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Everything posted by Youngwilliam

  1. Tell me how you like to be misunderstood and labelled something you are not. Attacks are all one direction here.
  2. Yes this whole thread is out of scope to what I thought Demonland was about. Yes online bullying and targeting someone online is abhorrent, what happened to Kossi, Eddie and all indigenous players online should never happen today. But people who troll as a hobby have little care for the burner accounts they create. Talking about them doesn't discourage a troll and thinking you are hurting them this way is laughable. In Kossi's situation the club should handle it, giving him guidance and support. Issue a statement that a member of the club was targeted and reaffirm the club does not tolerate online bullying. We are not helping the situation, it could have been someone with-in Demonland for all we know. Someone with a sick sense of humour creating a burner West Coast chat account to make the West Coast fans look bad. They have caused more damage to the young player. These are people lives you are toying with, it's just football after all.
  3. You are a little misguided in what a troll is. Do correct me if I am wrong but I have not attacked anyone, I just a differing opinion. Just thought a few would be open to getting an understanding of the correct way to deal with trolls but its too far of the textbook you follow so "burn the witch" aye pagans?
  4. But you're not giving solutions. How do you fix this?
  5. Let me give you an insight into the troll, the very thing this is all about. The internet troll has no connection to his account, he has little care for the account. The troll is probably rolling through comments with 3 or 4 accounts. Troll would have multiple Gmail emails and yahoo emails, all the generic easy to get email addresses. How are you going to stop this? How are you going to get to know the person directly to stop them. There is no free speech as long as there is consequence to speech. You can't go around blocking and banning accounts as there are too many and more will pop up. What, is Demonland going to become invite only? That drains the pool a little, stops conversations that challenge you. (Something like echo chambers) There is a reason we grew up in the era of "ignore the bullies and they will get bored and leave you alone" and yes we all copped a few sluggs in the guts for trying. Prepare for the world or it will swallow you up and spit you out.
  6. So you got nothing racist... typical. Another so ready to call someone a racist and you ask them to show where and they give the typical " if you can't see it I'm not going to waist my time in showing you". 🙄
  7. You are delusional. Point to where I was racist.
  8. And Daisycutter made a good argument, I acknowledged this.
  9. You can't do that without causing a mass genocide. Look how Germany went removing Jews. That is not the way to go. You will never get 7 billion people to think the same until 7 billion people have a common intergalactic enemy. Human nature is to be the best at all costs. You and I may not have the "at all cost" attitude but someone in the world's 7 billion population does and when we are all tra-la-la prancing in the daisy fields, this 1 in 7 billion will promise a group of people power and wealth and smear us into the earth. Handling the internet may be criteria for player recruitment in the not so distant future.
  10. Dieter, the title of this thread is "MFC player racially abused on social media - club statement"
  11. The point I am making in this thread is you are handling the internet trolls incorrectly. You can't stop the trolls making comments because they always find a way. You need to educate the players, give them the foundation to handle the talk. No it's not easy or a perfect solution and it's not the result alot of you will agree with. Don't talk about what the trolls say and they will get bored and move on.
  12. Name a multicultural country that does not have conflict, it's human nature. If people are not fighting about race, then they are fighting about religion, or politics. Two neighbouring towns in Australia will hate each other. I came from a barely 100 population country town and every time we played cricket of footy against the next town 12 kms down the road it would be savage.
  13. Umm, everything. White English come to the Aboriginal land, they murder, racially abuse and reprogram the aboriginal people. If the indigenous didn't turn white English in their character then they were killed. It's how all colonisation and discovering new lands were practices. Europe's countries borders are not them same today as they were 50, 100, 150 200 years ago. I am not excusing such practices in 2021 as some have accused me of. Just saying that South Africa has given power to black leadership, it's not looking good for 100% of the South African population.
  14. Sorry for telling you Santa doesn't exist. Its why we have prisons, it's why we have a police force, it's why we have a judicial system. Way to fly off the handle with your nonsensical finger pointing. There will always be bad people in the world and it comes down to how you manage the bad people. Racism is in the human nature, it's what makes humans competitive. A nation cannot exist under two (of equal stance) flags. Is none of this is logical? Ban me pfft, sorry not sorry for being your boogie man. I think you need to see how the real world exists if you have people of different beliefs swinging hands. We have it lucky in AFL because we can sit next to other supporters of other teams and not murder each other, unlike soccer in England. Now that's intolerance. Dang, I just gaslight the argument.
  15. Where is the racism in my comment? We all support MFC, that's what brings us together but as you start to delve into the character of each supporter you are going to find differences. Differences you will not agree with. What was said about Kossi by this person is wrong but you get stuck in a vicious circle with internet trolls. They want recognition for their work. You should ignore them, don't give them recognition, but you have to talk about it because "call out racism". I think a few of you are missing the point I am making here. Humans are competitive, they bring down anyone they fear or have a jealousy towards. They do their best to bring them down. In 2021, South Africa is not the Utopia you are looking for.
  16. Interesting direction, you are taking. I thought @daisycutter answered the best and most eloquently. I see intolerance is strong in you.
  17. @Lord Nev @Hopeful Demon you two can facepalm all you like. It doesn't actually say where you see I am wrong. Explain how separate awards based on race is a good thing. A commentator in the NFL said this exact same thing on live television. Call them all "players". He also was an African American player of the past. He wanted the segregation removed.
  18. Just throwing this in, you are never going to get rid of racism as long as society keeps segregating people. We have Indigenous awards, why? Are they not equal to every other players? Are aboriginal people unable to compete with everyone else? People want to blend in but also keep their identity without bringing misery to others. You show how this works and you have solved racism.
  19. What the [censored] was that [censored] call. To Darling, Love Nichols ❤
  20. People with depression learn to hide their pain. They don't want to talk about it. Yes he may be all smiles but we will never really know what goes through his head when he is alone. Footage of Chester Bennington the day before he took his life has him laughing and playing around with family and friends. Chester's wife posted the video for everyone showing what his depression looked like.
  21. Shoulder tackles are fine. Shoulder charges are different and illegal.
  22. This is how Ed Richards got concussion. Ed saw Kozzi coming at him and the coaching Ed has received told him to buckle at the knees so the tackle would go high... except the tackle was a rugby tackle. Point of the shoulder aimed for the sternum. Lights out Richards. If these players want an easy free, make them earn it.
  23. Good, maybe the lads will pull their [censored] heads in now and realise it's not easy. Thought the last month we had would have done it.
  24. Viney, arsey goal right there!
  25. Yes he is dead and all but didn't Bon Scott wear a Melbourne footy jumper in one of his videos? Struggling to find any confirming footage myself, wondering if anyone else can confirm.
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