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Everything posted by Kev

  1. A bit like buddhist mindfulness practice. I can see how some flourish with this walk through life. However it can't be for everyone. Does it lead to excellence? Self discipline, versus it will be right on the night, or don't sweat the small stuff. [I heard he wants everyone to shower (clean their lockers) and that produced excellence.]
  2. We need, respect from those in power. Regulation only stop the good people. The manipulators will continue as they often think they are above the laws. Hugs should be with good Intentions, consent and respectful of the power Imbalance. Are you sure they are "outlawed"?
  3. Didn't watch it. The link had a wall, "for members only." Just going off on the quote. Giving my two cents worth to a society stricken by the haves and have nots. The top end want conformity, obedience and sacrifice. If there was better distribution of the proceeds, I would say the end justifies the means. They run on fear and oppression. I would like to see the opposite occur in our institutions. I think it is possible to create institutional culture that is healthy for our world, as well as win. The values include, egalitarianism, care, freedom, diversity and joy, not, fear, oppression and micro control (ie, neat locker rooms).
  4. Generational and societal changes causes a change in the optimum management of people. Methods are not repeatable, if they were, wouldn't a team that mastered it be always at the top. It all flows and ebbs with the times. Hoping MFC can find that magic system. I doubt that it is based on obedience any more, but I could be wrong. If organisations still get the best for that institution by obedience then it is at the expense of the individuals freedom, mental health and diversification. In an extreme sense, the ideology becomes totalitarianism versus social democratic values. Also hoping, that the flags get shared around to all the clubs.
  5. You sure that is what he was getting at. I hear it more as, in an dormitory everyone should make their beds in the same way as each other, using the same bedding and personal objects. Then we know we are on the same page, working to the same goals. I want individualism and self-expression not a boot camp environment. Male dominated environments really want conformity, then the patriarch can feel in control, powerful and it sets a cover for any shady dealings (keeping up appearances). Bohemian style is really not one associated with getting the job done. However it does bring caring, sharing, genuine relationships and authenticity. Though, it has a sense of being out of control. Within AFL clubs are all the social problems of the wider world. I would prefer the self expression over the oppression model of make your bed, in order to have more stable mental health and genuine relationships. We no longer have a "letting off steam" in an alcohol fuelled night. Bonding over that drug causes too many problems, both personally and societal. Many don't inebriate themselves or are actively discouraged. The authentic needs to be always present, since those times of dis-inhibited behaviour when the players bonded no longer exist within the whole group. It is groups within groups and diversification that is making it difficult for all matter to each other. Genuineness and authenticity breaks down those walls. Authoritarianism hides the wall. Be seen as yourself, for the sake of your mental health, don't hide behind the dogma and restrictions of institutions. They will chew you up and spit you out if not one of the inner circle. Make my bed! I hope my sleep is as comfortable as possible, which has nothing to do with whether my bed is made. A made bed is for keeping up appearances. If you want to change the world for something positive then first care and support yourself, then help the outside parts with the care and support you showed yourself. In a diverse world represented within an AFL team, cultures are clashing. Managing players and relationships takes more than getting everyone to make their bed the same way. The commentators are living in the past. The world and AFL environments are changed. The best managers are those that can adapt and improvise to a constantly and quickly changing society or the microcosm called an AFL team. There are no templates, just evolution. Fact! Sorry, it really is an opinion, not a fact. Just trying for some humour after my weird spiel.
  6. I think, it is different strokes for different folks. Some need order, some need the chaos. The environment needs to be individualised, especially in an era that is supposed to support diversification. The act the same, look the same, deminishes those with a different cultural/social/spiritual/psychology aspect. Wouldn't want to be Hawks, one size fits all. Don't stand out, or be different as you will be ridiculed. Put your "Grey suit on", work 40 years, don't rock the boat. The joyless parody of a life less well lived. Discipline isn't the facades of conformity and group think. Leave that to the corporates, or the art of war with the leaders and followers. I want to see joy as well as success. You might have noticed, I'm anti establishment with conformity as its base for success. Gets success for a few and the rest of the plebs get the finger. I want the laissez-faire method of management, not that authoritarian stuff. Coaching style, I want what ever the coach is into. Trust has to be in that position. They are adults, treat them like that and they should act that way. Did I read a bit too much into "a messy locker room" as an analogy to conformity and culture, Nev?
  7. Our practice game at Marvel, wasn't much chop. Hoping when we play badly under the roof, we play better at the G. Perhaps, the windy and open spaces at Casey set us up for that scenario.
  8. There must be some truth to his statement. As is our anger for many seasons. I want it turned into action and good results. Though as many have pointed out, I may be dreaming!
  9. Bring the pain, to the next game, then the next, and for the whole season. Give your pain to every next team. Then I will know that what they say, they really mean, and they will do something about it. Do they want ultimate success badly enough, or is being on an AFL list good enough?
  10. They are only words. I hope they cause some change. I want to see actions. However, when anger is brought up, would also like to hear that they are going to put that pain onto other teams. Especially on Freo, being our next up game. Hurt them on the scoreboard Dees.
  11. Not much about what actions are coming on, after being angry. What are they going to do with that energy? Are they stronger, faster, more skilled, stronger willed, or ready to play when under pressure? Leave it to the coaches plan and buy in! Is there a different game plan being worked on? Is it an inclusive anger, are they all angry, or just the leadership? Are they in it together or just the core group? Some are more equal than others at the MFC. Is it only anger that we didn't make finals. Why aren't they angry about our weak mental state and years of substandard culture. Angry about our Cairns games! What about our not playing four quarters every week (fade outs), lack of pressure on opponents, our unforced errors, or of the inside 50 conversion rate. Will they be smarter and more accountable to each other? Who are they angry at, each other? What are they going to do with that energy? Lots of question need to be answered by this group. Has anything changed? I think we will know by about round 5 if it is fugazi.
  12. We do need someone who can take contested marks.
  13. Possibly put into recovery position because he couldn't breath easily. Also rolled him onto his back, if concussed he might swallow his tongue in that position. Chest hit with slight concussion.
  14. From the footage of the incident, you can see he was struggling. Placed into recovery position by the support staff, when he got up he looked like he wanted to keep playing, I also thought he was going to stagger but he got up fine and jogged off.
  15. If we can't get the ball, we can't work our system out. Long bombs into the forward line, or leads into the boundary. We still can't play when under pressure. They killed us with their pressure. They slipped too many tackles. Did not try and control the tempo. All straight line and red mist. Why can't we stop their ball movers. If English and Bruce learn to kick goals they will give it a shake. Disappointed, no confidence created to buy in. Panic, fumbles, very little 1 percenters, handball to pressure, turnovers from kicks. Too many passengers. Without May, Fritta, ANB, Langdon, Gawn and Lever, we would be completely lost.
  16. Thought there was not much love out there for or from any of the players.
  17. Thought when he got the ball he could find space. As soon as he lifted his eyes he was pressured. A couple of turnovers and early shots on goal were bad.
  18. I'm not sure "ego" is the right word. Selflessness makes more sense. I want them to have big egos, to strut and display their "feathers", they are elite players of Aussie rules. Be proud of their skills. Don't take a back step and play without second guessing or anxiety. Pump them up Goody.
  19. The practice match of the WA derby was devastating. Too much pride on the line, silver tails versus the workers. They took it a bit seriously, playing above the 90% effort. West Coast wanting to show some dominance after the first practice match and Freo trying to chase down the score. Probably no more practice matches between them in the future. Adelaide and Port too big a difference in level, GWS and Sydney don't have the same dislike. Suns and Brissy, probably not the same mentality. Hope we are smart against the dogs. No repeat of son of Smith. Just a test for our systems and to get some anaerobic effort into them.
  20. Baker does have some pretty good evasive skills. His speed can also bring some pressure to the oppositions halfbacks. I don’t think it is such a bad thing to try. T. Mac is made for the wing with his endurance. Hope his field kicking has improved. Petty is the obvious back up for CHF. It will be interesting to see were they start and finish. Why would Goody be playing mind games with the dogs or the spectators?
  21. Add Lauren Pearce to one of our most important player. She is determined. Zanker has the yips infront of goal. A few on the board, will add confidence and fix her up. We need Cummins taking marks. At times this year we have played a stylish game, with reasonable efficiency. The first game of the season was an example. We have just gone a bit downhill with use of the ball since then. Hoping they can create elite efficiency, and finish the home and away well.
  22. We are playing top teams. Wins against them, may open up the ladder for us, give us confidence going into finals (hope we make it) and improve our standard of play. Adelaide at Casey, Freo in WA and Brisbane at Casey.
  23. Lily Mithen is an almost star. She is quick, her disposal are thoughtful. Why does she seem to run into the opposition? I'd like to see her move into space and not congestion when she wins the ball. She goes a bit straight line. Needs some lateral and backward movement or some tricks and baulks, shimmy's, tight turns. I wish she hated getting tackled and becomes untouchable. Needs also to push off, or off step her opponent. They regularly seem to be right on her tail. Love that she gets to the ball first and is tough.
  24. Final quarter 9. 12. 66 To 3. 4. 22 Start of the quarter was played in our forward half, the last 10 minutes the saints got a run on. We started to miss some easy goals. Zanker, L Pearce, Hore, Daisy, Hanks, Mcnamara, Colvin, Lampard, Heath, Sherriff, Parry, Scott, played well. Tarrant did enough. Mcgee, better than first game though faded and her kicking style needs work. A good win.
  25. 3rd quarter, the lights are on. 7. 6. 48 To 1. 3. 9 What a difference scoring goals, makes. Playing with confidence and controlling the game. The midfielders are working well as a pack. Running, tackling, using the ball. Much better efficiency than last week
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