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Everything posted by Cassiew

  1. I wish I had a dollar for every time the commentator has said “dangerous kick.”
  2. Cant help but think the WNBA would do better if they’d tried to be actual female representatives of existing NBA teams, instead of entirely new teams altogether. At least these girls represent us.
  3. I knew all those missed points would come back to bite us on the bum.
  4. They’ve just fallen asleep. They missed a certain goal earlier by dropping a sitter righ in front and it’s cost them.
  5. Exactly. I think it’s time for the 1989 to make a reappearance.
  6. My dad was there. Told me all about it years later. He physically cried at the game and he’s not a man who cries easily. Couldn’t even go to a pub to commiserate afterwards. Came home and didn’t speak to us until the next day. It was awful. We all felt it.
  7. It was awful. They assured me no one else could do it. Of course the other managers friend who was a demon supporter didn’t have to. Almost as bad, after the 2000 grand final loss, I had to go right to work. It was the last thing I wanted to do. Worked late. Then I watched the 1964 highlights from “Fabulous grand finals of the 60’s” and thought to myself, “this is still the closest we have to a premiership video” ?
  8. @Clintosaurus Lol I was a LOT younger (and foolish) back then. Lost a bet along with a mate and we had to agree to run down the street naked. Waited until about 2am. Both of of us stripped to our birthday suits. Just him and me and a few other guys that watched. No one there (lucky them).Thank goodness our mates didn’t have cameras with phones back then! Had a bit of a laugh about it later. Not my famous moment, but am a woman of my word. Good lesson not to make foolish bets when drunk. Nowdays the worst I’ve had to do is wear the oppositions jumper for a day (probably even more humiliating).
  9. That would be awesome. I like how the 90’s “cheeky demon” made a reappearance. I just think the 1989 logo has been forgotten when in my opinion, it was one of the best non demon emblems we had.
  10. Since we’re not really going to gain anything from a win, I’d definently say no to Viney and just let him concentrate on round 1. Why risk any player? It’s not like premiership oints are on the line or anything.
  11. That’s not crazy, that’s awesome. I was on a trip to England a few years ago and proudly showed my red and blue in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Went to New York in 2016 and was asked a few questions about it. Might have guys just using it as an excuse to talk, but it was cool with me. Embarassed to admit I was forced to do one nudey run ?
  12. Ditto. I asked but no ones answered. My had ever intent on going, but my masseuse was late and ruined any chance of going. I asked if anyone went or took photos, but no response. The club hasn’t done any report on how it went. No photos or reports on the site. I was waiting all day for info on it on Facebook, but all I got was the female players favourite quotes. Who gives a flying f.....
  13. Would have given anything to see that. All we’ve been given over the years is the brief highlights with the prerecorded commentary or the extremely poor quality 3 minute footage from the last quarter.
  14. Oh come on. Swan, Bulldogs and Saint first premiership wait was longer than ours
  15. 1. Broke up with a guy because he badmouthed Demons. 2. Rented the 1988 grand final on tape, just to see us play in a grand final. 3. Dated incompatible guys because they were Demons supporters. 4. Actively tried to seek out tapes of our under 19’s/reserves premierships. 5. Walking out of the house during the 1998 final against St Kilda because it was too intense. 6. On having to work on the 2000 (preliminary final, I was fuming) recorded it. Came home. Tried to wait until it finished so I could watch it “live”. Eventually I succumbed to temptation and peeked on the result. 7. For the 2000 grand final, I got out all my old MFC merch and decorated the living room. 8. Numerous humiliating dares l had to do when losing games.
  16. I remember when they released the VFL/AFL grand finals on VHS in 1996. Of course Dad looked and our HAD to be the only one not surviving (they later rediscovered 1965). When getting the catalogue, he couldn’t find the 1987 or 1989 night grand finals available either (although several other ones were). I would love to see those games again. On YouTube again, you can see the whole games of many, but of course not ours. Is it some conspiracy to keep us feeling down so that we’ll feel like our only way out is to merge/relocate? So what I’m saying, will this be available to buy? I can’t imagine it selling much, but it seems that AFV will do anything to stop us seeing our team succeed.
  17. the final comment sums up my feeling “it’s better than nothing”. Yeah, but not much. i guess it’s encouraging the, saying they think we’ll find our way this year
  18. While I didn’t watch it and had no interest (not giving up a Friday night for that) if this can do for the club what our night grand final did in 1987, and sign up more potential member, I’d be stoked
  19. My masseuse was way too late and stuffed up any chance of going down and seeing the boys train. How was it? Did they good good? Anyone get any photos?
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