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Redleg (4/10)



  1. Gross, but true
  2. wow, Mark Robinson, thanks for separating the hysteria with common sense and reality! I'll never call you S-lobbo again ☺
  3. not surprised, crazy! Carlton - ugh!
  4. Are we to disbelieve the reports that Pert called select clubs telling them Oliver could be available?
  5. We are the ones that shopped him around, now Tim Lamb says it was never our intention to trade him. (except if we were offered a great deal). Sadly, we look like hypocrites
  6. You’re kidding, right?
  7. The news just keeps getting better and better
  8. Equalisation?
  9. Angus 💙❤️💙
  10. True
  11. It was reintroduced officially as a section, due to the advocacy of Jim Stynes during his presidency
  12. The football club is a section of the MCC. https://mcc.org.au/about-the-club/club-history/mcc-historical-timeline
  13. ok, phew
  14. god, i hope the blues don't do the impossible
  15. Yes! It’s kinda frustrating battling to get a ticket for finals, when you’ve turned up to every home game!
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