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Everything posted by Kick_It_To_Pickett

  1. Paxmen is completely cooked. Two critical errors for two goals this evening. Move her out of defence
  2. West and Hore just confirming my point - we lack polish and can’t kick and Bannan further confirming my point…natural talent who can kick
  3. They’ve got a few loose targets by looking to switch play. Lions players are nailing targets through the corridor with precision. The fact their teammates mark the ball also helps, but this is the difference I speak of. I got over my hatred of the umpiring in this league and stuck with it, but I hold firm on my views. Our supposed top 5 lack polish. I used to think Paxmen was the best user of the footy in our team, but she looks way off it this season. I’d be spinning a few magnets.
  4. Just remind them not to bounce. Practice the solo or touch the ball on the ground. Cost a goal.
  5. Don’t get defensive of your countrywomen Dub. It’s a fact. If you are watching, our best 5 players and most experienced are poor field kicks. Admittedly Hore is a good shot on goal. Around the ground we consistently miss targets.
  6. Bannan is the most skilled player on our list with proper footy smarts. She will be one of the best players in the comp in the next couple of years.
  7. Oh and I’ll had one more thing, the Irish girls have all the heart in the world and can run, but cannot kick or bounce the ball. So not sure what they add
  8. Daisy, Paxmen, Scott and Hore are all C grade kicks. That’s the biggest difference here. Lions hitting their kicks and we turn it over
  9. We are simply not anywhere near skilled enough to execute the game plan the coach has asked them to play to. It relies on pinpoint kicking and chipping away. The Lions kicking is far more accurate and they are light years ahead of our girls.
  10. I’ve had to turn off. The passage with about 9minutes left on the clock sums up where the womens game is at. Poorly officiated garbage. It’s like watching an entirely different game
  11. Anyone know what the deal is with NB sizes. I have bought Large and XL in the past and there is no consistency in the sizes at all. The reproduction 90s Demon pre season we wore in members round, I got a large, it was so tight. Then I got a regular Large from NB outlet and it was fine. Then an XL and it was same as the L. It’s really confusing
  12. Good to see us fight it out. Lack of awareness probably cost us a couple of extra goals. However, we were out bodied around the ball and couldn’t move it cleanly at all. Agree tht it was not a forward issue, but we needed to roll up the ground higher. Needed more targets at CHF and some ground level representation crumbing the packs. Erin Phillips is a class above most players in the AFLW. She reads the ball off packs superbly and knows where to position herself. Libby Birch is terrific at reading the ball in flight, but less so at ground level. I feel we try to play too precisely at times, and really lack the skill to play a precise game. We looked better in the last when moving the ball quickly
  13. She is second to the ball and when she ‘nails’ one it is clumsy and she gives away free kicks. Simple as that
  14. Yeah …we are way off the benchmarks. We cannot get the ball moving with any fluidity at all. The signs were there the last 2 weeks, but we did enough to get over the line. Against a quality outfit today, we have been completely shown up.
  15. Taylor Harris is a shadow of her former self. Lost all conditioning and looks unfit and uncoordinated. Unless she is jumping at the ball, completely useless
  16. This is the worst performance I can remember from our girls ever. They cannot find anything forward on centre. Zanker, usually one of our best, has had a complete stinker. Coach really needs to spin the magnets and change something in the last. This is a really embarrassing performance
  17. I thought I saw something from Pert saying that the players will parade the cup around the boundary, as they do on Grand Final day? If you are on the boundary you might get a photo.
  18. I’m not sure it’s limited to 40k. I don’t think the club expects more than 40k to attend. You have to remember that 2 months have passed since the Gf. If it was the very next day, it may have been different
  19. Spoke with club this morning. Details were: 10:30am gates open 11-11:30am Replay of the Game Half Time entertainment 2pm - player presentation and cup presentation 3pm conclusion
  20. I went into Chadstone over the weekend and took t he time to drop by the New Balance shop. Not one item of MFC clothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. How pathetic is that!? I’ve been saying it for years, but New Balance really don’t promote the MFC at all. Other sponsors have apparel in-store. Even after a premiership, they haven’t bothered to update their stores. The MFC should shop itself around. It’s marketable right now. Sadly, I think we signed a deal with NB to extend. When Richmond won their first flag in 30 odd years, Puma produced a shoe to commemorate
  21. Well that was another thoroughly enjoyable Monday night watching the replay, yet again!
  22. I didn’t want to start a new thread, but perhaps it is deserving of one. With announcements today by the Premier, that we are aiming for 80k by Boxing Day at the G and that by November 24th we are looking at 90% Vaxx rates, is it time for the club to start planning the celebration at the MCG for Victorian members. There was a lot of noise about this from the club early on after the Premiership, but things have gone a little quiet, obviously waiting to see how things were unfolding. So, what does Dee-Day at the G look like? A seated replay with food and drink packages? Usual seats? Players in their playing kits? Presentation of the cup at the end with a lap of honour? Merchandise stores in Yarra Park? Kick to kick on the G after? Fire away with ideas….
  23. Relax mate. Don’t know if you’ve heard, but there is this thing called COVID that’s impacting the entire world. Mail and parcels from every source is delayed. The postal service has admitted they can’t keep up. The celebration will happen as soon as it can. Go and watch the replay
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