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Everything posted by dazzademon

  1. Well that’s that, a very disappointing end to the season after last year’s high. Was desperate to see us into the GF live in person. But it want meant to me. I’m absolutely gutted and sure we all feel it and ducks the weekend now. I’m just annoyed that we continued all year to keep the structure and players on the park when clearly other teams worked us out. Our second half fade outs continued all year and nothing changed we had the odd game we played well but generally this was a trend. Teams evolve that’s why they are always successful cats, hawks, swans even hate to say it pies. We didn’t all year we rode that’s years ride 10 rounds into this year and it didn’t work. So gutted even writing this but it feels good to get it out. Love the dees but so disappointing to go out like this. Hopefully we learn / adapt and recruit aggressively to get us back to the pinnacle.
  2. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over again and expect a different result. The same with selection, pick the same team comprehensively beaten last week and go in with the same again? Goodwin I know you got us to the pinnacle but surely you can adapt to change and reading the landscape. #straightsetsout #underwhelming
  3. How good is the live stream. Just great to be there but not be there ?
  4. Hard to watch the end of game. We were only 2 games from being in the West coke position! Hard. I hope our team looks at our potential window of getting there without leaving for the $ . As $ in life doesn’t truely make you happy. It does in part but true happiness comes from your passion! Family / friends / mfc !!! peace out
  5. After being in Perth yesterday and feeling and hearing those rabid animals. I feel we need to do more at our home games. We need to turn the mcg into a frickin fortress and make it uncomfortable for away teams!
  6. Mate couldn’t agree more with your post. Love the dees and will run through walls for then but yesterday was like going to another country. I was booed and when I left with 5 mins to go was heckled to go home back to Victoria! Pay back will be fierce next year for every away team when they play us at the mcg!
  7. Long time reader. Cant wait - heading there tomorrow first flight out. - anyone on Jetstar flight 7am ish start signing . 'its a grand old flag'!!! I am sure we can all connect then. Go Dee's
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