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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Tyson is a better inside mid than Jones, no doubt about that statement. Jones' real strength on both sides is outside combined with running for space to deliver. Why someone from the FD does not take Tyson into a sustained 'delivery improvement' program I will never know - it is virtually his only weakness and he has the smarts to do something about it.
  2. Interesting to note here how umpires delay the game for certain sides and not for other sides - some lucky clubs get time to man-up or to gain vital positioning downfield whilst others do not, for ball-ups, marks, free kicks and critical moments of 'excitement' when the seconds tick by at varying rates of progress before 'play on' is called. MFC are such a side on the non-receiving end of such perfect and righteous judgment. We see it each week!
  3. We've had a great first half of the season mixed with some disappointments, but these lower moments were generally well-challenged and some, unfortunately unpredicatable (ie: Geelong game). We are in a stronger position now than we have been for some time - and that position reeks of continued successes. We have shown our cards to other gamblers around the table and it has been impressive. In the second half of the season, strengths return; our depth enables us to play an ace or two by surprise and raise the bets all around the table based upon that hand. Footy is, after all, fickle in many regards so if we don't have a 'go', we ain't going to collect. I'd reckon that our FD and players have taken measurements against the threats and realise that there are strategies to overcome the odds. Just staying in a respectable position for the finals will be achievement enough; however, there are those who consider we can aim higher than such a level. Our early successes stick in the minds of our team and its management to increase pride, confidence and determination. These are the keys to continued success from improved skills, strategies and work ethics. I'd rate the year so far and an 8/10 with a finals entrance at 4th of the top 8 on the ladder. Carna Dees!
  4. Footballers, particularly in winter conditions wherein they run hard for a couple of hours constantly breathing hard, fast and heavy, often expectorate and spit/slag gunk out of their chests, throats, noses, and onto the ground it goes. I have never seen a footballer draw from within his shorts, socks or jock strap a delicately laundered and ironed 'kerchief with which such unpleasantries may be ameliorated and then, on with the game. Have you? There is nothing wrong with calling for a Chux to wipe a football, surely. It's not mud that players might be removing to alter the condition of the ball, let me assure you of that! Has one ever been playing in a game when the chips are down, going hell for leather at the leather and been required to take a mark or handle the ball when it is covered with the same gunk some player could not retain in peaceful harmony with nature? Have you ever had a 'splash' across the face from the said 'well-used football' when marking or receiving a handball? Sadly, some of us have! How delightful. Good onyer, Buddy, for wiping the ball with a Chux for the benefit of the 35 other players on the field - and I suppose, the field and boundary umpires - because this is a real outcome of some disgust when playing. It's nearly as bad as being on the bottom of a pack of 6 guys pinning you down, and one of them farts in your face as he is similarly crushed and immobilised. Talk about corrupt versions of the game?
  5. Not for me, either. Almost a risk if taken seriously.
  6. Youngsters with talent grow up and then hell breaks loose on the field. We have a great list. Culture and hunger are missing but these are bubbling now more than the recent (20 years) past.
  7. That is a fair offer - if he can provide a positive response that would be great. He is, however, NOT a midfielder. He is a flanker - the space suits his run and carry, and his passing skills with an occasional drift into the goals for scoring.
  8. Always regarded him as a very handy player with G and D qualities, to complement his speed, drive and kicking abilities. Body is a worry though, recovery, play, recovery, play, recovery, looking elsewhere?? Terrible shame.
  9. Geez, would hate to admit Viney's return is responsible for the nadir in clearances but that is a strong possibility when combined with a drop-off in form of others, as well. Viney needs several weeks of roving to get back into great form with killer instincts.
  10. Fair call. This bloke does have some pedigree football nouse, must admit.
  11. Came out of nowhere in terms of our expectations! What a very good choice it happens to be, as this bloke is quality. Let's all get behind him to make the Dees the best performing club in the competition!
  12. Agreed with the extraordinary talents of Adams and Dixon. Great at impacting games, turning the team's fortunes around and providing some team-wide opportunities. Reliability, plus! My more recent thoughts (for third best) roam far and wide. Neitz and the Ox come to mind but I feel that the Ox was the better of the two (severed by crippling injury, admittedly).Then I think of Greg Wells, Ross Dillon, Jakovich, Alves and so the list of 'nearly' the best actually continues ... So, I guess it is too hard to quantify and qualify with so many great players in contention after 1. Flower, 2. Barassi, 3. ? Just maybe : The Ox.
  13. Robbie was the best footballer, ever. Complete package and too subtle for the razzamataz.
  14. Patience in regards to Jack has never dwindled and the occurrence of his big contributions is lesser than ever before. We all acknowledge his skills and one poster suggested recently that these attributes may no longer be a necessary addition to the modern game. It appears at first glance of this situation that Jack may be rapidly approaching the sunset of a largely unfulfilled footballing career.
  15. Nope, Talisker is my clan scotch, from the Isle of Skye. Thus, genertically linked to its absorption and sensitised to its perfect effects. Plus, I bloody well love it and it is so much more available, these days. It's like barracking for a football club: loyalty, expectation, enjoyment, heaps of pleasure ... no need to go on?
  16. A decent glass of Talisker with two ice cubes per pour is strongly recommended for all occasions.
  17. And then another nuffie oracle tears strips out of concerned posters ...
  18. I was appalled to see him on the Footy Show, with Maguire and the slow brainer (Newman) ready to pounce at ridicule opportunities - including a basketball shoot-out with a faulty ring/backboard set-up to reinforce mediocrity. The MFC needs to take particular care as to who from our playing group is presented to the media where less than optimal interviews and interactions can be controlled for a deliberate, specific negative effect. It was an appalling appearance and quite degrading. Another reason to bypass watching that crap show in the future.
  19. Spargo has displayed signs of a very good player and when he gains experience and settles into the level of the game, he is going to be a gun.
  20. The talent and vigour seem to have disappeared from his game, suggesting a lack of drive at present. Does he train the house down each week? Does he control and apply himself with diet, fitness, skills practices, integrated training with teammates? Why do second-rate taggers and opponents shut him down? These issues are more than the nouse of opposition coaches 'out-coaching' Goodwin - as each week Petracca almost lines up in a new spot that may suit his game, not the team. Yet, at the end of the day he is still underperforming relative to his earlier endeavours once he made the AFL-grade competition. A poster this week suggested laziness as a driver of underperforming. Perhaps this is correct. The cries were: 'Petracca is a beast - there is no stopping him'. That impression has waned considerably further reinforcing doubt on his application at this point. He is such a potentially great footballer that all of this criticism and a related downward slide in his performances at this stage of the season could disappear in mere days and remain repatriated for the rest of the season. Let us hope that this occurs - he is a supporter favourite and is widely admired for his talents.
  21. Febes, good call under the circumstances. Hope the team can settle after the break/bye.
  22. There also seems to be too great an urgency to develop younger players for the purposes of multiple roles, positions, functions, try-outs and flexibilities. Some very good footballers are missing consistency in their experience, honing in on core skills and attributes to then employ in other areas of the game, when required at some future point. Swinging play-makers to tagging or negating roles is such an error, so early in their careers. The thing that is so good about our impression of the depth and skill of the team is that in one or two roles, these players are excelling. In multiple roles, these players are running in the ether. The loss of Lever is unfortunate but it was not panic time. It seems as though the FD considered that it was the case. Some static expectation may be required for the developing professional footballers to master just one or two key aspects of their game before considerable variation is thrust upon them. This perseverence was offered the OMac and against the expectation of many, it worked very well. It has worked for Jetta, and now Melksham and Hibberd. It might work for the Weed, it might work for Harmes, ANB, Petracca, Gus, Spargo, Hunt, Kent, Maynard and TSmith. JSmith has not really entered this domain, but should be included, as well. I have omitted many other young players to keep this post brief, but Petty, Baker are amongst the other 'sum' of players who could be extended this courtesy at a time when others a fading: hate to say it - Vince, Lewis and (dread) the Chunk.
  23. Why was it that Northey was the coach with whom very few were critical, minimalist, negative? JN was absolute as coach, just like Norm Smith, and complex in his understanding of football and the development of footballers - and the MFC. With gaps all over the field, he got the Dees to finals, big time. He was adroit, quiet, driven, so it comes as no surprise that he is/was the complete footballing gentleman (and one who was worthy of great appreciation).
  24. We have to have something new, something unexpected, something that is building the team and its experience. This may well be one of these 'needs' to be employed at this stage of the season. Petty is generating considerable interest based upon his current and improving form - we need his bulk, too - so why not give him a chance to gain from the opportunity? Our remediation is not just about one or two players, it is about an improved mindset for hard faught footballing success and Petty, including others, might well be potential drivers of such betterment.
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