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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. I said Bill Guest and Hassa Mann were the driving forces behind the merger and as Ridley is concerned I am going by the numerous conversations I had with him.
  2. No he wasn't. Did you have any conversations with Ridley?
  3. Not talking rot, as I said Mann and Guest were the main culprits, in the conversations I had with Ridley he was very concerned for the members. I don't really care what you think of that.
  4. I am only telling you what I know of the situation and I do not recall him being vocal about it.
  5. It was Hassa Mann and Billy Guest who was driving the merger, Ian Ridley was very concerned By the whole process. I had many conversations with him regarding it and he use to ring me regarding the thoughts and feelings amongst the Redlegs members group.
  6. Exactly correct, that was sure to happen.
  7. He had treatment in America and is feeling pretty good at the moment but family think he won't be back.
  8. Yes they did say that, but I doubt very much that he will play again.
  9. McCartin's view of himself is different from that of his family.
  10. Haven't seen anything in papers or on news that they have.
  11. Might not be this year, but we will return.
  12. Oh yes it would be a love fest
  13. Thanks for those kind words, if you are ever in the redlegs rooms ask Ralph and Mike to point me out and we can have a drink or two.
  14. Ignore button might work for you
  15. I will have one with you.
  16. It wouldn't matter if mickey mouse was coaching Collingwood the media would still go to him first because they are stupid fwits
  17. I think you are being a bit on the hysterical side. Lie down for a couple of months and take in some deep breaths.
  18. Stop adding to the garbage that is being written about this problem.
  19. I have gone into the business of selling soap boxes, but I will you one for free.
  20. Are you 5 years old? that is what age bracket would call a person named Goodwin As Badloss
  21. Don't worry they are still around ready to pounce at the first sight of things not appearing to be right, just like vultures.
  22. A lot of garbage amongst this.
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