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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. Some epic emoji steez. As good as Arthur Vichot. Chapeau! Can you give us the inside goss re: the weather at this time of year? At approx 7PM to 10PM: humidity, dew point (dew on ground and therefore on ball), temperature, prevailing evening breeze (e.g. warm dry inland, sea breeze). Everyone is stating it's going to be more humid than Boonie's box on a seaming Delhi pitch but old mate Weatherzone does not comport with this narrative.
  2. My question is why didn't you run the full.
  3. Me too. I should have not put the deck on and saved the eye watering amount for this game. We would have had enough for you and me to a) buy an excavator and b) fashion an August 12th hole.
  4. No, it wouldn't. You have misunderstood my pun, which is understandable.
  5. Yes Nasher I would actually like to see that Like when Mark Riley confronted Abbott and Abbott just stood there, mute, visibly shaking Or better, like when Pyke just looked at his team as we ripped them apart (remember when we were that good?) Yep, Don Pyke style. A reverse Pyke if you will. Start "I'd like to see that" old school AFL jingle from telly
  6. I posted in the other thread (I can't recall which due to my terrible promiscuity - sorry) about the weather at approx 7.10 CST there. Low RH, low heat index, light onshore wind, temp > dew point, temp approx 22, mid winter, low chance of precip. Has anyone who is in Darwin or has been, in these conditions, able to comment on the on ground conditions? Sounds pretty good to me.
  7. I charted a flight over Hawaii last week and threw my lid deep into My Kilauea, where it was instantaneously consumed in a fiery death deep in the bowels of the lava flow, never to return. Should the MFC somehow miraculously conjure a finals appearance in the next 5 years I might just commission an expert volcano diving expedition to try and recover the molten remains and fashion them into a Viking helmet to be donned during the finals campaign. Does anyone know an expert blacksmith capable of working with a metal and igneous rock formation? All this was in preparation for a near inevitable loss this week. I better login to Wife's online betting account and see how many $ she has stashed away from endlessly backing Winx.
  8. This unnecessary bump demands a 1 month ban. I had to wade through a zillion unread posts checking the dates before getting to this.
  9. If you have a problem with writing then I have not noticed. It appears to be one of your key funky focii as evidenced by some epic writing on this topic (absolutely no offence intended) I'm absolutely shocked to learn only office workers can write letters. Shocked.
  10. Sounds like Greg Norman at Augusta
  11. In the Facebook comments. Check original link.
  12. Sure, but he has by some accounts acquitting himself reliably in the 2s. So...do we take the view he may have improved. In any case, what's the other option....
  13. INteresting comments.... Drop to 2s Biggest cat in game Geez Hope Tracc is not on teh Facies or Twitterz
  14. I think you need to write a lengthy piece outlining your Anti Jolimont Thesis to the club. Actually, are they taking member submissions? It's not DL who needs convincing. Unless Bartlett is masquerading as someone.
  15. It looks like a GP wrote it. Talls sparleus/sparticus . or is it another language for "talls: anyone got any ideas we can use?" Wizard att(ack): has anyone told Goodwin we don't have Farmer anymore? Or is it Wizard ANB? If so I think they're overestimated ANBs wizard-ness.
  16. Are Carlton third best because they never have the ball? What is their turnover to possession ratio?
  17. Would it be fair to say that a final decision needs to be made on Frosty once and for all before that happens? And by that I mean, play him for the rest of the year. Give him a chance.
  18. Bolding mine. That is a really salient point, and it seems it's forgotten a lot of the time.
  19. I Demon Wiki'd him. 3 Premierships! Rest-peck! (Sorry if that is obvious to everyone. I am not as old as a lot of you ? ?
  20. I will never forget Crackers Fn Keenan hitting up on me at the 1st at Gisborne GC, almost hitting me. I don't think he took to well to a small overweight 16 yo calling him out on it. Crackers bloody Keenan
  21. Who's Grinter with? Yeats? Yze is at the Hawks eh? Greenie? And Cam the Bruce?
  22. Well to be fair he didn't set any expectations around where at R23 I mean it is all about where you are Unfortunately for us that means somewhere south of the 8th parallel.
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