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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Nope, don't like Salem in the guts; his best strength is back flank for mine, he knows the Lever/May/McVee routines and clears well to position - particularly when fit or free to make running space with the ball. Some backline shepherding would help, as would run-on either side. Defensively, he's quite good at spoils and intercepts, tagging the man and short clearances to expectant and moving receivers. The backline needs him in these roles bringing more 'team' to their responsibilities onfield.
  2. Hook-foot curvers; not the best sight in execution and then, the result. A few have the habit and have owned it as their 'style' so often, yet they deliver better and split the sticks better when conventional drop-put efforts are made. The Melk, is a natural hooker and is made less reliable at the goals, for example, because of it. His record could well be doubled for goals kicked using a more standard, less variable kicking action - it's ok for short passing but that is all. Tracca has adopted the style, too, and so has ANB and Chandler. The latter has demonstrated better and more reliable accuracy with conventional efforts.
  3. Yes, Green (and Alves) could justify a best-10 nomination, as could Shawtah. Impossible to name such a listing, in reality.
  4. More common than we could imagine in those days - particularly at Viccy Park. Yes, my melee incident was minor but it hurt, it offended, it surprised, it disgusted several Demon supporters (I got a can of beer to make me feel better from one nice bloke in red 'n blue) but at the end of the day, it felt dirty, diseased, bacterially tainted after a short tussle with the smelly Filth offender and set a lifelong tone about that club and its supporters - still held today.
  5. We are dynamic and highly talented yet suffer greatly from injured players - so we must add still more depth as coverage in the team - plus train consistently with our young talent pool to enable a range of 'ready' swaps at short notice (not just game-day try-outs punctuated with our combined, enormous hopes that corners will be turned). The public entertainment rules raffle from the umpires has also hamstrung our team considerably for several seasons, as if we were walking scapegoats for intended games outcomes. Perhaps, there also seems to be an issue with our club leaders, officials and their donned associates who need to be more forthright, more challenging and more consistently aggressive about the snots' decisions that glaringly hinder, hamper and handicap our performances in games and the related implementation standards of rules in a game, not selective applications to force a certain result.
  6. Great bit of footage, Macca. Thanks so much for putting it up on DL. Wonderful memories, Demon players, heritage thoughts invoked. Was there, that day - a game that I had forgotten, over the years. l think I got a smack over the head from a Filth fan during the last quarter, as fading memories recall.
  7. Excellent signs are these not? I have some relaxing confidence in the team design across this year and further into the future with developing young players like these. Powerhouse stuff - now for the coaching team to maximise their ascension. That would be the only hesitancy one could hold, sadly.
  8. I thought Stanley was absolutely superb on the Southern Wing, as well. That raking long torp and the more steadied drop punt (closer in) scored us an enormous number of goals for a dedicated wingman. He still leaves me with the sense of absolute awe of his blind turns, dodges and run-arounds on every opposition player attempting to prevent his ball delivery or forward line penetration, let alone his accuracy with 'outside' goal-kicking. His accelerating speed could not be contested effectively, even by the alleged 'greats' assigned to stop him across many years. Definitely, Stan remains very close to the top of my list of outstanding Demons over the years, in the masterclass of the gifted clutch in red & blue.
  9. This is what we want to hear ... but why did it take years of team training and coaching to move into this critical, essential mindset and preparation?
  10. Thanks, PF. It will be great to see a comparison or two in a few weeks time - players, movers, game plans and practices, etc. It would also be nice to see those 'rubber gloved' at this point returning to compete fit and well, keen as mustard, providing the noted youth with great 'team' encouragement.
  11. On match day, Nibbler adds ... and adds ... just what we need, at unexpected moments.
  12. That was a great game of the past. Remember once screened again here ... thanks. How good was Obst? All our smalls need to emulate his movement, ball-handling, anticipation and kicking lethality.
  13. It seems such a pity ... we need a home facility, the 'G is too crowded with all but the MFC, Caulfield has so many possitives associated with it and for the Club and supporters, patrons, spheres of influence, superb development potentials and access, etc.
  14. Just imagine the exceptional insights and development cues - even supervision of physical and mental acuities - that Jeff has been/will be imparting to Kalari!!! Such 'Demon Parenthood' is soon to more fully erupt; I just hope at my age that I live long enough to see the best of it! Carna Far Ken Demons!
  15. Warm & fuzzy for me, too ... Melk certainly has been down some dark pathways with the Dees yet rebounded in particular games, then again across a few games consecutively as if the penny dropped in terms of his form - that has all led to his impressive consistency and challenge in the last half of last season before injury. Surprising, unexpected skills and decisions emerged for which he must be congratulated and encouraged. We need his experience and to use it to transform others in the 'younger' set.
  16. JT's words and deeds are worth listening to and supporting. He knows what he is doing and does it with aplomb. On reflection of the draft itself, I'd see our selections (albeit these were into the 'what's available' category), as powerful team building opportunities. Very happy with the outcomes, just a little sad we didn't have the pick to nab Duursma, too.
  17. On the upside, Koltyn appears to be twice as fast as Brett, perhaps a better kick finding targets and just that little bit more likely to mark, not spoil and play on into the path of the ball; if he turns out to be half-three quarters as good he's going to be a champion. Welcome to the Club of clubs, young man.
  18. I have been looking for a winger for the Dees, for years. Still looking and the points raised certainly form part of my dream wingman, alongside enormous poise and gutsy intercepts. I hope we have found someone close to the skills and playing style of the very great Stan Alves, just a bit taller.
  19. It's a bit more than the hair for me - moves onfield like Jacko and his agility could well develop into noticeable opportunities upfield (HFFlk) - reminds me of a young (but larger) Nathan Jones with a reliable kick when free.
  20. l would not be surprised if our frontal assault for Reid is a smokescreen. Duursma and Tholstrup
  21. A player available at pick 6 is not the leader of the draft pack. There is a reason for this, most likely. It is because that player is still on a learning curve, albeit a reliably skilled fella in comparison to a pack leader who is further advanced currently and who, perhaps, has less to learn/develop at the tender age of recruits. To my thinking, any one player coming into the Mighty Demons team(s) and procedures has a great many Club adjustments, systems, methods, personnel (etc) to still learn (ie: not yet a largely finished product) ready for the game plan, particularly if alternative plans are to be made available within a team that has traditionally been rather pedestrian in its on-field options in recent seasons. That No. 6 new player would realise these learnings and adjustments, and be more driven to achieve new demands than one who alternatively could assume changes as automatic, relying of past successes to 'get him through to the truly reliability stage' in the big time. Some 'kids' develop great skills; other 'kids' do the same but overlapping this development with great parenting provides exceptional skills and enhanced readiness.
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