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Everything posted by Dirts

  1. Just want that 400, crickey we could see 500 by the time it is done!
  2. Rumour is we get Cerra !
  3. Prefer we get a better deal than that
  4. Need a good deal.
  5. I find it strange that hogan wants to leave the dees as they hit their straps. Anyway bring in the new fellas
  6. If hogan goes we sign weeds to a 5 year deal.
  7. I I agree. Losing Neale and only getting Lobb would cause a rebellion. They need hogan now . Pick 5, 19 and cerra
  8. I think GC will give a pick too and we will throw in a next year pick for them
  9. This wins quote of the thread. Direct and fitting haha
  10. Turned up at airport and went to Etihad terminal
  11. I also believe hogan leaving opens the door for weeds stay. Pies will be all over him and hogan out means he will be the key forward.
  12. The deal is done they are holding off so afl site gets lots of hits. I am staying in here for news. Good for our sponsors!
  13. Weeds will be a star. They took there time for a reason. No jack watts syndrome
  14. Clearly hogan wants out. we need certain rolls filled simple.
  15. 11 is better as dockers would have used that pick on him. Will be a gun
  16. But we get that mid teen pick I suggested to be used on a Hibbard understudy from the west.
  17. We let Hogan go for dockers 4 th rounder. They give us Harley Bennell and bail Ben Cousins and send him over too. GC give us May KK and pick number 2 for the chance to take delisted Bugg. we then move on Oliver Brayshaw and petracca for Will Schofield at WCE. Honestly tomorrow we will haveHogan KK and nothing else or no hogan, but get May KK and will have a pick in the mid teens. That pick will be used to get a Hibbard understudy from the Wild West.
  18. Just need the deal to go ahead or not go ahead. I hear a roar in the jungle
  19. Morning. indication is deal will be done today. Me thinks we end up with 5 from Neale deal and 23. Afelaide owes us one and will give 8 and 13. 8 goes to Gold Coast with future 4th rounder for May and kk. 13 we draft another bolster (Oliver style) all guess work
  20. Tim Kelly Geelong offered pick 11 for Kelly. Bell is a dick. They are on a hope. Kelly’s management said wce only. Freo are shite
  21. And Neale will be 100 percent on the Freo outlook next year! Freo Freo Freo.
  22. As a Perth Based Demon, I do feel the need to make a few comments. Admittedly I do go to Eagles Games (Wife is a supporter, but loves the Dees too). I have many friends who support either the Dockers or WCE. What has become apparent is the Docker supporters are done. They do not match WCE in an area and many who jumped on the train to Freo in 1995, are now jumping off it. On field they are a rabble Off field they are not looking to flash their trades over the past years have been questionable their members have been told to pay more for their seats (a lot more as they stuffed up the cats at Optus Members are not renewing memberships The coach is hated The players from what I understand are not big on Fyfe (rumour) Unfortunately they had a chance to secure the one thing that has been missing for a long time at Freo. It goes to show that Freo lack any smarts. They drafted down, and didn't get what they wanted. Lobb is a good player but had they got Hogan aswell! I personally am glad they never got him and for Jesse sake hope he has a stellar year next year as a Coleman Medalist and Premiership player. Good luck to Freo and I hope the Dee's play them at the G or Optus next year so i can attend and enjoy Hogan kicking 7 goals against them and listening to their supporters moan and groan, all 12 of them!
  23. If he is what we need get him. Hated what he did but seems to be the hooker of the afl. Would be a funny turnaround.
  24. they don't have pick 5 now, unless they get from Bris
  25. As said I think the FD know what they want and Freo know what they want. It has all be pre sorted and this will be the shuffle before the 'offer' is put forward. I think MFC are in the driving seat , hence why Freo are keen to do the Draft shuffle. I think Neil will go, Freo will shuffle with Adelaide then we will get the Picks required to snare May, KK and have a pick in the first round. That first round player needs to be a ready to go player with some good ball use. I suspect the recruiters have one in mind.
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