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Fanatique Demon

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Status Updates posted by Fanatique Demon

  1. Hi Soupless.

    I had always wondered about the origins of your avatar. Today in France’s cold and wet lockdown I watched some old Seinfeld episodes. I think I discovered it. Right?

    a bientôt.

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    2. Fanatique Demon

      Fanatique Demon

      Thanks for the reply. I was referring to « no soup for me » being from Seinfeld.

      we must be of similar age (born 1951)

      Hope to meet you some day - if I ever get to Melbourne again. 

    3. nosoupforme


      Hi  FD I just realized where you are living how dumb am l ? I had woken up with a cup of coffee and saw your message and l was intrigued by your question . I was half awake and clicked sometime in the arvo  ha ha.

      I have been to Paris travelled with the wife and spent five days and stayed in Opera. Not enough.

      The name l use NSFM is that l just put a twist on  the Soup Nazi mantra. He says no soup for you.

      I wish you the best of luck in France,  (are you in Paris?) and l hope you all pull through this wretched virus soon.

      Born 1954. 

      Feel free to drop me a line anytime stay safe and go Dees. 



    4. Fanatique Demon

      Fanatique Demon

      We’re in a town called Souillac, which is in the Lot department, about 500 km south of Paris. We’ve been here 7 years, after spending 2 in Paris, 10 in Singapore and 2 in Hong Kong.

      We’ve bought an apartment in Ringwood, off the plan, and intend to move back when it’s built — probably end 2022.

      stay well. And go Demons!

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