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Everything posted by BoBo

  1. If that was done to Jack in that contest, he would’ve been awarded the free.
  2. The AFL royally screwed up the set up of that club. Unprofessional/drug/party culture to start with which by all accounts took a decade to undo. If you were one of those players to which AFL is just a career and you don’t feel a burning passion to succeed like others do, GC is your club.
  3. Has Jake Stringer ever been AFL fit whilst being at Essendon? Feels like his best years were at the dogs and his time at Essendon has just been Meh
  4. That was seriously impressive by the crows. Great skills, fast paced style and the forward line looks organised. Looks like they'll be a handful at home but will have to see how they travel.
  5. Did you know? There’s studies on the correlative relationship between trolling and what’s called ‘Dark Tetrad’ personality factors (the levels of psychopathic, narcissistic, Machiavellian and sadistic traits a person has). What’s been found is that the levels of these traits a person has, is shown to be positively predictive of whether they’ll engage in trolling or not. On top of this, levels of loneliness are also another factor that is shown to be positively predictive. The more dark traits and higher levels of loneliness a person has, the more likely they are to troll. There’s also a social factor to online trolling which is driven by a desire for attention from others. The emotional reward is a sense of power and (saddest of all) feeling successful. So when someone engages in trolling behaviour, it’s indicative, that they’re most likely somewhere in what the above describes. Make of this information what you will. Dees by 23. P.S. It’s ‘Coober Pedy’ not ‘Cooper Pedy’.
  6. Yeah fair point. Was thinking today, if I had known about this round earlier in the year, I probably would’ve done just that!
  7. I'm quite interested to see how many people they end up drawing to Radelaide considering it's the round after Easter when a lot of people already went away for 3-4 days. Also (high chance this is just a me thing), I only found out this time last week that this whole 'gather round' was even a thing. Have the SA Govt been spending ads in places I haven't seen??
  8. I'm really glad this is a topic as I can't [censored] stand Channel 7. When BT/Richo/Brayshaw/Darcy are commentating in any combination together, they regularly stray away from talking about the game in front of them. The 'trash talk' with each other throughout the game, is just dumb and annoying. None of them have any charisma and their collective chemistry is non-existent. Feels forced and unnatural. They will talk about other players in other games that are yet to happen, in the middle of live play. I remember watching a neutral game years ago with a mate, two mid-tier teams were fighting for a spot in the finals, it was a close game in the final quarter and BT starts talking at length about how excited he is for some other game that Dusty Martin was playing in. They ask each other irrelevant questions throughout the game like 'how many times did you do that in your career Richo?', 'Geez, don't think BT would've reacted well to that, how many weeks would you have gotten if someone did that to you BT?' blah blah blah. Or BT will just go off talking about some fish and chip shop in some country town somewhere, where some old player he played with from the early 90's is from and then they have a conversation about fish and chips whilst there's literally passages of play happening. The amount of times I've heard James Brayshaw say something like 'let's get back to talking about the game' whilst commentating is ridiculous. They detract and distract from the game as they make it about THEMSELVES and even worse, even when they focus on the game, they don't generate any energy. All of this put together comes across like the game in front of them is just boring to them so hey let's be hilarious and just talk absolute [censored] whilst the game is on. Sucks excitement out of the game.
  9. Ahhhh right. I thought he was saying he was eating them for breakfast.
  10. Whatever number a crowd or mob is.
  11. Seem to remember when Daniher first started at the Lions he played the same up the ground role he did tonight and people were talking of an improved Daniher. He looks like a better player when he’s not just sticking around the 50.
  12. Daisy is one of the best special commentators out there! It’s the main commentators jobs to build excitement.
  13. Mmmm don’t like it mainly because the justification to bring it in, based on injuries, is just a bad argument. If the argument is: ‘have a mid season draft to fix list deficiencies caused by injury’ then what about what’s just happened to the Eagles in this round? 10 years from now they could easily say ‘hey we implemented a mid season trade period to address a situation like this, we’ve just lost 5 of our starting 22 in a week! It’s not fair that our entire season is screwed because of injury and the mid season draft is months away’ Why not have 2 season trade periods? Why not 3? Just leave it up to the clubs when they want to trade? That way, no clubs have to have their season ruined because of injury. It’s the exact same argument (the Eagles case is probably stronger than what McCrae is arguing) and they have more need to be able to trade now than Collingwood will mid-season. I’d also hate to be in a constant cycle of leading up to trade periods. Every week there would be discussions about which teams should go after which players etc. etc. etc.
  14. Silly comments? On the internet? Crazy talk. Game day thread is mostly purely the emotions of what’s happening during the game, often what’s expressed is hyperbolic and in the moment as it all goes so quickly. I feel like the doom posting from some is an underlying genuine fear, that this once in a generation team is all a dream and that any week now, it’s all going to come crashing down and it will be another 50 years before another flag win. Posting (much like the wider internet) gives people the illusion of control. It’s going to be over the top as it’s people posting from emotions which is fine by me as long as it’s not hateful or vitriolic.
  15. He’s one of those players that instinctively knows when to bump players when they’re slightly off balance. A natural footballer.
  16. No Gawn, no Kozzie and a 50 point win against a very good team at the G after they got back in the game from 5 goals down. One of the best wins I’ve seen from us live hands down.
  17. Charlie Spargo should be dropped next week for that WEAK EFFORT
  18. Charlie Spargo should be dropped next week for that WEAK EFFORT
  19. Was at the game last year and Sydney’s kicking and marking tore us to shreds. Took us out of the game aerially all over the ground and their connection from backline to forward line made it so they could go end to end without us touching the ball. Much like last week, they had time and space to execute their skills. We have to be the hunters! Apply pressure for 4 quarters, make them feel like they have no time and hit bloody hard around the ball. One thing you had to admire about hawthorns 3 flag teams, they had a mindset/attitude where they wouldn’t allow themselves to be hunted or physically beaten 2 games in a row. I do believe we won’t be nearly as poor with skills/being fumbly today so I’m not worried about that, it’s coming out and not allowing Sydney to play their way. That’s how we beat them. [censored] go out and smash em Dees, I want to see fire!!!
  20. This is a mauling. Scoreboard doesn’t do it justice.
  21. I bought a couple of Russian Oktava condenser pin mics about 15 years ago for I think $450 for the both of them. Still use them to record with now and they’re probably my favourite microphone, in saying that, I’d be willing to donate them just so we can hear the bloody journalists on the post game interview!
  22. Whoah, 6 years for Hipwood??????? Oh dear
  23. Trying to do a good deal for the AFL, haha
  24. Ohhhhh yup, you’re right. My bad. Misunderstood extension meant in an already existing year to play out. Thanks for the correction.
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