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Everything posted by Kent

  1. I think Sir can bag the MFC in any thread he chooses to ITs a forum of diverse views BTW Who set you up as the gate keeper
  2. Why the he'll can't Tomlinson get a game Turner is a fail on those Stats
  3. I guess so but I still don't understand the alleged quote by the op Does flim equal flam?
  4. Yes let's install a whole emergency department at all the grounds fully staffed and equipped. The dr makes the call and should be allowed to proceed without hindrance so if the ct scan is clear that's ok how long to take a scan? It's a nonsense drs should err on the conservative side
  5. Schacke with a hair do !
  6. Best we can do I think is 5 and 5 Give us 8th probably 9th Start of season I thought 10th and my footy friends thought I wa crazy
  7. Absolutely oHh and its winter in melbourne Good grief!
  8. Pretty good team CHF could be worth more than 2 cents A good mix of youth going forward with stronger established players
  9. so she said nothing what does that mean ?
  10. so true SPC how backs are always up at the centreline Looks like amatuer hour
  11. I along with others expect them to have a go simple start with effective tackles The game plan has begun to destro us in my view
  12. Thats why the pressure should be on the coach and staff The game plan is wrong for the players we have doing the samething over and over because it used to work is just silly. It doesnt work and the club is devoid of strategy to make meaningfull change
  13. Give Oliver a rest clanger and turn over king. Whats wrong with him??
  14. Howe and Maynard almost best for the Pies Competed really well and upset our forward entries repeatedly Howe also ran off his man with good effect I like
  15. Sack Goodwin he is the problem! Off you go demonlanders
  16. That's a [censored] poor comment mate how woke are you
  17. Goodwin is not a good coach Move on
  18. Was just on the Sunday footy show Looks great and very personable
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