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Dee Watcher

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Everything posted by Dee Watcher

  1. HB should focus on footy and family and a little less on the other wonderful sites our city have to offer and he'll be fine. Won't see him until mid year at best perhaps even later if we are playing well.
  2. This has been out there for a long time. Olympic athletes are very aware of this and utilize the pill to make sure they avoid clashes with competition etc. The science is pretty clear and surprised the clubs don't already have the players on the pill in order to mitigate the risks like they do in other sports and pro leagues overseas.
  3. Agree club should get Admin/Players/performance in at a single facility before worrying about if there is room for a social club etc. The release of the 5 years plan clearly shows that they current admin must be very close on a deal in the MCG/Yarra Park area otherwise its going to be a massive egg on face moment for Pres & CEO
  4. The saints wasteed a sh*tload on seaford and everything that was meant to be down there....it turned into the biggest white elephant across club land in the last 20 years with there own players wanted more money due to the travel/locations etc. The most annoying bit is the Saints wasted all the cash and effectively got gifted a clean slate by government.
  5. Mate look at Casey, you need a cut lunch to get out there it like the Saints Seaford experiment is a time/money muncher! Could you imagine if we said lets put the clubs secondary home in Sunbury? Everyone would loose there you know whats but its actually closer than Casey to the G Casey Field to MCG - 51+KMs Sunbury to MCG - 47+ KMs Any social rooms and club facility needs to be as close to the G as possible as being central is most important as the outer suburbs things don't work for a number for reasons including transport infrastructures
  6. We might be heading into another ice age by the time the Demons get a facility in the MCG precinct.
  7. The premium on bayside real estate might hurt our chances in that part of the world..as local communities push back pretty strongly against development of public land.
  8. Always thought Yarra Bend/north along the Yarra had a few options if you tied it in with the community clubs who lack great facilities but had the space/ovals. Its all about getting the local clubs/councils onside which might costs the dee's significant $$ as we'd be putting up most if not all of the money to develop the site/facilities if you could get it over the line. In essence we'd need to provide rooms/access for the local clubs otherwise you have buckley's and none of getting the local council onside. That said a big issue might be getting members/players to venture more than a couple of km's north of 'G
  9. Even so surely as mention he goes on the LIT so we can get in a player who might help us this season.
  10. The steak knifes part of the May trade is certainly a list clogger of the highest order....think it might be time for everyones sake/health if he calls time on the career.
  11. surely not but funny to see the responses, some people get so upset by this type of stuff!
  12. The AFL can't afford to prop up another team particular one that add's no commercial value tot he league or its sponsors. Based on the changing viewing habits of the Under 40's there is a very strong chance the next TV rights deal will be less than the previous one so the AFL taking on a 3rd afl run/owed club would be financial suicide particularly if the Tassie Government has a chance of heart and doesn't want to stump up the cash any longer.
  13. This is about re election and has no basis in reality! The economics of this proposal make no sense...you can;'t split the home games or you won't make enough money on the gate half the time! The government are expected to ship in 7-8M a year....wait until Tassie has another economic downturn and the opposing political party withdraws or reduces funding coming into election for essential services! Its a joke that people think the AFL would happily allow a new club into the league they know won't ever be viable whilst also adding to commercial value to TV rights deals as people in Tassie already watch the footy, so the question is how does this make the league better or add value?
  14. It would be interesting to see if the mental issues persisted if AFL players stop getting paid whilst they weren't at the club. In the real world you don't get "time" away to sort out your personal [censored]....if you do you'll find yourself pretty hungry pretty quick!
  15. Sounds like a great AFL junket!! Like all the overseas games NZ/China/London/Irish Series etc these are an excuse for a junket on members money...AFL house will send a large contingent together with club representatives!
  16. The minute a team is going no good expect the jungle drums to beat
  17. Hope Hogan gets well but for once we've dodged a massive bullet when it comes to trades/playing list...now lets hope May can stay fit and this could prove to be a great trade. Freo will be spewing...wonder if he still gets paid whilst on leave?
  18. Believe it when i see it!
  19. Surely they can make a few calls and get a few top up players.
  20. Richo knows a thing or two about lists and winning cultures so this is awesome news!
  21. Hopefully he can learn to play football.... seems crazy to say that about a player on an AFL list.
  22. So the club took the morale high ground and sold the gaming venues but didn't replace that revenue? We have withdrawn from Darwin so that income drops off next year. Doesn't sound like a very good business plan if we are walking away from revenue with no replacement other than the "win" more games! Based on history we can't be trusted to win games....got a feeling we are headed for a big issue once again!
  23. If Weid doesn't make the leap in development this year he will play alot of footy for us
  24. Pert came in making a number of big promises....only waiting on him to actually achieve or get near those promises
  25. May has been pushing for Harley to get a gig and if he trains well and looks solid the dee's will be picking him up. Hopefully May can keep Harley on the straight and narrow as the boys used to enjoy the lagers together on the GC.
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