This is the first thing I did (turned on the tv for this match) when getting home from the airport. Great to see us playing well again. Even if it’s only the dons, it is at Etihad so it’s a good win if we get it.
I really hope this is a wake up call. Just because you play one good quarter, you’re not invincible. Time to lick our wounds and regroup.
Only “positives” I can take out of this game is selfish ones for myself.
1. I didn’t make a dare if I lose with this one.
2. I’ll be out of the country tomorrow so I can take my mind off it.
3. Don’t have to face the laughing coworkers at work Monday.
I agree we’re definently not out of it and can still come back. It’s a long way from over, but how can you not be worried? We looked awful that quarter