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Everything posted by Deebymistake

  1. The AFL will only take meaningful action and accept responsibility when it is in their own interest to do so. Money seems to be the only language the AFL understands. I hope all the current and future legal action against the AFL forces their hand to make change.
  2. I don't know about recruiting Darling, but his return of 26.19 really needs to be put into context. West Coast were utterly terrible in 2023. They had very few winners in any part of the ground.
  3. Any chance the Auskick kid can trip and headbutt Maynard when giving him the medal? Howe too?
  4. Did I just hear that [censored] Hamish McLachlan say about KISS "world class act for the world's biggest sport?" Pffffff. What planet is he on? Soccer, basketball, tennis and cricket say hi.
  5. McVee!!!! He seems to just float over the field. Such composure and natural talent. Love him. The joy on the face of Woewodin and his family when he kicked his first goal. Joel Smith's performance in Friday nights game and Shaun in the stands loving it. Our women's team have come out firing in their first 3 games. Get behind them!
  6. Daniel sorry for everything you have experienced. I really hope you get what you need to help you heal and move forward. You have certainly put perspective to my emotions following our team’s final’s exit. Life is the biggest and most important game. Best wishes to you and all connected to you.
  7. BoBo, you are making boo-boos with your comments
  8. Dig the boot in a little deeper why don't you? Jeepers!
  9. Agree, if it can't be us, it sure in buggery can't be Collingwood. Never could be, but even more so now. Filthy, putrid, arrogant pies. Loose by an incorrect score review, a player injuring themselves in the dying seconds, an earthquake swallowing up the turf. I don't care. Just make it as painful as all hell for that club and their disgusting disciples.
  10. Done. YOU AFL are a bunch of power hungry, self entitled crooks. I will make it my life mission to ensure you get as little of my money as possible from now on. I will continue to buy my demons membership, you have my money for Friday nights ticket, but that is it. I will BYO everything to every game. I will no longer buy a cent of AFL branded merchandise. I will make my own demons gear (my kids will freakin hate me more than they already do!). I will make a cash donation to my club instead. FAFF OFF!
  11. I should mention I am not paid to promote that website! I am a nurse, parent of kids who play sport & volunteer in various organisations. Really happy to spread the word about anything that will help our community.
  12. I encourage anyone interested in learning more about traumatic brain injury and concussion to check out the below website. Lots of brilliant free resources in the way of fact sheets, 15 minute online training and more comprehensive online training for those wanting to learn more. Great resources. Get informed. You never know when the information may be of benefit. https://www.connectivity.org.au/
  13. I said nothing about violence, just wishing them a pleasant meal in the same restaurant! You want an answer to concussion in contact sport? Start by getting the AFL to acknowledge all of the research that is out there and implement real change rather than tokenistic half baked attempts to make them look like they give a stuff.
  14. I sincerely hope Maynard finds himself dining at the same restaurant as May in the off season
  15. You make so much sense. I wish the same could be said for the AFL. Profit and brand protection ooze from every decision they make. The length of suspension and appeal outcome will come down to what best serves the profit and brand of the AFL. I love my mighty demons. I despise the AFL.
  16. These kids know what they are talking about!
  17. While watching the women this evening my 10 year old said "the women are way better at kicking goals than the men, just get them to play instead". Yes sweetheart, yes.
  18. My seven year old could have come up with more inspiring words than that
  19. I would have wanted to charge straight at them and jump in the air with arms and legs swinging. Spill coffees or cause injuries? Sorry, just an act of congratulations!
  20. Just submit a blank page and call the work station minimalist, ethically sourced and carbon neutral. Done.
  21. Glorious colours, adorable pooches and a couch sprinkled with dog hair. Picture perfect. Add in the 2023 premiership cup and I am done. Life is complete.
  22. You got this mate! One foot in front of the other!
  23. Ben Brown strikes me as one of those beautiful souls that likes to serve others. He just oozes goodness. I heard him speak on the radio recently about his work in the area of equalisation in women's sport. This man must remain an employee of the MFC forever. Never let him leave! Except if he wishes to run for PM. Then of course he can go.
  24. Really pleased to say that my ticket has gone to someone who has had a tough week and is extremely grateful. Please demons, don't make this persons week any tougher. Bloody win!
  25. Posted this on the ticketing thread but no takers, so here it is again. We are falling like flies. I too am sick and can no longer go. Ticket is Q54 row A seat 11. Please someone enjoy it! No cash needed. I believe the seat is under cover!
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