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Everything posted by deva5610

  1. Threeeeeeeeeeeeed...I mean Weeeeeeeeeed!
  2. I'm sure many of us feel the same way. Can't wait to hear "Weeeeeeeeeeeed" coming from the crowd while he hopefully plays a belter!
  3. Geez I hope so. I really truly do. I want the Weed to come out and smash packs, take mark of the year and slot six like Koz did last week. It's in there somewhere and today is the day.....but I'll settle for a decent amount of good solid grabs and a few goals. Just something to spark him up to be the player we all want!
  4. TRACCCCCCCCCCC. You ripper! Was never in doubt ;)
  5. I'm starting to come around to this thinking. He's done it too many times now.
  6. Great follow up Koz!
  7. Wasted. Absolutely wasted that.
  8. "The away seats. 2 big bays of them" Errrmmmm......sure. "Big".
  9. BBB playing himself into some form here! You've gotta love it.
  10. WatchAFL doesn't need a VPN. It's specifically for international usage.
  11. If you're based overseas and want WatchAFL a great option is an international digital membership from the club. About $180 I think. Includes WatchAFL and supports the club. Win/Win.
  12. Not sure which bar you are at BBO, but I can almost guarantee El Murphys will be showing the game. Good grub too.
  13. None. Let it ride.
  14. Just like in Vegas. No changes, let it ride.
  15. Oh shove a sock in it would you. Broken bloody record.
  16. With respect, I disagree. He's a well paid professional athlete and with that comes rules that the club wants him to follow. Human or not he broke those rules and he now cops some sort of punishment for that transgression. That's just how it is. He knew the rules, he broke the rules, he should not have been drinking. In my career I am not allowed to drink before work or take drugs lest I show a positive on any number of random drug tests I am subjected to. I am paid well for that and I take my responsibilities seriously. Should I do something stupid I'm not going to expect (nor would I want) people to be "Oh, he's just a human, it's fine". That said, I do think a lot of the reactions towards the bloke have been well over the top. We've (almost) all done stupid stuff. He'll cop his medicine and we can all move on once we smash the pies.
  17. Yes. The AFL required he donate $10,000 to the Salvos along with whatever penalties the club gave him.
  18. Unlucky Weeeeed. Deserved the reward from that one.
  19. Read the laws of the game. The 50 metre penalties are not paid for time wasting. They are paid for delaying and impeding the play (amongst other reasons). In fact the only mentions of time wasting in the laws are for payment of a free kick for time wasting (not 50m penalties) and reportable offences. Once again. Player is awarded a free kick. That means there is still a passage of play to remain. Oppo player roosts ball out of the stadium. Oppo player is delaying that passage of play from occurring. As per the laws of the game, written in black and white, it is a 50m penalty.
  20. But that's entirely my point. The rule mentions nothing about time, or time wasting. The wording is delaying the play. If there is still a kick to go and you roost the ball out of the stadium you are delaying that piece of play. You're not wasting any time off the clock, but the rule mentions nothing of time being wasted so that argument is moot. Purely and only based on the exact wording of the rule it should be a 50.
  21. How so? The player has a free kick to take. The ball has been roosted into the stands. How is that not delaying the play? It's not wasting any time, sure, because there isn't any time left. But it is delaying the play.
  22. But the rule doesn't say anything about "time wasting". It says "delays or impedes the play". Kicking the ball into the stands is delaying the play. Should've been a 50 IMO, but I can't say that it bothers me after seeing some of the faces.
  23. Except for all the times during that same season when everyone said the same thing about our inaccurate kicking. We never really looked like losing in any aspects of todays game, poor kicking aside. I do think that inaccurate kicking more often than not is one of the worst parts of our game, but I'm sure we'll cope. Just as we did in 2021.
  24. Same as last year then....oh, wait.
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