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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. One of the most moving clips you would ever see - and he's real! Hallowed performances. If he brings that kind of workmanship to the game tonight, look out Swans! As good as Robbi's contributions.
  2. I had him loose and with 5 in my dreams...
  3. He's possibly preparing the alimentary canal for a great opportunity upon his opponent Friday night.
  4. I'd reckon that there are a few of these mind games circulating between and across the Demons and the Swans. Sides selected tonight from which some second-thinking may be clarified. Those secrets and innuendos are difficult to ascertain, so we have to wait until Friday night, I guess.
  5. It may well have been in the past, seen in training sessions and onfield at times during games yet recently, I suspect that he is hamstrung by a niggle or two as his pace does not appear to be so astute. Hence, I questioned his relative running abilities for the game. He still remains one of the best talents we have and has been previously - a skilful exponent of the game.
  6. Important point - one of several that could be mentioned. A few Viney-esque tackles and the Swans may well start gulping.
  7. I'd doubt that a mother would seriously interrupt a son's career forcing change that is not fully necessary. He has an almost unlimited series of short and longer-term advantages staying with the Dees that can be measured by his inputs and potentials to date. My own thoughts are that Dogga will stay at the Dees, long-term. This is a shrinking world; distances are more than halved and for movement across the country, circumstances have never been better. He could have a weekly, monthly or extended visit 'home' and 'return' provided in his contract, if necessary, or some other arrangement, and still reach the heights of Demon participation and potential, meeting family needs and footballing career continuity. His independence as a younger man making his way in the world are also supported.
  8. He can do wonders, the Melk. With his form returning, he may well do some stuff to our opponents. In many ways, I see him as a mini-Franklin, surprisingly potent, at times.
  9. Wonderful use of the word 'staggering'.
  10. Good training ground for Aussie Rules ... Jackson, Petracca, many others...
  11. Bowey gets in there - gets possession - represents an elite disposer of the ball - has more hunger than Salem - can run further all game - whereas there have been limits to the form and consistency from Salem in recent times.
  12. Smith has a variety of versatile assets, up back, down front, spoiling in packs from the side. His height is important to us, his leap and his aggression (from backline experience, mainly) and his rather pacey mobility would mean many useful things in a fluent and less-congested game than those played recently in the VFL (where entire games are congested and disarrayed). At AFL level, there is more open space to exploit his manoeuvrability and opponent coverage skills when the going gets 'thick'. At the least, he may well be able to cover, spoil and occupy a feathered Swan defender - and Smith is known for his tap-ons to smalls and other teammates.
  13. If only there was a current-day clone ... absolute star quality.
  14. Wednesdays just don't go, Thursdays go too slow!
  15. ... and damage to opponents' bodies! What we really need, with JVR on the immediate future functions up forward, is more mongrel - big hearted, big bodied, big experience. Grundy could well do much of this, as a side-line to his real task. A better footballer than the Yank with a mission at cross-purposes.
  16. Me too, OD. The interest wanes after about four pages, the vitriol heightens between contributing DL fans. Still, opinion and the right to hold these tenets of democracy must prevail. Who knows, maybe there is news on the front to consider?
  17. Statements like that from the highest AFL official confirm that he does not see the benefit or right of passage provided by an even playing field and environment.
  18. Agreed, No sorrow for the good riddance of the Cats. The arrogance - bred for years from assistive AFL officialdom in all of its worst forms to the detriment of all other teams in the AFL - can only be rewarded (or negated) by another finals collapse achieved as early as possible.
  19. It's finals time. I am wondering if the umpires will finally acknowledge the amount of interference endured by Max, Clarrie, Harmes, Jackson, ANB, amongst others?
  20. Tom - Mr Fitness - will be fine. Just imagine how 'hungry' he must be to get the job done for us. He's our leading forward and will run the legs off opponents across a game.
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