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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Hopefully, Kozzie will be able to stay goalside instead of being (almost) the sole forward running here, there and everywhere (out of range of his excellent kicking) playing the whole defensive pressure contributor across the forward line.
  2. That must stop on Friday. He is so often 'out there in the wilderness of space' that he has created to spectate on the ball sailing way over to a congested mess for team rectification. He's as good as Caleb Daniel and is wasted on the field.
  3. I think we are all a little nervous about this one. We should win, but the artillery barrel had been bent slightly - enough to predict that our team is a lesser self than it was previously. The snot goblins will be out to achieve an AFL spectacular - otherwise known as a Brisbane win from behind expectations - so we can expect a reasonably steep incline on the playing field. It is going to be tough and seemingly unfair under such circumstances. Let's just hold our heads high, whatever the result.
  4. Spargo will not have to communicate in the normal fashion - vocally. It should be sufficient for him, wearing a bright red'n'blue scarf, to utilise hand gestures, arm flailing, zig-zag movements to attract even more attention whilst racing in context to pre-discussed spaces in the forward line free to rip the intestines out of confused and disoriented Brisbane backmen.
  5. It's like yelling at a brick wall - let's get Goody a hearing aid!
  6. If that was to occur, Grundy could play FFwd.
  7. It was incorrect. Kozzie was miles away, eyes fixed elsewhere, accelerating forward.
  8. Bedford, for sure. Pacey and dangerous up forward. Knows where the goals happen to be. Joel is a good consideration but it appears that after injury, he has been left off the dance card too long. With the Melk, he certainly can be a talent but it appears to be related to the roll of the dice. I wish we had a mosquito fleet in place up forward. The talls just ain't doing it for us.
  9. We have to acknowledge this aptitude. We expect one player (Kozzie) to do it all with a dummy in his mouth, as he receives little support from the static team around him. Fair suck of the sav ... and the same goes for Spargo, who could be lethal, as well. Game plans need attention and team selection has been unresponsive-to-ordinary. There is limited innovation and a highly obvious lack of footy smarts across the forward line.
  10. Pickett is just about the only Demon forward providing consistent effort to apply forward pressure. He is good at this job but has to apply it across a whole, large forward area in every game; he could be a sensational forward (and without doubt he could be if he had a willing teammate to assist in every one of these forward pressure acts, enabling his unique goal-scoring feats to shine as his experience and maturity as a player increases. Team football - team football - team football. At present, we are playing a forward line that is largely individual football.
  11. The game plan (s) needs/need some shifts as pressure is applied by teams who can 'read' what we currently offer. More work and exposure to alternatives and the appropriate implementation of these onfield is required with some urgency but it is too late in the season for this to take place. We need a clutch of harmoniously-trained 'reserve' players at the ready, given match reality opportunities across the next season and thus, the whole team may ideally be less predictable and suicidal. Conservatism had eroded what we nearly achieved across 2021/2022. We might not win the flag this year as a consequence; for next year, we face the same issues unless strategies vary in our environment.
  12. This is sound and rational. Trac already has put in an enormous season for us; injury of some/any description is reason to not play him against Brisbane, allowing for an extra week or so for significant recovery. It will break Trac's heart, it is disappointing for the fans; it transfers much of the responsibility for Trac's contributions to several 'cruisers' in the team (including thoughtful football) and is an important, highly motivating reason why the whole team should lift. Brizzy have players returning so our effort needs to be 100% across four quarters of team football. Should we win the game then Trac is ready for the next battle. If we lose the game, Trac is ready for the next season with less compromise across the board. We have the talent to win the game and the necessary personnel - stand up, Dees. I feel the same way about playing TMac and to a certain extent, Salem.
  13. This is the crux of effectiveness for Max, when up forward. Space and movement. He can be a goalkicker when he applies more care with his kicking, he can draw opposition players, he can free up the other Demon forwards, relative to the number of opposition defenders who decide on the spur of the moment that big Maxie is the greatest threat. If he creates space, imagine the effectiveness of the other forwards also having opportunities to create uncongested space - probably in multiple directions - and this would suit Fritta, BBB, Melksham, Kozzie and the very important Spargo playing very deep (forward pocket). Hell, there could also be terrific opportunities for ANB coming down and the extremely dangerous and pacey Bedford.
  14. This fact makes you so sad for the umpires themselves. How must they feel? Week in, week out; in every fixture of the season played by the Doggies; for several seasons and possibly, the season to follow the current 2022 year. So why am I so sad for the umpires, you ask? It is because - across the board - they have expended so much carbon dioxide and oxygen when blowing the whistle to announce a Doggies free kick (usually out of the blue), or to see an infringement in the Doggies' favour that no-one else saw/dreamt up or uncannily created any related stoppage that may give the Doggies some advantage over their opponents at any stage of any match - and still, the Doggies are losers. Wasted effort.
  15. coaching...gameplan...innovation...alternative plays - all missing
  16. In that sense, where May directs his kick-ins may well have an impact on our fortunes. We need another tall to roam/occupy the field elsewhere from Max's pozzy, supported by a small or two who are quick off the mark for Fwd line entries.
  17. Between the back door and the outdoor loo?
  18. That ruckman is going to be bug%%%d come half-time. Probably carried off on a stretcher!
  19. Agree, a little over-exuberant of me; it's the waiting game until tonight and I was just hoping ....
  20. Hibbo will front - can you imagine how he will feel if he misses and opportunity to smash Papley?
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