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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Loved the Junction Oval. Played tennis there, as well. Remember the game, it was a Demon nightmare. Carl was absolutely unique and boy, could he jump. Old time footy personified.
  2. I suspect King for the Saints might put on a good performance now he is back in the team. I'd like to see him manned by Petty who is competitive and capable; this could release May to do some stuff in delivery across the game, gaining metres on working solely in the deep backline most of the time, particularly as we are not getting a great deal of mileage gained from Salem down back. Just a thought.... if we are horsing for coursing ...
  3. Jones still has talent in abundance; he is tough, he is a skilled footballer, his 'get into trouble/get out of trouble and circular evasion is very valuable, he is a good kick and passes the ball well. Reduced game time may be necessary but he is a Demon, through and through. His replacement is difficult to foresee, and in his sunset, we must develop another who can emulate his contributions.
  4. Salem has to perform ... in close and on the break with some good kicking.
  5. The Brownlow Medal, and Robbie Flower, Gary Hardeman, Greg Wells ... all robbed.
  6. The realist must affirm that one man does not make a football team successful. In this case, one man (subject) could make greater success of his own carriage onfield for the benefit of the team awaiting to receive.
  7. At the least - we are stronger than what we presented in Round 1.
  8. Hooray! Petracca has had his experience lift, but worth/value and common good for him and fans is in the forward line, as we all know and cannot comment upon lest we see ourselves criticising Wingood yet again. Kosi and Tracc could be an awesome forwardline combo outside of the KPFs. As for Gus out on a wing, we have a dual understanding of poor placement and function. He is a natural midfielder and clearance achiever. Tomlinson is useful back, but he is the rightful wingman out wide, making enormous space, taking marks and two-way running for what are becoming highly effective disposals within the creation of a whole new corridor of clearance and attack that we have lacked for so long.
  9. If he has the same name, and looks the same, and wears the same jumper and number, and demonstrates his good understanding of his teammates who all call him 'Gus', then I'd reckon it is the same player being requested to play 'Angel on the Wing' to save Goodwin's neck as the latter cannot train, coach, develop or acclimatise the required footballing type for nuts - so he sacrifices one highly talented player's footy career and a pleasing team outcome in a process of self infatuation subsidised by the MFC.
  10. As a player, May is better than Tassie (was) but they had many, many similarities and fine qualities in common. Don't forget some of the great backmen across the scarred plank of the backline that we, perhaps, are overlooking. Gary Hardeman was similarly unique and a tremendous player, with several trades producing some greats like Icke, for example - and who could forget the early Neitz? There were plenty across several decades who proved to be phantastique. Onyer, Maysie ... highly respected. At present across the League, you're the best.
  11. I'd think that this is too tangential to actually worry about. All players, despitie roles and placements on the field, should have developed and inate awarenesses, realisations and known responses (from coaching) to onfield circumstances. I don't imagine players just loitering around awaiting (more senior) instructions and cues to perform their respective roles. Our player strengths and weaknesses in relative terms are already known and observable, surely? (If he does that then I must do this.) I'd rather think that each player can determine how to support the playmakersat any time - or most times - to best effect and thus, join the playmakers' group. Is that not the role of teamwork?
  12. Mongrel is essential. It does not have to be sheer violence. Subtle accidents do occur, and players move on to the next part of the game/ground. Opposition smart-R-says are so open to advisories these days (the silent type of professional moderation despatch) that limit and complicate their initial levels of involvement and engagement for the ball. That is enough wisdom transference, in my view. Strawbs was a good player and an effective one, at that; he was full of sound advice (as described above) for all opponents whilst putting his wing around the welfare of his teammates - particularly those with duck's disease. Ricky Jackson come to mind - even clinging to the skirts of Strawbs to ensure a team possession or two during the match. We need a 'Strawbs' right now. Hence, the value of AVB when match-ready. As far as teaching is concerned, here endeth the lesson.
  13. I'd reckon that they are all underdone, as well, sadly. If we are brave, we could do with a real, unexpected surprise or two coming in against the Saints. My nobbles tell me it should be Daw and MBrown - the little 'uns must step up all over the ground and some of the previous keys should occupy and rotate the gaps such as a wing (Tomlinson) and a back pocket (Daw) and an outside mid (Kozzie), with MBrown at FFwd and Petty CHB. Nobody will like it, but it might work surprisingly well. It creates a real (not shared) responsibility at all levels of the ground with the existing framework. It may also unsettle a pretty powerful, conventional Saints line-up.
  14. The coverage is an embarassment for the Club. We are vitally interested in the performances and the efforts of Casey players, senior and VFL, gaining insights into present and future options for the AFL team (and the MFC as a whole) to achieve success and competitiveness. Our Club must address this deficit immediately, all season, all matches. There are no excuses for this oversight.
  15. Max's taps are becoming readable with complementary readings being taken by opponents in the movements of our midfielders before and during the ruckwork process. Interception for clearances is thus relatively easy - and most of Max's taps (that he wins so frequently) are soft making it even easier for opponents to manoeuvre for the ball. Crackers Keenan, a great tap ruckman, varied the force and tapped regularly in unanticipated directions using both hands / sides and force, plunging the ball down the very throats of the midfielders or out (East, West, South or North) to pre-arranged clearance assistants now known as 'outside mids'. Maxy, you are great. Now put a bit of power execution science to work - and force midfielders to respond to force, not dance to a 'close-in' spot usually too closely lateral to yourself.
  16. It would be an outrage if Danger was not heavily penalised for an avoidable collision particularly in the light of some decisions in the recent past, and from the MFC point of view, that penalty awarded to May who was stationary at the time of impact because he was occupying territory desparately wanted by a panicking player whose ball possession could be ended.
  17. The Melk would be aware of this criticism and after injury, would be attempting everything he's got in footy to contrbute to the team and to play his role, if only for personal pride reasons. He has had a long time on and off the injury listings. He is still a reasonably mobile forward and with that, experienced and adaptable, and somewhat more trustworthy than others near goal - he is also sometimes freakish in his gathers, turns and snaps when it matters. I'd give him a run when pitted against some of our lesser performers from the Freo game up forward. He can be dropped for more match practice, next time, if he underperforms. A bench seat sub can be catered for as we need more forward marks, mobility and goal-kicking acumen. If Petty or Daw do not play forward for some of the match against the Saints, then it might be a good opportunity for the Melk to slot in.
  18. 6: May 5: Lever 4: Oliver 3: McDonald 2: Petracca 1: Tomlinson
  19. With his agility on the move, he'd make a good marking exponent in the heavy stuff by coming in from the side - either side - a re-incarnation of Royce the Hart. He lands just as well as Royce did; or, he may be able to run on for alternative disposal outcomes.
  20. Fairy Nuff. Hence, I guess, a need for more direct information about Casey games required on this forum.
  21. Conservatism reigns. As does mediocrity in performance outcomes. I wonder if these two conceptualisations are related in footy?
  22. We'd also need a bit of HIbberd drive and penetration; come to think of it, right up forward, Mitch Brown would currently be useful and clever enough to kick a few, snatch a few, lead well taking defenders with him. The Melk should come in and Viney has been missed as his grunt can turn the midfield into a slaughterhouse. Petty and TMac rotate/swing CHF/ CHB and Tomlinson to the other wing. Do it!
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