Agree 100% DV8. I still have faith he can be a really good footballer for us. He looks as though he is so restrained, and trying to do everything perfectly. Needs to do the simple stuff more often
Completely agree Petracca to the twos. Not just for one week either.
i can’t agree on Fritsch sorry. Not a good game tonight but I think he will come good.
i don’t know why Wagner was dropped after last week?
Maybe Viney is fit and just had a really poor game last week. Or maybe he received an early knock last week.
Agreed that we should not be carrying unfit players but gee we need his intensity...hopefully it is his usual intensity and not the Round 1 intensity.
Or in the first quarter when he received the ball at full pace, decided to change direction at full pace and ended up laying on the ground, being tackled and caught holding the ball.
I agree. I have never laughed at work. If anyone ever tells a joke in a meeting I stare at them with an angry face and tell them to pull their head in.
Agree 100%. Twice on the weekend he received the ball running at full speed and tried to change direction at full speed...both times were a complete failure. I have no doubt he tries his best but he is an athlete not a footballer. OMac is miles ahead as a footballer in my opinion. OMac is also a very underrated kick.
You really are a wonderful poster to read after a loss. You obviously don’t know anything about KK but you want him in anyway...a lot of people really panicking. It feels like the old Demonland again!