daylight.. More daylight.. Cant actually think of any coz U gotta fit the Psyche, not too many " we" players who I think would match up!
  14. 300 piont "thrashing" the likes of which not even poor Uncle Bitter has never seen in his lifetime!!🤩
  15. The one I like best is " Melbourne are beatable, you just have to play a different game" Problem is, no team has invented, or evolved, or is capable of playing a game style which will succeed against us and hopefully won't for centuries! 😉
  16. Ah, coz he k8cked 6 goals in the Rezzies!!
  17. One thing I hate more than anything, is over positive people. My view is... until we beat someone ahead of us on the ladder, I won't get too carried away!😉
  18. No one ever tried it with me!!! I would have given them the "Don't Argue" and then either kicked 7 or taken an 8 For!!😇
  19. Um Clarry Choo Choo??? Mate if I played with him I would be SOOOOOO INSPIRED, I would willingly climb over broken glass with him and then share that Large as life grin that he enables with his teammates that definately show Love Empathy and Genuine care and concern for those around him as an "On Field" GENERAL! Sign me up Son!!!!
  20. Norf have no one to blame but themselves. The last 3 to 4 years saw the list was absolutely obliterated I mean how could they possibly have thougjt BBB was surplus to needs? Nup, whoever was overseeing list management should be held to account. Basket case club.
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