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Roost it far

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Everything posted by Roost it far

  1. Outcoached again. Mays absurd kick outs, selecting TMac, smashed at clearances, no forward system. I’m sorry but these are coaching flaws. Had they kicked straight we’d have been dead at half time. Bemoan the umpiring, JVR’s mistakes but the facts are plain to see. We’re running a Rolls Royce on dirty tractor diesel with Goodwin at the helm and yes can we please go into bat for our team mates and let the opposition pick themselves up. [censored]!
  2. OUTCOACHED YET AGAIN I’m sorry but Goodwin remains the problem…..he’s got the best talent in the league and can’t get them firing
  3. Goodwin is cooked, I don’t rate him at all. May’s kick outs are absurd. Our clearance work is ordinary and we crumble under pressure. They should have won by 30 points. Embarrassing.
  4. This will be one of those games where we hold out an arm and they flap around trying to get close. 30 points, comfortable, lets go.
  5. If Salem has had a 4 week mini preseason then I'd play him. Let him get game time the next 2-3 weeks and have him cherry ripe for the Pies. Also when we play the Pies I'd play Kickett on Daicos and tell him to play him close close close and then run off him everytime we get the ball and watch him flounder like a carp in a dried out summer river.
  6. not a danger game, I repeat, not a danger game
  7. Petty hasn't been setting the world on fire this season. We have a choice between Brown, TMac, Schache and Smith to replace him. It's hardly the stuff of nightmares. I'm going to let the FD decide this one as they rarely listen to me anyway. For some reason I'd like to see Smith play but sheesh that's a risk wrapped up in a dilemma.
  8. Sparrow gets chosen over JJ because he's a better player, has a better build for the contested game and can kick a goal from 50.
  9. Joel Smith will likely get his chance in the coming weeks. He better grab it with both hands and not break his thumb in the process
  10. Not even mentioned on the AFL site. Clearly the biggest news of the day and nada, talk about useless
  11. Yes but it’s not because we’re Melbourne
  12. Not only didn’t he hit him in the head but his head doesn’t hit the ground nor is he concussed. Without the stretcher there is no report
  13. Can we lose the whole “we’re the whipping boys” [censored]. It’s [censored] and annoying
  14. I’m actually shocked by this decision. Just plain wrong
  15. A turnover will usually wrong foot your opponent and lead to a score
  16. No rush on him playing, Cherry ripe for KB
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