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Everything posted by Cassiew

  1. What’s everyone’s favourite Footy promotions? I loved “the boys are back in town” in the 90’s and “I’d like to see that”. “The thing about football” was awesome too. Of course we all love “up there Cazaly”. I’m too young to remember it, but Dad said “A little bit of Cazaly” in us was good. I think my favourite would have to be “All fired up” in 1988. Maybe because I’m such a big Pat Benatar fan and the song and film clip they used were so perfect together.
  2. They have pledge per win. I dunno if that’s the answer. Maybe we need to do the opposite. Maybe cut pays per loss.
  3. The females were bad enough. I don’t even want to think about how the men’s were. Urgh
  4. In all fairness, being female opposition supporters are pretty bad no matter what club. If I call out something, there’s always some male fan that feels he has to imitate it in the worst female voice possible. The amount of times I’ve been called a ‘b-tch’ is countless. Victoria Park was shocking. Even as a little girl, I was told by grown men to ‘shut up’ because I wasn’t a Collingwood supporter. I even once had a drunk Collingwood supporter ask me to “show my t-ts” when I was 14.
  5. In a way it was sad for me. Somehow I know deep in my heart if we beat North in the pre, we would have beaten Adelaide. I just know it.
  6. Not really me, but at a bar after a game this old guy came up to me and gave me 5 bucks. Said “since you’re a demon supporter, sweetie, go get a drink to celebrate.” Didn’t appreciate being called ‘sweetie’, but was more than happy to take the guys money. It pays to wear your gear with pride!
  7. My Bruce’s and nephew love going. What’s the train situation like?
  8. Was there for last year.we got my brothers wife to drive and pick us up. It was very packed, but you can park your car down suburban streets if you don’t mind the walk. Maybe get there early as Casey is very populated. Word of warning, AVOID the roundabout at Evans rd as it’s being closed over the weekends for works.
  9. I would say with their bright young side they’ll do fine this year
  10. I’d rather do a Richmond (win a flag and have a good season after to reward new signed up members) than do a Footscray (don’t even make the finals after winning one.)
  11. Not related, butcat a party, some idiot pushed me into a pool fully dressed. My friends bashed him severely. Sorry, about to go to the pool. Thought I’d mention it.
  12. They’re so lucky. I would have dreamed about playing for Melbourne when I was young. I was always told it would never happen. I couldn’t even play for a team because there weren’t any girls leagues where I lived and mixing just didn’t happen back then. So, I was sent to gymnastics and swimming (later diving) while I watched in envy as my brothers got to play, while I had to stick to ‘girls’ sports. Not as if I would have been any good, but I would have loved to give it a go and have fun. I can’t help but envy girls who are able to play in leagues with their brothers. Now they can fulfil their dream of playing for their team, something that was impossible in my day.
  13. We score quite well. We’re just more chosey about our men ?
  14. I don’t know. I never thought people would bring up roots.
  15. I dunno. Wearing it was so horrible. I’d almost rather do the nudie run again (if I was younger.) at least mine was only a Saints one. How did the recipient feel about it?
  16. But the good thing was if I posted it, he made a donation to charity. So, some good came out of it.
  17. Has anyone had to wear an opponents jumper as punishment. I had to agree to do it for a profile pic for 3 days. I got the last laugh as I wrote on it “at least you could have washed the sh.. off it. Wait.. it’s your team colours!”
  18. Awesome! I’ve promised to get one on my right breast if we win the premiership. And of my brother will get one on his butt. Those are really great. I love the cheeky demon he’s one of my favourite.
  19. ??? Lol mine was past midnight when no one was about except some guys I knew. Only down the street, but no clothes or even footwear allowed. Wont be doing that again in a hurry!
  20. ? At least you got to wear underwear and sneakers!
  21. Well that’s another choke that cost us the season. I’d say it’s mathematically impossible to make it now. Daisy was quiet and down on form as were a number of teammates. At lest there were a few decent kicks and marks. One thing you can take from this game was that it was pretty high scoring for a female match.
  22. What was so bad about it? One was pretty similar to most old scoreboards. The other was one the yellow and black tv. I always thought the tv, although not in colour, looked neat was had a futuristic look to it. Again, the car parks were the main drawback. But as I said, Dad always took us for a bite to eat and drink afertwards, giving us plenty of time to wait for it to calm down. Like I said before, leaving the G after a game and getting to the station is madness. I have been pushed, groped, rubbed up against, had my ass grabbed in the tight conditions, not to mention how unbearably cramped and hot it is on the train. I have opposition players ridicule me if we lost, drunk idiots trying to ask me for my number. All the great fun of leaving at Richmond. Which is why I try to go have a meal or drink before the mad rush home. And sometimes I have to work the next day, which makes me even later. The fact is for people in places such as Dandenong, Cranbourne, Springvale (all booming populations), etc, it was a really convenient place to drive to. Most of the residents of the SE surburbs were sad to see it go. I for one was devestated. I’d gone there so much in my youth, it was almost like a playground to me. I read John Cain was an MCC supporter and didn’t want the MCG losing matches. Let’s not forget how cricket and now soccer have forced the AFL of the G at several occasions. Had Waverley been upgraded, I doubt they’d be kicking us off the G for soccer. I mean take all AFL game of the G and see how long they can survive in occasional soccer internationals.
  23. Goodbye season 2018. Pathetic effort against a rubbish team.
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