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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. I found them to be the same, in general. In the past, in their quieter years, that is, they were very humble supporters not prepared to ruffle feathers or expect/demand the concessions that should have been due to them in the conduct of the former VFL. This most probably stemmed from the rather sad, lousey - no, damn right atrocious - performances that the Footiskry supporters experienced for years, no - an eternity - except for the efforts of Mr Ted Whitten. Far more integrity overall than the Filth.
  2. Sparrow really goes into the opposition with courage, intent and fine recovery. He is becoming a most reliable team member who accepts the 'unpleasant' and 'dangerous' roles as part of the game, as part of his contribution to the team, as part of his repertoire of skilful acts. I like the boy! Carna Dees.
  3. It was 'charity day' and the umpires donated heavily to the Dogs' major needs at both ends of the ground whenever needed.
  4. In general, it's sad to listen to the commentators (although some - and this is a minority - have a few clues). There seems to be a central tendency amongst the majority of their number to waffle, to forget what they said seconds, minutes, hours and days ago, to present an authoritarian statement or two for cudos, entertainment and self-preservation. In all, a thoughtless process of a redundant calling to appease the masses and ignore the minnows in footballing terms. Geez, I miss Drew Morphett and Tim Lane.
  5. Brayshaw was outstanding - his second and third and follow-up attempts across the game were examples of just what the Dees are made of - bullocking effort and anticipation.
  6. It is fantastic to win so well. The result totally invalidates the umpires' performance of the Dees match against the Cats in the final round of the H & A games, where Geelong were gifted so many unjustifiable frees and scoring opportunities whilst the Dees' frees were largely un-officiated - yet we still got home with a ripper fourth quarter. For the PF, the Cats still received at least three scoring opportunities from the umpires - all highly questionable and invalid - just to keep them in the game but it was too evident, too biased, too illegimate to charitably sustain after half-time. The result has left Geelong reeling; they were poised to expect their normal 'quota of assistance' from the umpires but the exposure was too great; they crumbled in a game where the mandatory quota of umpire-assistance was only marginally applied. The mighty Dees were subsequently seen as the more skilful team, the more capable team, the more dominant team off their own bat - and their progress across the game was outside the realm of the standard all-powerful intents of snot goblin game-fixing. If we play the Dogs in the GF, circumstances like the above will again apply and the Dees will dominate all game, to crush them. If we play Port in the GF, we will win, anyway - we have more talent and fitness, we can sustain games and related intensity for four quarters. We have the footballing public 'on our side'. Carna Dees!
  7. Stunningly adept team. Geelong lost. GF will be ours.
  8. So the crowd-pleasing mantra of the umpires (to keep the Cats in the game lest they fall behind - usually at the end of the first quarter) might not apply this evening in WA? Wish we could discuss this trend with them. A sea of red 'n blue, hell, I'd like to be there. Carna Demons!
  9. Feel free to utilise the idea at will, no charge, of course. It is something that needs widespread exposure.
  10. Just another target for us to refer to their medics....
  11. If it helps, over here in Adelaide, not one person at golf this morning wishes any form of goodwill or tolerance towards Geelong in this PF. All are scathing about the run that the Cats have received onfield across several years - but in particular, this year as a few capable teams (unexpected to most at the start of the season) have played far better football than Geelong and still lost by 'aided' margins. I have not seen such team resentment for years except for one occasion when the Dees played The Filth at the 'G, sitting within the Members stand. I think even the 'honest' media have all abandoned the Cats in this match, as well. Carna Dees! Punish the *XYZ##$!** and remember, wiping the bum is the same as cleaning up the Cats.
  12. Henry does intercept well, so a nasty accident is in the westerly breezes, no doubt. Shame about that....
  13. Yep, Hunt is vital to so many of our yardage clearances, and in catching opponents on the trot with the ball, striving for some glory. This is a blow to our potential to rip the Cats apart. His linkage work with the backline, the outside mids and into the forward line is going to be missed. Hibberd may well be spent by 3/4 time.
  14. The Demons/Cats PF is going to be a widespread challenge to Geelong's free kick differential superiority, as indicated above. All of my AFL-supporting mates (from all teams in the League) reckon the Geelong players get blatant and false frees from the umpires as 'specialist umpiring assistance' - and their opposition teams week in, week out receive very little recognition via frees of Geelong's misapplication of the rules of the game (ie: only a limited number of frees awarded to Geelong's opponents). This is now so endemic, widespread and predicatable that any match played against Geelong by any other team has modified rules and umpiring, and different umpire conduct than any other matches in the fixture. Surely, in something as focussed to the public as a PF, the AFL will do something that is fair on a level playing field with their controls over the umpires, particularly since this unfathomable free kick differential is now the talk of the general footballing public and its widespread consciousness.
  15. Is there a problem or a barrier? If so, it is regretted. Otherwise, can I remain free to express my questions on this site, my opinions and my information flows? I do dislike battles of wits, particularly with an unarmed person.
  16. We need the Harmes/Hunt show to tag and nullify. Throw in Rivers and an occasional slice of attention from Sparrow - who is starting to look like a free-wheeling gun - and we've got their strenghts covered.
  17. Against the slowing snails, Hunt is going to be a great asset across four quarters.
  18. Dangerfield and Tuohy, one hopes. The rest are manageable.
  19. Yeah...indicative of how lousey the Cats have been over so many years... hahaha
  20. I am not saying that he will be playing. I am analysing why he is training with our top squad. This is something that I would like to know, particularly at the training level, to attempt to understand what he is bringing to our preparation (so far, twice in the past week). Alternatively, it may be a decoy to unwelcome observers from Geelong FC or some other purpose, and why? As i stated, inquisitive I do remain whilst also speculative and reasoned in a circumstance where someone on DL might have a more accurate knowledge than my humble reasonings.
  21. Sombre moment to reflect ... doing it for Ron ... the most inspiring footballer, ever ... what a man ... there can be no better tribute, Dees, than to take the GF Flag and Trophy for Ron and then present it to him. The whole footballing public will understand and appreciate the win, his stature and his inspirational influence on all of our lives.
  22. In support of an animal game from Viney, I have noticed again in the second footage of training for this week (far background only, not the sharp-focussed foreground) that Majak is training in body work and recovery with the big boys of the team. This may be an interesting observation. I have visions of the unexpected Hawkins shut-down, releasing May a little to a more advantageous role with forward penetration (his kicking can be sublime) and to ease potential moves by Geelong to drop in resting rucks and/or talls as forward targets. Could all be speculation, but it still crosses the mind.
  23. Reckon we don't need Cerra. Our blokes of recent recruitments will have another year of experience and opportunity ahead of them but also to our continuing advantage, a damn-fine preparation to fortify a great 'team' season and what they brought with them, this year.
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