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Fanatique Demon

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Everything posted by Fanatique Demon

  1. Just wondering if anyone else noticed that Carlton players seemed very strong in our tackles? They were usually able to get a hand pass or kick away because our tackles didn’t shut them down. The umpires gave them plenty of time too.
  2. Just watched the last two minutes again. Hunt, Melksham and Kozzie!!!! But can’t understand why, at the last ruck contest with 11 seconds to go, Gawn didn’t bring the ball to his feet to force another stoppage. Instead it goes out the front to a Carlton player, risking a forward thrust, mark, goal and loss.
  3. 6. Melksham 5. Oliver 4. Petty 3. Brayshaw 2. Hunt 1. Gawn
  4. Could you be a little more specific, Deever?
  5. We couldn’t drop this, surely? Anyway, I’m into my last few days in Bali. I have given up on Seminyak. Too many Bintang singlet wearing Aussies. And no-one recognised my MFC cap! I’ll be watching in Sanur. Go Demons!!
  6. Thanks Onion. Is there an up-to-date Pythagorean ladder?
  7. I’ll be watching this thread from France, Spain, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia, Bali, and eventually Melbourne. Go Thread!!
  8. Melbourne 13 16 - 94 defeated Carlton 10 8 - 68
  9. Yes, we had our chances and didn’t take them. The other sides did. What does that tell you? Everything’s ok?
  10. Perhaps. But losing three of the last five certainly isn’t doing a lot right.
  11. Well, it looks to me like the optimists can find plenty of excuses for our losses. I’d like to believe we can still win it, but a lot of things have to improve… the same things that have needed to improve for at least six weeks. So far I haven’t seen any evidence that they can or will.
  12. No wonder Fox wants to replace 7’s commentary with its own.
  13. Watching from Seminyak Square, Bali tonight. Just hoping the bar isn’t full of Mudpie fans. Go Demons! ❤️💙
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