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Roost it far

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Everything posted by Roost it far

  1. Sharks are bigger bodies 1 point the gap
  2. There’s Brown, running at exactly the same pace Cliff Young runs at
  3. Watching and is Brown even on the ground? Jefferson marks and shanks the kick
  4. Hardly a soft free but yes he should have taken the mark
  5. Our first half was reasonably tough. When you’re in the top 2-4 teams, you’ve got more soft games than tough just on a ladder position perspective. However I’d say all bar 3 sides are pretty tough games, especially at their home grounds, often interstate in different conditions with hostile crowds and different sized grounds.
  6. Those calling for a return of Brown switch on the Casey game and tell me what you think
  7. Brown isn’t stopping Moore and you know it. We need to be careful coming into 50 and we need a player leading into space and taking Moore with him
  8. Have to disagree I’m afraid. We’re a couple of moments away from being 10-2 without playing well. Last night our defence was superb against a solid forward line. Our younger brigade stepped up and showed a lot. It’s June, Collingwood aren’t untouchable and we’ll have Oliver back and Petty coming in after the bye. We then play predominantly at the G, the very ground we’re setting ourselves up to excel on. I actually think we’re tracking beautifully. I also think we’ll beat the Pies but I don’t think it matters either way. The Premiership remains ours to lose.
  9. What makes me happy is that I was actually starting to doubt us. I watched last night and saw a team that’s building for the business end. Our defence is purring and once we clean up forward connection I’d hate to be playing us in September. In…it….necks…..upto
  10. Tonight proved that our backline is designed to have 3 talls. I hope Tomlinson stays in
  11. Then where’d the information come from? Your cousins second best friends wife?
  12. Do we really load at this time of year?
  13. Oh lord am I to be proven wrong…..again…….I hate that. 😂
  14. I’ll be watching Casey this weekend. I suggest BB lovers might want to as well. There’s no universe where he gets a game at the level.
  15. Out: Bowey Harmes in: Hibberd Oliver chandler as sub
  16. You’re off the mark. Carlton were desperate and in the second half had we kicked a little better we would have won by 6-7 goals. Sparrow, JVR, McVee, Bowey and Rivers all had games. Lever and May outstanding, Gawn got his mojo going and Trac did what Trac does. We could easily be 10-2 right now and I for one look at that game and think Oliver and Petty are still to come. Happy Days for me
  17. Can we keep Tomlinson in the side and play Schache over Smith next week?
  18. Tomlinson is ordinary but Levers game greatly improved with the third tall. Play Schache FFS
  19. In all honesty bar the average kicking for goal that second half is our game. Super tight defence, great at contest, multiple avenues to goal. I enjoyed it
  20. People saying Smith has looked likely are watching a different game to me
  21. Looking forward to Petty returning. Schache should be playing. The love affair with Smith needs to end.
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