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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Fully agree - onto the field and we had a target and an intercept, plus several terrific feeds. Well done, Joel.
  2. Best win this year - the hard way; the belief was tremendous. Carna Dees!
  3. The AFL needs all the allies it can muster to ensure the Demons are contained, forever. That's why he is paid by the AFL.
  4. You're speaking for yourself, jnrmac. We ALL would find it extremely pleasurable for Zorko to be cleaned up; firstly, by Viney as you state (because he would carry the dizziness and disorientation for a whole game) and secondly, by any other likely Demon candidate except Petty, such a Spaz, Hibs, Rivers, Tracca or May, just to name a few. Hell, after a few of these 'tragic' accidents, even Spargo could manage a backhander to the nethers for good measure.
  5. He's the bloke to take out pretenders and still win the ball. Hit 'em hard, Spaz. Create a few casualties. Kick goals from 50-60m out. You are a Demon, now!
  6. Now is the time: mongrel, space, leading, absolute support for all, aggressive defence. Dees by 20 pts.
  7. Max is one of those players who can play himself into form. Grundy ain't. Grundy to the bench, I agree - my impression was not a tandem ruck outfit when Grundy was recruited, it was to give Max the Miraculous a moment of rest, recuperation for effort - and a moment's peace from smacks to the head, neck, groin, knee drops and arm holding violations in the rucking duties. Grundy has heaps of interrupting umpires' decisions against him, as well. Max has few and receives none from the many infringements against him in field play.
  8. Yep, JJ ran and ran creating midfield spaces either side of halfway. He opened several corridors in that process, of which only a few were exploited. He plays taller than expected and delivers well, with no hesitations in congested areas. He is a good receiver when seen, and distribution instincts seem good; our players should be seeking him out more rather than bombing or hoping to hit targets further afield.
  9. Kozzie needs some inspiration at Casey ... Spargo could learn heaps at Casey ... Gawn & Grundy are way down on form. We were stretched as a consequence and it did not need to be so.
  10. As above: 6.May 5.Brayshaw 4.Petracca 3.McVee 2.Salem 1.Viney Spargo still a liability, we needed Chandler tonight. Bowie should come onto the ball upfield. Great effort by the Saints but better signs from the Dees, at last. Clarry, Clarry, Clarry and JVR - big difference.
  11. You mean Spargo to have four kicks, surely?
  12. Right now, before the game, it seems as though the imagination is stifled by ongoing needs in our forward line and the additional loss (once again) of Clarry. I just hope some innovation occurs to assist Tracca carry the weight of the entire half of the ground - midfield to deep forward line. I have no expectations of a win but it would be reasonable mortar for a fourth brick placing on the ladder. Let's hope Badloss has had a deeply strategic week and received a knock on the back of the head from some errant six year old on how to have players make space and play like a team in a continuous chain of mobile opportunity. Kicking straight would help, too but one step at a time, I guess. 'Carna Dees (once again).
  13. Really worth a 'starting point' try ... not too sure about Schache and BBB ... these two will have to be far more energetic and be held responsible for that expectation. Tomlinson has become more reliable now that he is fitter and JSmith has the ingredients to shake the forward arcs. A bit of mobile height and creativeness would make considerable, positive difference. We must persist with Chandler in preference to Spargo and keep Kozzie where he is so effective ... up forward.
  14. I think we all have high hopes for the rest of the season, and this heartbeat is a major element of being a current Dees' fan, just like to eons beforehand. In terms of likelihood, it is being shaped otherwise; a malleable mass led to fail, most likely. We are consequently disheartened and disappointed - from the first signs that we know are endemic to the last bounce of the season - it is a great tragedy yet it is capable of remediation and an increase in dignity. Start 'prepping for the next season - this time anew in all regards. Maybe the early bird will catch the worm or at least a confused slug wallowing in a puddle - because that would be a step forward!
  15. Currently - as seen in the games we should have won - season over. No matter how much scrambling we can muster, that's it. The approach to games is cancerous - we cannot settle into patterns A, B and C, and there are no supports or initiatives to so do. The 'learnings' are so numerous and comprehensive over the entire Goodwin journey that these are now irrelevant; no footballer can keep up with the 'unspecified'. Change has to be entire, not partial. Agree wholeheartedly with your summation, Macca.
  16. The key is 'stepping stones to goal' being overlooked for the low percentage magnificent long delivery to static forwards too far behind opportunities to bother getting to space early. We must have at least two mobile forwards - CDF. Brown is not the answer and Smith, Chandler, JJ, Sparrow and Kozzie are the answer - running parallel at appreciable speed to the forward entry 'long bomber' - and supporting the next link in the chain, and this will adjust the scoring probability immensely. Who is preventing this from occurring? It's Goodwin, time and again - and ANB et al are contained to establish a ball-up (allegedly maintaining 'possession' - fat chance). We have ailing rucks, limited creative play basics and almost no attacking supports.
  17. It is well overdue - but there is no time like the present.
  18. Bedford's game - and games to come. We knew he had it early with pace and grunt. Someone didn't play him to develop game-winning awarenesses and abilities. His raw skills were scrap-heaped through under-use without development. He seemed to pick these skills up mighty fast from the simplest of (new) efforts and opportunities. Someone seems to have got a special message through to him with relative ease, in contrast to the MFC system. He can also line the sticks up and put the ball through with evasive ease and yet, he played backline mauler against us - and dominated, stopping some of our best with relative ease and real surprise. Makes you want to puke.
  19. Perhaps better than those already given the opportunity.
  20. Ouch! Reality bites ... unless the alleged 'learnings' snap into place - but of course, these cannot be illuminated nor specified. The learnings only provide an awkward excuse ...
  21. Not a silly idea, at all. It would be great if we could utilise an improved, consistent Tomlinson to pre-support the midfielders. That is, given a game against the Saints, if he could demonstrate continuing form (as we all hope). Leaving such a role to Salem alone is not justified; we are supposed to be a team of integrated, co-ordinated team players. Goodwin has ineffective concepts of line-to-line deployments and support, it appears. There is little in the way of present progressions - leaving the responsibilities to individuals - particularly when the best co-ord team in the League - Tracca and Clarry - js separated for the short term and Hibberd is injured.
  22. One cannot be too critical of Petracca - he does so much that no other player can offer - and he can do it right across a game. Regarding his goal kicking, he does 'over-use' fancy grips and drops of the ball that have affected his goaling approach and accuracy. Some are phenomenal. Most are catastrophic, at present. He is also required/expected to/depended upon (to) make good the shortfalls and unreliable efforts of almost every midfielder and forward in the whole team approach to going forward and scoring goals - particularly in the absence of his comrade in arms, Clayton Oliver. Frustrating management and implementation of his absolute class and skills - jumbled and disjointed. He initiates and springs eternal in nearly every forward push as a matter of 'instruction' from those ignoring similar skills in those players available for selection in the hope that he will hit every target and every potential opportunity across the team. It just ain't fair; and yet, none of us can imagine a better powerhouse - we just wish he was better utilised.
  23. That is generous! When we win, it's because some of our key players , possibly 6 of them, play THEIR WAY and turn the tide.
  24. Yep, strongly agree - mediocrity is spreading across increasing numbers, weekly.
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